52| Unexcpected Behavior

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I stood at my locker alongside Logan and Nathan, chatting about our plans for the weekend, when suddenly, Gemma appeared.

She was approaching with a determined glint in her eye. I felt a knot of unease in my stomach, sensing her intentions.

Before I could react, Gemma leaned in as if to kiss me. Instinctively, I pulled away, caught off guard by her boldness.

But then, to my shock, she tried again, planting a kiss on my lips before I could stop her. Confusion and disbelief raced through my mind as I tried to make sense of what had just happened.


I walked with the girls heading to put away our books. As we turned a corner, I froze in my tracks, my heart sinking at the sight before me.

There stood Grayson, locked in an intimate moment with Gemma.

"Please tell me I'm seeing that wrong," Jordan whispered, her voice filled with disbelief.

Grayson pushed Gemma away, but the damage was already done. Hurt and betrayal flooded through me.

"Kiara, let me explain -" Grayson began, but fury blazed in my eyes. He was taking steps towards me.

"Don't you dare touch me," I interrupted, placing a hand between us to keep  distance.

Hurt flickered in Grayson's eyes as he pleaded to explain, but my pain was too raw.

"I think I've got the gist of what this is. And what we are," I said, my voice trembling with anger and heartache. "I don't want you near me again, Grayson. We're done. You and I finished. There's no 'us' anymore."

Tears welled up in my eyes, my voice breaking as I continued, "Grayson, this fucking hurts. Jesus Christ, and I thought I'd finally settled in for love."



Mila, Jordan and Kayla all looked at me with a mix of disappointment and anger.

I looked back at Kiara.

It felt like a knife twisting in my gut, seeing the hurt in her eyes as she looked at me. Her gaze was filled with such raw pain, like I had shattered something precious between us. It made my heart ache, realizing the depth of the betrayal she must have felt.

She turned around and started walking.

With every step she took, it felt like the world was crippling down on me, one step at a time.

I moved to go after me, but Nathan stepped in, placing a hand at my chest. "Leave her be, she needs space," Nathan advised.

I watched helplessly as she disappeared into the crowd, my heart heavy with regret and sorrow.

All I could do was stand there, staring at her retreating figure, knowing that I had lost something irreplaceable.

Tears stung my eyes as I stood there, the weight of a misunderstanding crushing me.

Grayson, you loved her. Why would you do this to her?" Gemmas voice said in a mockery tone.

"Fuck you. Literally fuck you. Ive put off with your bullshit for fucking years and this, this was crossing the damn fucking line. I've shown and told you many times that i dont want you, Gemma. Not yesterday, not today and most definitely tomorrow. Shit, Gemma, you ruined something for me. I don't want you near me again. Don't even speak a word to me." I spat out, my anger boiling over me.

I turned away and walked through the dispersing crowd, feeling utterly lost.

The guys were gonna follow, but I put my hand up, stopping then, and needed to be alone.

The hallway echoed with silence, broken only by the sound of my retreating footsteps. The once-promising love between us now lay shattered, leaving both of us to grapple with the painful aftermath of broken trust and heartache.



Once we were away from the commotion, I stopped in my tracks, feeling the weight of the situation settling in. Without hesitation, the girls enveloped me in their comforting embrace.

"I'm so sorry, Kie," Jordan said, her voice filled with genuine sympathy.

"You didn't deserve to see that," Kayla added, her words laced with concern.

"Ah, I'm here for you, Kiara. We all are," Mila chimed in, her presence offering solace in the midst of my overwhelming emotions.

Tears streamed down my face uncontrollably, a mixture of heartbreak and disbelief clouding my thoughts.

After exchanging heartfelt goodbyes with the girls.

I exited the school doors, my emotions swirling inside me, my heart heavy with pain.

I spotted Jayden waiting by his car with his friends, and the tears welling in my eyes didn't go unnoticed.

Jayden immediately sensed that something was deeply wrong.

"We're leaving. Now," I said, my voice trembling with emotion.

Jayden nodded silently, sensing the gravity of the situation, and followed me as I walked towards the car. He reached out and grabbed my hand in a gesture of support, but I pulled away.

"Stop, Jayden. I don't want to talk about it," I insisted, my voice cracking with emotion.

"Was it Grayson?" Jayden asked, his concern etched on his face.

"No, it wasn't," I replied, trying to hold back the tears threatening to spill over.

"You're lying to me, Kie. What did he do?" Jayden pressed, his protective instincts kicking in.

"I told you, I'm not gonna talk about it. Not now," I insisted, my voice strained with emotion.

"Did he hurt you? I'm going to kill him," Jayden's voice grew angry, his protective instincts flaring.

"No, stop. I swear, if you even speak a bad word to him, Jayden..." I warned, my voice pleading for restraint.

"Okay. Then let's just go," Jayden relented, recognizing that pushing me further would only escalate the situation.



I entered my dad's office, seeking solace and a moment to collect my thoughts.

My dad, glanced up from his desk, his desk cluttered with paperwork.

" you okay?" his dad asked, concern etched in his voice.

"No, I'm not okay, Dad. I've ruined things. I messed up," I confessed, my words heavy with regret.

"What did you do?" his dad inquired, his expression shifting to one of seriousness.

And so, I told him everything.

"Seems like that girl never knows when to stop," Dad remarked, leaning back on his desk with a sigh.

"Literally. I swear, Dad, she doesn't. She never does. Im so fucking done with her." I explained, frustration evident in my tone. The weight of the misunderstanding with Kiara was heavy on my shoulders, and Gemma's actions had only exacerbated the situation.

After sharing everything with my dad, he offered advice. "You need to go talk to her—"

"I know, Dad, and I will. I just can't do it now. She's really upset. She's hurt, Dad. She won't talk to me if I try now," I admitted, feeling the weight of Kiara's pain and anger.

Dad nodded in understanding. "Give her some time, but don't wait too long. The longer you wait, the harder it might be," he cautioned, his tone filled with wisdom.

I took a deep breath, absorbing his words. "I'll figure it out. Thanks, Dad," I said gratefully, appreciating his support.

With a nod from my dad, I left his office with a renewed sense of purpose, knowing that I needed to mend things with Kiara and show her that I was truly sorry for what had happened

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