Chapter 15

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I sat up, stretched and looked around the living room. I knew why or to be more precise what had woken me up. The prototype, he was standing in front of the fireplace holding his metal skeleton-like hand. Catnap was backing away seemingly scared of the prototype, I didn’t blame him that thing was obviously something out of the gas induced nightmares. I stood up and walked behind Catnap making him bump into me, he spun around looking scared then after seeing that it was me. He hugged me, small red tears were falling from his starlight eyes and I looked back out at the prototype who just shrugged. I rolled my eyes. Placing my hand under Catnaps chin, tilting his head up. Our eyes met, Catnaps eyes were full of fear and confusion. He was still crying, making small whimpering sounds.
“Shhhhh Catnap it’s Okay I promise, this is who I needed you to meet. Shhhh now don’t cry”

Whipping his tears I picked him up and sat him on the couch. Bubba was knocked out on the floor still, damn. They had made the poppy gas stronger. I shrugged and sat down next to Catnap. The prototype was leaning against the fireplace, some of the metal near his legs was starting to glow red hot and the veins were moving away from the fire, Kinda like worms. It was disgusting to see and hear. After Catnap had calmed down and was ready to hear what the prototype had to say, though not before making himself a cup of very strong tea, Benjamin was also sitting on his lap and purring slightly?. I don’t know anymore mini huggies are honestly highly confusing, even the Bigger body huggy was weird yes that included Kissy.
“Alright prototype I think Catnap is very hard to hear what you have to say, though if you could turn down the glitching and switching, if you’ be so kind”

He sighed and looked exacerbated throwing his hands? Up in the air. I say hands really loosely though, I mean yes he does have hands he also has a body but it wasn’t like any other toy's body though everyone says that he had escaped before being fully finished. So he looked like an endoskeleton but the skeleton was that of a human, just highly elongated and very sharp, he was 19 feet tall and his posters were the same as Huggys and so was the length of his arms. Though unlike Huggy the prototype didn’t have fur or anything to cover its shiny metal bones except a thick, dark red substance that was constantly dripping off of his bones and the vein-like wires that wound themselves around his bones. Said wires seemed to have a mind of their own and would catch the red substance as it fell. There were also multiple chunks of fresh flesh and fatty organs hanging off him at odd angles. The prototype would hang the organs and flesh off of himself as a way to cover anything that he deemed as an imperfection. He hated imperfections, now what he saw as an imperfection depended on what he was judging, it he's judging another toy he was very lenient and only if you royally fluffed up, where as if it was humans… well everything that humans did was considered imperfect, as for himself. Well I didn’t really know all I knew was that where he hung the flash, which he changed out every school week and the organs which were changed out every two weeks. Gross I know but who was I to question it.

“O–o-of cou-cours-e~ I shall try~”
I nodded then felt Catnaps paw on my lap, he was obviously still very creeped out placeing my paw on top of his and we both faced the prototype waiting for him to continue
“As-s Dogday kno-ws~ I am-am-am the prot-otype-e~ o-or exp-experim-ent~-1006”
Catnap nodded trying to keep eye contact with the prototype which was a lot harder then one would except, the prototypes eyes were well… off putting to say the least or none existent, where the Smiling Critters had white pupils as our eyes the prototype only had black eyeless wholes that like the rest of him had a red substance oozing out that had a strong smell of iron to it and was bright red with little crystals of the same substance. It was beautiful no doubt but more than just a little unnerving. 

“W-w-w-w-well~ my-m dear… Catnap you~ s-s-s-ee Dogday and I~ ha-v-v-v-ve an agree-ment~... w-w-w-w-wher-e If. I-i-i~ he;p h-im-m he~ he-he-helps me…”
Catnap nodded showing that he understands and he looked over to me for confirmation to which I nodded. Looking out the window I saw that the sun was coming up and I still needed to get Kickin out from the Playhouse dungeon not to mention that the prototype needed to get back into whatever dark dainik hole that he lives in. I thought about that for a moment, no one knows where the prototype ‘Lives’ yet he was able to get into anyone's house at any time. Case a point he somehow got into Catnaps house without Catnap letting him… it… the prototype in.

Turning to face Catnap I tapped him on the shoulder, he was staring at the prototypes 'eyes then watching a drop of the red substance falling only for one of the veins to come out and catch it, a gross meaty squishy sound came from the sound. Making me and Catnap shutter.
“Catnap the reason the prototype broke into your house and couldn’t wait for me to take you to meet him. Is because he and I were wondering if you'd like to join us in a away, nothing dangerous just to be sure of our friendship and helping me get the others involved”
The Prototype nodded and had apologised for scaring the living daylights out of Catnap. Catnap turned to face me, taking a quick glance out of the window and sighing then he nodded his head.
“Y-y-ye-yes, I-i Jo-j-join y-yo-you”
I smiled, my tail wagging, then I jumped on top of Catnap and gave him a hug, being mine full of benjamin. Of course Catnap would have scratched my eyes out if I had sat on him or hurt him in any way. He had even had the mini Huggy for a full day and he was already treating him like a baby, which he very well could have been.

Of course because there's always a but to this kind of thing. I sighed looking him in the eyes.
“A-a-all th-the ot-others b-b-b-better st-stay sa-a-safe. In-incl-including ben-be-benjamin”
That was… not what I was expecting, I know that Catnap doesn't what a lot and has never asked for anything that would inconvenience people or toys alike but I would have expected him to say something like ‘but all the humans must stay alive or the children must die or he wanted out of the factory’ kinda stuped I know but I did live with scientist that turn children into toys and adults as well. I should know.
“That's doable and pretty reasonable”

The prototype had agreed and left Catnaps promising that next time he would knock and wait to be let in, instead of breaking in. Catnap was a little shaken about the whole thing and we had both ended up curling up on the couch and and falling into a peaceful and deep sleep, I knew that Catnap only ever had nightmares when he slept and would sleep restlessly but while he was in my arms he was still and looked absolutely adorable.

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