25| Touchdowns and Teasing Friends

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I woke up unusually late this morning, the sun already high in the sky casting golden hues through my bedroom window

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I woke up unusually late this morning, the sun already high in the sky casting golden hues through my bedroom window. With a jolt, I realized I had overslept, setting off a chain reaction of hurried movements. A quick shower refreshed me, and I hastily threw on a pair of grey jeans and a fitted white top, opting for simple elegance.

 A quick shower refreshed me, and I hastily threw on a pair of grey jeans and a fitted white top, opting for simple elegance

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Rushing through the quiet corridors of the school, I made a beeline for my locker. The halls, usually bustling with chatter, were eerily silent in the early hours. Fumbling with the lock, I grabbed the necessary books and supplies, my heart pounding from both exertion and the stress of being late.

Breathlessly, I continued towards my first class, my footsteps echoing in the empty hallways. With each hurried step, my mind raced through the day's schedule, mentally preparing for the lessons ahead.

Arriving at the classroom door, I paused to catch my breath before pushing it open. Inside, the room was dimly lit, the glow from the video screen casting shadows across the walls. All eyes turned towards me as I entered, a wave of self-consciousness washing over me at the sudden attention.

Mr. Craig, my teacher, glanced up from his desk with a welcoming smile tempered by a hint of admonishment. "Sorry I'm late, Mr. Craig," I offered, trying to keep my voice steady despite my racing pulse.

"Don't worry about it," he replied kindly, gesturing for me to take my seat. "Just try to be on time next class."

Nodding in relief, I quickly found my way to an empty desk at the back of the room. As I passed by, familiar faces greeted me with smiles and subtle waves. Nathan, always quick with a comment, whispered a greeting as I passed.

"How are you holding up?" he murmured.

"I'm okay," I whispered back, managing a small smile.

"Good to hear," he grinned before focusing back on the front, just in time to avoid Mr. Craig's stern gaze.

Suppressing a laugh, I settled into my seat, the warmth of familiarity easing my nerves as the lesson began.

Midway through the video, Grayson leaned over and asked if he could join me at my desk. I nodded silently, feeling a rush of excitement mixed with nervousness as he settled in beside me. His mere presence sent a flutter through my chest, a sensation I struggled to contain in the darkened classroom.

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