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Adrien decides to go on another witch hunt to lure the witch out of her lair while Marinette sneaks in to find every evidence the witches are planning on what they are gonna do with the captured children.

"That actress is so getting on my nerves these days. I so hate when she gets persuasive" Adrien getting frustrated with that Italian liar coming to Paris like she owns it.

He kicks the cottage door down to find a witch but then he moves when a bear trap almost catches him, "WHOA That was close!" He exclaims.

"Get the hell out of my lair!" The frog dart-skinned witch attacks him.

"I'll do it once I've dealt with you!" Adrien extends his claws.

"I don't get scared of beasts like you!" The witch held a dagger to try and kill him outside.

"Hit me, I dare you!" Adrien dared her.

"Your nine lives are so mine when you die in hell!" The witch tried to stab him with so much speed to slow him down.

Adrien jumps over her and strikes her with his tail, "Ha-ha! Watch the tail! It can totally slap you like a third hand!"

"Damn pussy cat!" The witch got back up.

"I'm beyond a pussy cat! MEOW!" He pounced and sank his claws into her neck to kill her. He pulled his claws out of her and threw the body aside. He yowled out loud in victory to let out his inner beast feel it.


With Marinette, she has put on her red dotted neckerchief to cover her face while sneaking. Her kitty manages to lure the witch out while she finds the dark magic spellbook as evidence to figure out why they want these children.

"Alright let's get started" She got what she came for and she hoped her kitty fought off and made it back alive. Her kitty can be a badass all the time since his anger always makes him strong enough to kill witches.

She heard a distant howl of a cat and guessed he had killed the witch in victory again, "That's his cue" She ran in his direction.

Once they meet up, Ladybug shows him the book. Only for him to hiss at it since he can sense dark energy in that book.

"Kitty relax!" Marinette pleaded.

"My inner beast doesn't like it at all!" Adrien said.

"But we need to know their master plan," Marinette said.

"Fine, fine. Let's calm down" Adrien breathes in and out.

"I know you hate witches and I do too. But to know what they are planning, we have to know their secrets" Marinette said.

"Right," Adrien opened the book.

"Not here! We need to get back to the city" Marinette said.

"Oh, right, sorry" He closed the book.

"Are you happy now that you get to kick ass to calm your nerves?" Marinette asked.

"Yes, I am," Adrien said.

"Good. Maybe next time you should pretend that witches are your mice to eat" Marinette walks with him.

"Purrhaps, I'm the apex predator around here," Adrien said.

"Yes, well, your feline family members are equally on top of the food chain with the rest of the canine family members," Marinette said before coming back to town.

"Oh yes," Adrien held her hand.

"You always tell yourself you're the cat's meow," Marinette said.

"And a legend" Adrien purred before making their way in the apartment.

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