16| A Gentle Touch

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I can't seem to take my eyes off her.

The sun was shinning on her face making her glow more than she already does.

She's seated all the way on the other side of the class.

Her hairs up in a messy bun and some pieces are out.

She was wearing a pair of jeans that hugged her thighs well, but flared out more from the knee and a white cropped long sleeve t-shirt with a collar.

She was leaning back on the chair. She was bitting on the top of the black pen in her hands.

She was staring intensively at what Mr Craig  was teaching and whenever she heard something that sounded import she'd write it down.

"Dude?" Logan called out nudging my shoulder with his.

"What?" I asked.

"You realize you've been staring at her for twenty minutes?"


"You like her?" He asks.

I shoot him a look.

"I'm just asking." He says in surrender.

"Yeah man you haven't taken your eyes off her ever since she walked in." Nathan adds.

I shake my head and focus back on Mr craig but would glance at her every now and then and eveytime I looked at her, she had a different expression on her face evey time.

"That wasn't a yes or no though." I hear Nathan whisper to Logan.

"Mmm." Logan says.

True. It wasn't a yes or a no. I don't even know if do or not. I feel soemthing inside me eveeytime I'm with her, but I just don't know what the fuck it is.

And it annoys me not knwoing what it is.


I have a free period now, so I'm going to the library.

I walk into the library and I'm the only one here...again.

Do people not like the library or do they not like reading or something?!

"Ms. Scott." I greet as I see her organising some of the books in the poetry section. She turns around a smile make sure way onto her lips.

"You back?"


"You need help?" I ask needing to do something actually.

"Yeah please. come." I made my way to the shelf and she handed me a box that's already half empty.

"Just sort these out at the top shelf by their authors." I nod.

I place the box on the floor next to me and pick up the books that have the same author.

"Well how was your book? Or how is it going if you haven't finished."

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