Chapter Fifty-Eight: Sibling Starborn Interlude

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Jingliu, observing the swift change in demeanor, realized the deep respect—or perhaps fear—that Vahn commanded. 'Vahn is indeed the eldest, or the most revered,' she concluded.

With a nod from Jingliu, Vahn reciprocated the gesture, and the two prepared to delve into matters that required privacy and likely, considerable explanation.


As Jingliu and Vahn remained behind for a private discussion, the rest of the group made their way back home. Along the path, Holos, buoyed by the reunion, draped his arms around Boras's shoulders, the physical closeness a testament to their deep, brotherly bond.

Holos, bursting with joviality, laughed heartily. "Boras! You son of a—"

"Holos, you better shut that mouth before you finish that sentence, or I will plunge this sword deep into you," Mono interjected sharply, her irritation palpable though her gaze frequently darted towards Boras's back.

Unfazed, Holos retorted without looking at her. "You are the last person to reprimand me for swearing, and isn't that ironic coming from a blood-lusted dwarf hellbent on Destruction?"

Mono's teeth gritted at the comment, nearly losing her composure but was soothed by Adabas, who gently grasped her twin's hand. "Now, now, Holos. She's just frustrated that her battle ended so abruptly."

"And short! Why does Jingliu always see the need to end things quickly? I WANT TO PLAY MORE!" Mono's voice rose in exasperation, only to be quieted by Adabas' calming presence.

Mono huffed and glanced at Pluto, whose helmet was notably damaged. Catching Pluto's melancholic gaze, Mono sensed her sister's deepening sadness, reminiscent of a painful memory, and chose to remain silent. Adabas noted this too, with a side-eye acknowledging the ensuing quiet.

Yara observed the shift in atmosphere and decided to withdraw. "Since everyone has gone quiet, I shall return to my humble abode."

Seris, her curiosity piqued, opened one eye. "And continue your experiments?" she inquired, expecting a typical affirmative.

However, Yara's response diverged from the expected. "Yes... No. Actually, I've been considering what Jingliu said about my potential combat skills. I want to explore that further."

The group, particularly Seris, looked at Yara with a mix of surprise and pride. "I see... then, I wish you good luck," Seris responded warmly, internally pleased by the positive influence Jingliu had brought.

Yara paused, then nodded appreciatively. "Thank you." Approaching a conjured magic circle that shimmered like a doorway, she paused to offer a parting smile. "I truly mean it." With those final words, she stepped through the portal and vanished.

The group fell into a reflective silence, broken only by Boras' contemplative remark. "Huh, didn't think she'd open up that much." His genuine curiosity about Yara's development sparked further interest in what transformations had occurred during his absence.

Icaria, playing with the flames on her fingers, shrugged. "A lot of things happened, mostly revolving around our newest sister."

Boras, noting a change in Icaria too, commented, "And you too. You're much more... calm. It's unsettling to see."

"Hey! Are you insulting me!?" Icaria retorted, her flames spreading up her arm in a visible display of her irritation.

Seris couldn't help but giggle at the scene, relishing the rare display of familial banter. Then, recalling another absent member, she asked, "By the way, Boras, how's Miquella and the others doing?"

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