#27: Xionese Civil War: 1

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Priyanshi came the next day, Viraj helped her get a good PG near their Colony. For next few days she will train under Dilip sensei and also join missions together.

Dilip sensei said if they will be promoted to Admirals will be sorted under a marshal who will be there commander in battle or on Earth. They help marshals in missions which were actually level A or S missions. Untill now they had been doing mostly level C mission but the earlier one which was known as the Nobleman Virendra Chandra-vardhan rescue mission was given A rank mission.

They asked how many Dilip sensei have as admirals under him. Dilip sensei replied 3. They handle most of his mission, only high risk level S missions they carry out together which occurs once in a blue moon. Dilip sensei have trained them too since their beginning like he have done with Viraj.

Dilip sensei is the only one who trains and helps his students to grow. All his other three students have become his admirals but one of his student died when he tried to become a Marshal. To become a marshal the admiral need to clear a SS rank mission alone. Which would have been done by team of Admirals or in some cases Marshal and his team of Admirals but the fellow tried to do it and Dilip sensei couldn't save him. Since then he haven't trained anyone until Viraj. Dilip sensei has a talent to identify potential. He has accepted Priyanshi also because of her immense potential and talents. She haven't been trained by anyone since she has joined but she will give tough competition to Viraj who is a gifted one and been trained by Dilip sensei.

They trained for 3 days and they were off for a level A mission in Xion, time in Xion is 1 hour = 1 day at Xion. The mission is to destroy a modern army of 1 million trained Astral users of the rank A and B. This will be an arial battle as the military thats invading Xion is from Khorgpoh, which is a very advanced military. They will have Admiral level or Marshal level enemies there. Xion have admiral level astral users but have only 2 Marshal Knights. They asked help from Earth and Temer, Temer will provide 2 Marshals and an army of 10000 and Earth will be providing 1 Marshals 3 Admirals and 2 A* ranker knights. This is a proper war.

Nuclear weaponry will be used in here. Dilip sensei trained them to heightened their radiation resistance. Priyanshi was very good in it whereas was so so. His healing is of course top notch, can be said better some Marshals.

At the junction they met, the 3 admirals of Dilip Sensei, Aarohi Mehta she is from Rajkot, special ability: X ray vision, then Rajbir Singh from Agra, special ability: Time abilities and elemental transformation, next Jennifer Lyngdoh from Shillong, special abilities: UV abilities and psychosis.

Rajbir said, "hello juniors, call me Raj bhaiya, call me if you need any help", he turned towards Viraj and said, "Have you notice our names are reverse of each other." Viraj smiled and well a little creeped by the over enthusiastic senior. The other two were normal seniors and welcomed them well. They were of 26-27 years and have been working under Dilip sensei for about 2-3 years. Rajbir also tried for Marshal but he failed in the first test itself. The test for Marshal on Earth was quite tough.

They got into the hyperloop and reached Xion. The think to remember for them 1 minute in Xion was 2 minute in Earth. They met their Leader of Marshals and was ready for battle. Khorgpoh just wanted to occupy Xion. Khorgpoh was a planet near Xion like Mars was near Earth. Khorgpoh was colonized by Xionian but the people their later declared themselves independent. There was no wars for almost 200 hundred years but now Khorgpoh want to occupy their mother planet Xion.

So its a battle between Xionians itself to be precise. The 1st fleet was on its way, it was visible in the sky. Dilip sensei flew and following him flew all his Admirals, Viraj and Priyanshi. Priyanshi has invoked all her natural attributes but she can't use the wind attribute to fly but she was using are special attribute Gravity. The army who could fly flew and others took flying battle bikes, which had inbuilt weapon systems. Some larger aircrafts were there releasing missiles at them. This was a mordern warfare of missiles and drones. The Khorgpohian army also released smaller flying crafts and some of them just dropped who had the ability to fly.

Dilip sensei released a fire beam that dissected a carrier. Viraj released his fusion beam that passed through three carriers. The admirals were impressed. Priyanshi had invoked a new special attribute she had been perfecting, it was nuclear fission, a process which also releases a huge energy. When she extracts soil she can accumulate the reactive elements and create a nuclear fission reaction in the rocky blades of her that when collides with enemy creates a huge boom. It was a nuclear warhead.

The fleet avoided landing there and kept on moving forward. Their army was asked to drop. Jennifer released an array of UV slashes which killed a lot of flying enemies. Rajbir releasing an array of metal bullets like machine gun from thin air. But as they kept fighting 2nd 3rd and 4th fleet were here, they instead of landing kept on sending the army from even from a semi space area. Priyanshi created a fission missile accumulating a large pile of her rock blades and releasing it at the 2nd fleet. This missile was faster than the missiles released by the war aircrafts. It hit the 2nd fleet and destroyed it. Aarohi helped Viraj and Priyanshi by pin pointing them to attack at week spots of the enemy aircrafts. Viraj release a huge lightning bolt that made the nearby air crafts of the enemy dysfunctional and crash.

It was not that the Xionian Army were winning it was that Dilip's team doing better than others. Dilip sensei then made a space cutting slash that destroyed or to be precise disintegrated anything in its path taking down the 3rd fleet. The fleets were destroyed but most of the army almost hundred thousands of them escaped and most of them landed. Then a lot of enemy aircrafts now and air-bikes now killing and destroying ground troops.

Dilip sensei asked his team to land. Viraj custom made two Kusarigama that can extend upto 30 feet. Priyanshi would be using her rocky blades, Dilip sensei used his custom long sword. Rajbir firing his metal bullets as always. Aarohi using an assault rifle with a bayonet infront, Jennifer had two invisible UV blades. They were ready to wreck havoc on ground.

The teams were dispersed as 2-2 and went in 3 different directions. Rajbir and Jennifer, Dilip Sensei and Aarohi and Priyanshi and Viraj. Priyanshi's rocky blades with fire were piercing through the enemies 2-3 at a time. Viraj's had been practicing Kusarigama for a week now and with use of his telekinesis, the kusarigama were like electric serpents which gets straightened and flexible at Viraj's will.

After completely destroying this army, team of Marshal Dilip wrecked havoc upon the first three fleets. Some of the enemy army escaped by fleeing. But they were beyond pursuit.

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