Chapter 18

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When the check up was over and I was allowed out of the room, I had managed not to kill anyone though I may have put one or two of them to sleep… they had it coming.
Just as Dogday had promised he was outside waiting for me, but there was something off about him, he wasn’t as happy as he was before I mean who can blame him I wasn’t that happy to be in this place either but there was just something off about him in general.
“Heya Catnap, how was it?”
I shrugged and we both started walking towards the exit, once outside I found that it was night and smiled, though a part of me knew it was only meant to be late evening, I didn’t want to bring it up. The children were most likely asleep by now anyways and it’d be good for them to get a little extra sleep. Along our walk back home Dogday took my paw in his and started swinging our entwined paws which made me giggle lightly. 

“Oh, is someone happy, hmmm?”
He smiled then and picked me up, I yelped and tried to get down but he wouldn’t let me down and instead started blowing raspberries onto my left side. Making me let out a full on belly laugh that could have woken up the whole Playcare, which could be why Dogday covered my mouth but didn’t stop blowing raspberries.
I wiggled around some more before I finally got out of his grasp only to fall on all fours then I rolled over onto my side. Clutching my stomach. Dogday crocheted down to pick me back up and we continued on our walk home. We ran into Bobby who was doing a bit of gardening and Crafty was there with her painting on one of her many canvases. I couldn’t quite see what she was painting but we stopped to wave hello anyways then continued one, we were just about at Dogday’s house when Kickin jumped out of a nearby bush, he seemed in distress over something and asked to stay with me? For the night.

Looking up at Dogday we both nodded, Dogday set me down and the three of us started the walk to my house in silence for the most part, though kickin would sometimes up at random noises. Yeah it was a relief when we got to my house and I let everyone in, I walked Kickin over to the couch as Dogday went to put the kettle on and grab a cookie for kickin. Once everyone was settled down Dogday asked Kickin what was wrong as I got the fire going.
“So Kickin what's wrong and why are ya acting so damn jumpy?”
“I’ve seen him and I overheard the humans talking about refurbishing all of us, a- and trying you and catnap against each other so he doesn't get what he wants”
“Kickin, who's he?”
Kickin was silent for a long time before there was a knock at the door that sounded like metallic being scraped along wood instead of a knock. Kickin jumped three feet in the air at that sound while Dogday and I looked at each other, after a long while Dogday nodded and I got up and answered the door. To neither mine nor Dagday’s surprise it is the Prototype in all his creepy and smelly glory. Hey at least he knocked this time.

{Rose: yeah at least he came through the door this time because if I remember correctly he came through your flipping roof last time, but y’know all is forgiven because he knocked this time.}
(Vickeeee214: ROSE! There you are. Get your little butt over here now, I want your legs as payment… Heya!? -Mia_Editz- get over here I’ve found her!)
[-Mia_Editz-: running over to where you and Vickeeee214 I’m here, let's get her!]
{Rose: starts running away screaming I’M TOO YOUNG TO LOSE MY DAMN LEGS YOU HIJOS DE PUTA}
Vickeeee214 and -Mia_Editz- stop chasing Rose out of confusion and look to each other then back at where Rose used to be standing, confusion evident on there faces

“Hel-hel-lo C-cat-catn-ap and Dogd-dogd-ay w-we’-we’re he-h-here to t-talk-al-k to the-e you-young-g chic-chicke-en-n th-that re-resi-resides-s in yo-your li-livi-ing-ng ro-r-room”
Kickin began to shake and cry. The prototype only smiled, if you could call it a smile. To Kickins response and invited himself in. I shook my head but invited the prototype in and he went to lean against the fireplace, keeping a close eye on Kickin. Dogday had gotten Kickin to calm down and went up to the prototype then took him into the kitchen to finish making the cups of tea and hot chocolate for Kickin, leaving me with Kickin who looked like he was about to cry again.
“Why did you let him in Catnap!?”
Kickin’s voice was shaking and it was a little hard to figure out what he was saying but I  could understand him relatively well… gee I wonder why.

{Rose: shut up Catnap, and say your damn lines}
[ -Mia_Editz-: hey be nice to that poor guy, he's just trying to pay his bills]
(Vickeeee214: yeah and you’ve already had me take dogdays legs from him again, why not leave Catnap alone)
Rose looks at the other two in disbelief, then sighs and throws my hands up before walking off followed closely but Vickeeee214 and -Mia_Editz-

“I-it’s o-ok kic-kick-in, h-he-e’s n-ot-not goi-go-going to h-hur-hurt you-u”
He looked at me like I had grown a second head or something along those lines, but he took a deep breath to calm himself and kept a close eye on the kitchen door which had not been closed, so he could still see the prototype and Dogday talking. I stood, walked over to my cat bed near the fire and picked up my book to continue reading. My body still felt like it was on fire from the check up and everything they had injected me with, sooner or later Kickin had come over and sat down next to me. Looking over at him I saw the bags under his eyes and felt sorry for him, so using my tail I pulled Kickin into my side and blew some gas into his face. It wasn’t enough to knock him out but it was enough to gently push his subconscious over the edge and send him to sleep.

When the prototype and Dogday had come out of the kitchen, Dogday had two mugs in his hands and placed one in front of me and the other on the coffee table that was near me. The Prototype walked over to the front door, he seemed unhappy with the fact that he wasn’t getting to leave my house with kickin in claws but Dogday seemed happy with that fact so…
“H-ha-have-e a g-og-go-good ni-n-nigh-night”
“We will, i’ll see you tomorrow prototype” 
And with that he left Dogday, Kickin and I to snuggle in front of the fire as Dogday drifted to sleep, while I continued my book.

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