Swamp Witch

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Horse chariots and people in the town were always doing their usual routine selling food and merchandise to make lives great for the people.

Rumors have been going around by mentioning an Italian woman who is a theater actress all the way from Italy. She arrived in a coach driven by two horses.

Adrien, on the roof, while wearing his mask, observed the visitor but noticed something odd about her. It was as if he could smell a strange aura but confused at the same time.

"Bonjour, Paris. It's been a very long journey coming here. I'm Lila Rossi, a theater actress all the way from Italy" The woman introduced.

The crowd applauded as she stepped out of the coach. Adrien scoffs at the times he's seen women trying to crave attention and fame but this one is just a mystery. That's another reason he doesn't like signing autographs to anyone because he doesn't do fame or popularity when he's just a Werecat who was cursed by a witch a long time ago.

"Popularity is not everything," He said.


The night when he and Marinette made it out alive from the first witch they killed, the town was horrified to see a partial Werecat boy here to terrorize innocents but young Marinette defended the boy.

"Please! He's just an innocent kid that's been cursed!" She shields him.

"I still have my humanity! If I didn't, she wouldn't be defending me!" Adrien proved that he had not attacked Marinette like an animal.

"We've seen werecats and werewolves as savage monsters!"

"For centuries they have killed many innocent lives!"

"You're just a child and if he grows up, he'll become a hunter to hunt human flesh! Just like every other apex predator younglings are being taught how to hunt!"

"He's still human at heart! I saved him from the witch!" Marinette held his hand.

"And I owe her my life for hers! Please, I lost my mother and my father abandoned me! I got nothing but I only have her as a friend to be there for me now. My mother always told me to stay strong and continue to be happy" Adrien tells them how alone and lost he felt when no one was there for him until he met Marinette.

"Please don't hurt him!" Marinette begged.

"Puuuuuuuuurrrrrrrr" Adrien purred by snuggling his face near her hair, not wanting to be executed at a young age by local people in the town.

"See? He's harmless" Marinette said while making her eyes look big and innocent.

"Meeeooowww" Adrien meowed for more petting from her.

"Aw, what a cutie." One girl said.

(End of flashback)

Of course, the town did not hate him for what he was since he hadn't attacked innocent lives but killed witches for years. He jumped off the roof and decided to tell his lady that there was a visitor in town. He got to their apartment and found her sewing her red and black cape.

"So, I hear there's a woman actress in town? I suppose you still feel annoyed again" Marinette said without looking, knowing he always comes through the open windows like a cat.

"Yes, good guess. But this one is not from London or Spain this time" Adrien still crouching like a cat.

"Okay, where?" Marinette asked.

"Italy" Adrien replied.

His lady looked at him and wondered why he felt stressed about it, "And her scent?"

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