Chapter 14

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At the end of the game of tag I had won and got to keep my mini Huggy, which I named Benjamin, and had brought him back to the Playcare where all the children loved him, loved him so much that one of the children. Named Iris, a short girl of the age of 10 that wore her light chocolate brown hair in high buns, she was almost constantly seen dressed in periwinkle which was true today. She was dressed in a long periwinkle dress with a white ruffled collar that was pressed flat, she had short puffy sleeves, her shoes were black… like everyone else's and like almost all the girls down here she had gold sleeper earrings. The reason why all but two of the girls had earrings was so the staff could keep track of their age and whether they would become toys or scientists admittedly some of the children would get other places among the Playtime staff and they had a simpler tracking system for the boys but the boys didn’t get their ears pierced.

I know by Iris earrings that she was to become a toy, a cat bee by the looks of it. Her earrings were a bright gold with small diagonal incidents that were a black colour, like a bees stripes, all of the girls earring had some incidents that would tall the staff and other toys what toy they were going to be and those without earrings were what the teachers had deemed the smartest out of there group of girls and it was a rare thing to see a girl without earrings. Unless they had been adopted and they got their earrings removed and swapped for normal ones. I had cort the young girl and had gotten Benjamin back and had told her out for sealing. Nothing too serious just enough to tell her not to do that again, which she said she wouldn’t. On Dogdays and my walk back to the Critter town we had run it to Bubba Bubbaphant who looked to be on an evening stroll around the Playcare.

“Heya Bubba, whatcha up to?”
Dogday had called out to Bubba who smiled and walked over to us waving, he had his reading glasses on and a book in hand he had a white long sleeve shirt under a light brown sweater vest, a blue tie and a pair of navy jeans. His tail was neatly brushed and he smelled very strongly of Lemongrass which was comforting and inviting.
“Hello Catnap, Dogday. I was just going on a walk to read my new books upon the hill. I do love reading of a nighttime. There's just something about reading under the stairs that is so comforting and quiet relaxing, don’t you agree with Catnap?”
I nodded enthusiastically, I knew that Bubba was very into books though i had wrongly assumed that he slept all night and only read through the day like all the others, it was wrong of me to assume but Bubba had never really said anything to me and it was his house that everyone met on the morning of my first day…

“Wh-what a-a-are yo-you rea-r-reading?”
Bubba jumped a little which I didn’t mind, most people jumped when I randomly spoke but Bubba’s eyes seemed to light up as his pupils widened and as he walked closer to me, sparkles partially coming off of him, his book clutched closely to his chest.
“I thought you’d never ask. I’m reading Stephen King’s The TommyKnockers” (yes this is a read book that I do own and have partially read, if you hadden guessed by who the arthur is it is a horror book and I don’t suggest reading it if you are not into horror. Moving on)
My pupils widened as my jaw dropped, I didn’t know that you could get horror books in this place. I mean I know I have almost a whole library at home but none of them are horror books which disappointed me very much. Much like Bubba my eyes started sparkling.
“I d-didn’t k-k-know th-th-that yo-you co-coul-could g-g-g-get ho-horr-horror b-b-ooks he-re”
Bubba nodded profusely and looked slightly surprised that I didn’t have any horror books.
“Really?, I had heard that you have a whole damn library in your house but I suppose they don’t always let us critters have horror books, they don’t want to recondition any of us it would most likely take to much time… anyways I can give you some of my books, you’ll have to take them out one at a time and give them back when your done but your always welcome to come and get a book from me anytime, even at night”

That confused me a little seeing as all the Critters were meant to be asleep of a night time… maybe he has insomnia?, or he just really enjoys reading at night but also that's a little confusing because they needed all the sleep they could get because they were the main ones to deal with the children. I nodded
“T-th-thanks Bu-bub-bubba, B-bu-b-but m-m-may I a-a-ask yo-you so-some-something’
He smiled chuckled to himself and looked back at me with a playful grin playing on his lips and lighting up his pastel blue face and big knowledgeable eyes hiding his dark secrets but he nodded and said
“As long as you're not asking to steal my books then ask away!”
“D-d-d-do y-yo-you ha-h-have ins-insom-insomnia?”
Bubba nodded not dropping his smile but instead making it bigger, though his eyes gave a little bit away. He was ashamed of having insomnia. I could see it in his eyes. I looked over at Dogday who looked both surprised and concerned. He had obviously not known about Bubba’s insomnia and had felt bad about not knowing.

“Oh I’m so sorry for not knowing Bubba, you should have told me, no no no I should have known. It’s my job to know these things, I am the leader after all. What's the point in bein-”
I went over and hugged Dogday wrapping my tail around his, Bubba was looking down at the ground, kicking some dirt on the ground. He looked very guilty and looked like he was about to cry, I opened my arm for Bubba to join the hug which he did and did end up crying. Now I’m not a very big Critter for physical contact, in fact I actually hated it but I was making an exception for these two, though after a while I did end up blowing some poppy gas into there faces, not enough to put them to sleep or get them addicted to the gas, No. just enough to calm them down and get them back to my house.

Where I made them a cup of tea and wrapped them both up in a blanket. Bubba was wrapped in a blue blanket and was splayed out on the floor of my living room with the book he was holding earlier and the cup of tea I had made him sitting in front of them. Dogday was laying on the couch staring at the stars in the living room ceiling, they were glowing as well as the fairy lights. He was still worked up about not knowing that Bubba, a toy he has a close relationship with. Has insomnia and had most likely never had a good night's sleep in… who knows how long.

The fire was burning brightly in the fireplace, Benjamin was lagging on top of me sleeping, I had out some waltzing music onto get Dogday and Bubba to sleep I had also given Bubba a bit more gas so he’d have a good long and deep sleep, which is what he needed. And yes I did ask for persimmon first. So now it was me and my old friend quiet….. Or at least it was.  

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