10| Whispers of Remembrance

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rs. Voss," I greeted as I watched her bustling around my dad's office, organizing papers spread all over her desk.

"Oh, Grayson," she acknowledged distractedly, clearly busy. "Where's your dad? I need to talk to him about something serious, as soon as possible."

"He should be here any moment," I replied, taking a seat on the armrest of one of the dark grey couches.

Just as I said that, my dad walked in, his expression serious.

"Finally, Mr. Taylor, good morning. Um, Mr. Wells quit," Mrs. Voss informed him without preamble.

I was taken aback. Mr. Wells quitting was unexpected, but not entirely surprising given the circumstances.

"Why the hell did he quit?" My dad's tone was sharp, and he looked visibly angered.

"He said the boys disrespect him, don't listen, and talk back with a disgusting attitude," Mrs. Voss explained, her voice tinged with frustration.

"When did this happen?" My dad asked, standing in the middle of the office with his arms crossed, glaring at Mrs. Voss.

"This morning," she replied evenly.

"Amazing," my dad muttered, throwing his hands up in exasperation before pinching the bridge of his nose. He turned away, heading to his desk and leaning against it, arms still crossed as he tried to collect his thoughts.

"So I need to find someone else to coach them... again," he sighed heavily, clearly weary of the recurring issue.

The basketball team's lack of respect for their coaches had led to four resignations now, including Mr. Wells'. It was a persistent problem that I had witnessed firsthand.

My dad had talked to the team numerous times, but their behavior remained unchanged. I remembered him mentioning that he was considering discontinuing basketball at the school altogether, and I couldn't blame him for feeling that way.

A knock at the door interrupted our thoughts, and a familiar face peeked in—a face I hadn't seen around the school before but one that sparked recognition.

We all turned to look at her. She glanced at Mrs. Voss, then my dad, and finally, her eyes settled on me, holding my gaze for a moment before trailing down to my feet.

Was she the girl my dad had mentioned?

"Kiara Reed, I think her name was," my thoughts raced as I tried to place her.

She entered the office fully and closed the door behind her. As she approached, I took in her appearance, and I was stunned by what I saw.

She was stunning. Not just saying it; she genuinely was.

Her eyes, so familiar yet elusive, locked onto mine briefly before she glanced away. Her neck adorned with delicate gold necklaces drew my attention, and her figure was accentuated by a white dress that fit perfectly.

"She's here to pick up her schedule," she announced softly, her voice soothing yet confident.


Dude, I swear I've seen her somewhere," Logan remarked.

"You guys are dumb as fuck. She's the girl from Target," Nathan finally revealed.

"Why didn't you say something earlier?" Logan retorted, lightly smacking Nathan on the back of the head.

"Ow," Nathan groaned, rubbing the spot.

How did I not realize that sooner? It frustrated me that I couldn't connect the dots earlier.

Everything about her felt familiar—the brown eyes, the long curly hair and that voice that had lingered in my mind since the day I first saw her.

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