The song came to the end and the crowd roared. I instantly felt relieved. We had the crowd at a finger tips and it was ecstatic!.

Alex began to introduce the band, telling the crowd that we don't have leads and that we all take turns playing instruments. As he drown on, me and Cara kept whispering stupid comments to each other.

"This next one is called Snap out of it, written by our amazing Ingrid!" I gave an awkward wave before letting out a giggle. I swapped with Nick taking a stool and he got his bass from the side of the stage. Alex again lead this song however I did a lot of the backing singing so I adjusted the microphone slightly. Then began I began to count us in.

A/N: Alexia play, snap out of it by Artic Monkeys
I had recently wrote this song based on the moods that Lizzie gets into. The other bandmates knew this as we shared a lot when we wrote our songs. Throughout the song Nick and Cara kept coming near to me as we played together.
Again the crowd went crazy when the song finished.

"Ok so we have one more song to play for you tonight guys!" Alex started. I stood up from the stool and walked towards the microphone.

"This last one will get you on your feet and ready for your night out" I exclaimed.
"It's called sweet nothing"

As I finished introducing the song Alex and Nick instantly began to play the drums and guitar. Cara by our newest piece of tech as we wanted to make more upbeat songs.

A/N- Alexia Babe, play sweet nothing by Florence and Calvin Harris.

"You give me nothing..." the base hits and I look out to see everyone dancing. Even Lizzie.

"Thank you very much guys!" The four of us stand in a line and we take a quick bow before running off stage.

"That was amazing guys!" Cara pulled us all in to a group hug.
"We need to do this more often! I'm on such a high" I squealed into the huddle.
"You were fire Ingrid!" Nick rubbed my back.

We broke our hug to the sound of clapping behind us. I turned around and it was Lizzie. I gave her a smile before pulling her in for a hug.

"My angel, you made me so proud!" She hadn't used my nickname for a while. I thanked her by giving her a kiss on the forehead. However she didn't look up or acknowledge it. Instead she just stared in Cara's direction.
Before long Nick's girlfriend, Olivia had joined up back stage and we broke into little conversations.
"Celebrational drinks?" Alex clapped his hands to get everyone's attention. We all cheer and follow him. Lizzie not letting go of my hand. I look over at Cara who gave me a sad smile before Alex ushered her on.

We walked into town towards a bar called the lost lounge. One of our band's favourite places to hang. As we were walking down me and Lizzie caught up to Cara and Alex. Alex offers me a cigarette from his box. I took one and leant to Cara who already was trying to light her cigarette so I could do the same with mine. When I then turned to face the direction I was walking I noticed Lizzie also had a cigarette. I raised my eyebrow to her and she just seductively smirked as she shrugged her shoulders.

We entered the bar and found one of the cushions floor tables to sit at. I took the menu to have a look through with Lizzie and one by one people went up to the bar. Once Lizzie chose she engaged in conversation with Olivia. I finally picked what I wanted and walked over to the bar with Cara.
"So she enjoyed the set" Cara nudged me as we reached the bar. I nodded.
"Little does she know half of the lyrics are complaining about her" Cara chuckled. I rolled my eyes before looking over at Lizzie who as well as talking to Olivia was concentrating on mine and Cara's actions.

Once our drinks were made I walked them up to where we were sat and Lizzie thanked me for her drink before cozying back up to me. I gave in to the affection as I had craved it so much recently.

We continued to drink for a good few hours. Lizzie trying to get my attention whenever I spoke to Cara. I didn't give in towards the end. That is until Lizzie forcefully grabbed by chin and turned me towards her. She kissed me passionately on the lips. The boys within the group began to cheer in a jokey way.

"You don't mind if I steal my rockstar from you" Lizzie pulled me up by my arms. I got up and made eye contact with Nick and Alex that just gave me the eyebrows. As we turned towards the door I caught my last glimpse of Cara, here face held a sad smile again.

I could only think of why I was getting the reactions from the two girls. Jealously.

A/N - Here you goooooo!

Please listen to them songs, the lyrics/music are there for reason!!!!

Let me know what you think is going to happen.

Bigger shit will be going down eventually!

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Stay safeeee xoxoxox

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