#1: The Unfortunate Caves

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#1: The Unfortunate Caves

The 1st-semester exams were over and the students were quite happy. Some of the students of KMP College decided to go on a picnic. They wanted to go someplace near, hence, finalised a nearby tourist hill. It was 23rd December, their picnic day, the boys went by bike though rented a car for the girls. There were 4 boys and 6 girls who were ready for the trip. At 5:30 am they gathered in front of their college gate. "Where are the rest of them", asked Gaurav one of the 1st year students. "Just  called them, they are coming, reached Fancy", Kritika replied one of students. Nishiket and Viraj just arrived, "Here they are. You two are late, what is the use of sports bikes, if two can't come flying", Kritika muttered. Viraj replied, "You should ride the bike at a speed of 90 on this foggy morning, then will understand our condition."

"People who travel by car will never understand", Nishiket add to Viraj's words. Kritika had a car, which she could drive well. Gaurav came with Karan another of their classmate who went inside the college to the washroom, actually to have some puffs of cigarettes. The other girls were staying at a PG nearby and Kritika went to pick them up along with Viraj and Nishiket on their bikes. They all buckled up and went for the ride. It was a short ride of 50-60 minutes. Karan reached the fastest in 44 minutes. Other tourists were also present at that picnic spot. It was common during this time of the year, lots of locals come by for an outdoor treat. The beautiful scenery along with the warm winter sun surrounded the area. The fog was reducing gradually with time.

Karan and Viraj went up to the hill to roam, Nishiket was the main cook and Gaurav was the helper. The girls were dancing to the music. They brought a speaker to annoy people.
Karan was out of breath as they climbed up more. "Stop having cigarettes, or you won't be able to run even a mile properly", Viraj advised. "Leave it, brother, I tried a lot but couldn't, got this from Kota and it has stayed with me." They reached the waterfall, it was a small waterfall coming from a stip rock which was not climbable for them. Karan saw something behind the Waterfall.
"Viraj, there is something behind the waterfall", Karan replied.

"Brother you are hallucinating, what was in your cigarettes", asked Viraj.
As Karan insisted on checking in, they walked on the periphery of the pool, they could a cave just behind the waterfall. Karan without any hesitation and warning went in... Viraj though didn't wanted to go in had to follow him. "ARE YOU CRAZY MATE??? why have you jumped in here, snakes and what not can be here" said Viraj."Don't worry about snakes they hibernate in winter", said Karan jokingly.

As they explored in they could find a place where some rocks were kept. Smooth round rocks were kept, and a total of 7 of them were there. They had different kinds of flowers growing and surrounding each stone. Viraj took a photos of each of them to show to their professors to know more about them. "Let's go Karan", said Viraj. "Yeah, nothing interesting is here. Let's go", said Karan and they moved out.
They talked about the place and decided to keep it a secret from others for now. The picnic went well and they all enjoyed it. Almost by 4 pm they returned back and reached their college front again and travelled back to their homes after that.

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