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Marinette has known Manon for a while but as a child so wild to avoid trouble, her mom always disciplined her which makes Manon throw a tantrum. Marinette hopes she'll listen because Manon hates being told a lot by grownups. This was a matter of life and death for Manon so she has to understand. Even if she has to be the boss to get her to listen.

"Here goes nothing," Marinette said before knocking on the door as it answered.

"Ah, Ms. Marinette. Is something wrong?" Nadja asked.

"Manon's in trouble, the witches are after her" Marinette said.

"How?" Nadja asked while freaking out.

"It's complicated but you have to get Manon out of here now!" Marinette said.

"And use this. Witches can't cross a line of salt!" She gives her a jar of salt.

"Thank you" Nadja accepted it.

But then, a stinger almost touched Marinette which startled them.

"What the?!" Marinette turned.

"Prepare to get stung by Queen Wasp!" The bee-themed woman attacks.

"Get to safety!" Marinette told Nadja and Manon.

"You can't protect one thing!" Queen Wasp cackled.

"Chloe?!" Marinette recognized her.

"I'll make you pay for refusing my help!" Queen Wasp threw the spinning top at her to sting.

Marinette dodged and took out her yoyo, "Enough!" She throws her yoyo at Queen Wasp and tries to tie her.

But she jumped and still engaged in a fight, "Prepare to be squashed bug!" Queen Wasp shouted.

"Chloe, enough! I had every right to reject it to protect you!" Marinette dodged the stinger.

"I just wanted to help but you rebuffed me!" Queen Wasp yelled.

"Being a witch hunter is not about popularity, Chloe!" Marinette grabs the plank to deflect the stinger, "It's about responsibility! You didn't follow my directions and you put yourself in danger!"

"Ridiculous!" Queen Wasp kicks the plank away.

"The one who's ridiculous is you!" Marinette headlocks her, "Enough of this foolishness!"


Adrien found Lila performing again and he had to be on the lookout for anything suspicious.

"I hope Milady is doing well," He thought.

He watches on as Lila performs. Everyone barely knew who she was for a couple of weeks. It was only affecting the adults but not the children.

"No way" Adrien can see the children not getting their parents' attention at all.

He then decides to take action, "MMMMEEEEEEEOOOOOOWWWWWWW!!!!!!!" He yowled like a Werecat at the moon to put a stop to this. It managed to snap everyone out of it, no memory of how they got here.

"Huh? What's going on?" Some people wondered.

All the children were so worried about why their parents did not hear them at all. Cerise in disguise looked angry as she quietly made her way to leave backstage to get out of there.

"Oh no you don't!" Adrien leaps down.

He sniffs to get her scent. Definitely no hair scent at all but he has to track her now. If her performance was like witchcraft that affected the adults, then it means trouble for adults to not protect their kids like this.

"Come out wherever you are" He crawls on all four.

He then heard something and dodged from gold paint spilling inches close to him.

"You think I came unprepared for you, Cat Noir?" Cerise said.

"I knew something was up with you. Your performance was to affect the parents so children are defenseless!" Adrien hissed while arching his back like a cat.

"You guessed it right, Adrien" Cerise said.

"You're wearing a wig. You fraud! You're a witch, aren't you? Milady was right that something was up the moment you came to Paris. You're a compulsive liar!" Adrien extracts his claws.

"Just like a fox, I'm a mistress of illusions!" Cerise threw her wig aside, revealing her short hair.

"Technically it's called impersonation and false identity!" Adrien clawed the floor to make noise.

"You wanna play rough? Let's see how you can handle these?" She took out a magic flute to create illusions of herself.

"That won't work on me! I can smell the real you!" Adrien smells the illusions to find the real one.

But he got hurt by gold fluid which sizzled his arm, "AAAAAGH!" He pulls back.

Cerise chuckled darkly at his pain, "You want to see me as a kitty cat? Then here's my bad luck for you!" Adrien howled out for the cats to come.

"What the hell?!" Cerise got attacked by the cats.

"So, you like cats, or was that a lie?" Adrien smirked.

"That was a lie!" Cerise said.

"A bitch who cried cat!" Adrien commanded the cats to attack her.

They all overwhelmed Cerise, tackled her down, "GET......OFF........OF.....ME!!!!" Cerise blasts them all, "You're too late to save a child, werecat!" Cerise cackled and ran to grab a broom to fly away.

"SHIT!" Adrien said before he chased her down, jumping up to grab the end of the tree branch broom before it flew. Crashing into the brick chimney roof as it smashed into debris.

Groaning he got up and saw Cerise down, "Now you're mine!" He said but she threw gold fluid at him.

"AAAAAGH!!!" He fell down weakened.

"Now you will suffer, Adrien" Cerise took out a dagger.

"Go fuck yourself!" Adrien swats the dagger with his tail. He then got up and struck at her with his claws.

"Ah, ah, ah!" Queen Wasp has Marinette hostage and won't hesitate to kill her if Adrien doesn't cooperate.

"Marinette!" Adrien was shocked.

"It was an ambush!" Marinette said.

"Exactly Mari-trash. Your pussy cat is such a pathetic fighter" Queen Wasp said.

"You're the real bullshit here, Chloe! I can smell your annoying fragrance! I know it's you and you're pathetic to trust a compulsive liar who would keep her word for you! Villains can backstab another villain as pawns!" Adrien said.

"Ridiculous! Utterly ridiculous! You should've thought of seeing things my way!" Queen Wasp yelled.

"You're too reckless! That's exactly why you weren't accepted as a hunter!" Adrien snarled.

"And that is why you're easily manipulated by bad people!" Marinette had enough of her as she stomped her foot and elbow-punched her.

"AAAGH! MY NOSE!" Queen Wasp has a bloody nose.

"Move! Move!" Adrien drags Marinette with her to jump in the Seine River.

"You can't get away!" Cerise tried to catch them.

"Let them be! Did you get the girl?" Cerise asked.

"Not yet. She got away with her mother" Queen Wasp said.

"Get her now or you won't get what you want!" Cerise smacks her in the face.

"Ow! Alright!" Queen Wasp grunts.

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