02| Pain

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I tierdly open the front door to my house, walk inside and waisted no time going to the beanbag in the living room

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I tierdly open the front door to my house, walk inside and waisted no time going to the beanbag in the living room.

I completly ignore the flight of stairs that lead to my room and there was no way in hell was I going to go up them after what my body has been through.

I head to the living room and fell back on to the beanbag and let out a huff. I grab a pillow and hug it.

To say I was in pain and was an underestimatement.

I despise these days of all days. The days I come back from off season for football.

Well today is one of those days and somehow each year keeps getting worse and worse.

Today feels worse than all of the other days combined. I have never been so tierd and in pain in my seventeen years of living.

Coach made sure he were burned off all those calories we put on when we were off.

I feel like I'm on the verge of dying at any moment from now.

"Grayson!" My little sister, Hazel yelled running into the room.

She threw herself at me causing all the pain that had once settled to come right back.

I groan.

"Sorry. Did I hurt you?" She asks sadness in her voice.

"No. Don't worry."

"Okay!"She says and that happiness come right back in a blink of an eye.

She hugs me and I do the same, embracing the moments of her being little whilst I still can before she gets older and changes...

I look up at my mom who's smiling whilst leaning on the door frame with her arms crossed.

"How was it?" She asks knowing what today it was.

I give her a look and she laughs. My dad appears from behind her, wraps his arms around her neck and kisses her cheek.

They whisper things to each other which gets the both of them smirking.

"Eww. Why are they always doing that?" Hazel whispers back to me, not taking her eyes off them.

"They're in love." I whsiper back.

"Agh, but It's making me sick. I want it to stop." She says digging her face into my chest

A laugh leaves mom's mouth due to Hazels reaction.

I soon randomly groan falling back on the bean bag.

"Coach really pushed you guys that bad that it fucked up your mood?" He grinned knowing the amount of pain I'm in.

My mood falls even more.

"I know your in pain and all, but please go take a shower or maybe a bath and get some bath salts for your muscles."

I sigh.

Hazel jumps off me.

"Yes ma'am." I whispered as I slowly started standing up.

After taking a nice relaxing bath, I put on some grey sweats and a black hoodie with some socks.

I fell face foward onto my bed. I grab a pillow, put my hand underneath it and my head lays ontop of the pillow.

I stayed in that position for a bit and ended up drifting off to sleep.

"Gray!" I felt someone jumping up and down on my bed. I slightly opened my eyes to see Hazel jumping up and down.

"Hazel."I groan into the pillow.

She stops jumping when she says, "Mommy said that we're eating now." Then continues.

I grab another pillow from next to me and gently throw it at her, hoping she would stop jumping but it only makes her corrupt in laughter.

"Okay. I'm coming. Now please get out." I said, my voice coming out tiered and out deeper.


She finally leaves.

It takes me a while to get the power to sit myslef up and get our of bed.

I quickly freshen up.

The moment I open the door the smell of my mothers Lasagna welcomes my nose, causing me to move my feet faster.

I make it to the dinning room and my moms bringing in the Lasagna to the table, my dad brings the salad and wine for them and coke for me and apple juice for Hazel.

Once we've all sat down, Hazel says a prayer and we dive in.

"There's a new students coming in from Miami on Monday. They are brother and sister." My dad informed.

He's the principal at my school. He owns the building as well. At school, I call and treat him as every other student would and he does the same.

But when we're alone I approach him with dad.

We all nod.

"Her names Kiara and brother is Jayden."

"I like her name." Hazle says, taking a bit from her Lasagna.

My mom hums in agreement.

"Their dad is actually a former football star and will be coaching the team." He said and that catches smy attention drastically.

The reason into why we're having a new coach is because our coach is leaving and moving to Australia and I couldnt be happier honselty.

I never liked the man. No one did.

"Whats his name?" My mom asked.

"Brady Reed." He said.

"Holy shit." I softly said in shock and dropped my fork and knife.


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