Chapter 17

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While I sat there on the ladder I had found near Picky's house and listened to Catnap read I found that his stuttering seemed to slowly get better to the point that he was only stuttering every third word or when to get to a “scary part” or sad part in the book. So for the rest of the day I stayed with Catnap and listened to him reading, hoping that by my listing to him his stuttering would improve to the point where it’s almost unnoticeable. 

“Heya Catnip?” 

He stopped reading and looked at me, a slight blush dusted over his fuzzy cheeks. 

“Hudson told me that you’ll be having a “check up” tonight, would you like to come with you or just drop you off at the labs?”
He took a moment to think about it which was to be accepted seeing as he’s never been to a Playcare check up and honestly I preferred the one that they gave you before being introduced to the Playcare. But he nodded to the first one so I sighed and we both got out of the tree, I climbed down the ladder and he jumped out landing perfectly on all fours. The book grasped firmly in his tail.

He smiled a smug smile as I just stood there.

“W-what cat-s alwa-always land o-n the-there fee-t”

He said in a smug way and then started off towards the back of the playcare where the check would be held, someone must have told him about where it was because all the others had no idea where they had to go. It was a relief when he said he wanted me to come in with him, not because I was worried about the staff if he got out of hand and let out his red gas and accidentally killed someone. No, I knew that he had already done that. Which then begs the question why was I so happy that he was letting me come in with him… I have no idea. I mean I know that he can take care of himself just fine but I just feel like I need to protect him.

“Wait for me Catnap!”

He giggled and started running away making me chase him, laughing along with him. Once I had caught up with him and tackled him to the ground he started a play fight biting my tail I laughed and bit his ear. We went on like that for a good 20 minutes before the door to the check up room opened, making us get up and fix up our outfits and walking hand in hand. 

The heavy iron door closed behind us as soon as we stepped over the threshold and three scientist came out of the shadows in hazmat suits which almost made me laugh, it’s not like they would do much to protected them but we let them lead us further into the labs till we came to a door that was painted red with a poppy on it. The lab had a viewing room that anyone passing through the hallway could see through and watch whatever was going on from a safe distance. The door opened and I was taken aback. This lab didn’t look anything like the others, there was a private lab for each other the smiling critters the doors were painted the same colour as the critters Bubbas was blue, Kickin's was yellow, picky’s was pink, crafty’s was cyan, Hoppy's was green, Bobby’s was red and mine was orange wich means Catnap's should be purple but that's not what I was surprised at it was because the inside of everyone else rooms were more or less friendly and painted in bright colours btu Catnap's was cold. Everything was in shiny silver or deep black, there was nothing about this room that followed the agreement I had set up with Harley Sawyer. But Catnap seemed not to mind when he walked in and was ushered to a cage in the fair corner of the room. 

They didn’t let me into the room so I told Catnap I’ll be here to pick him up after the check up it over, he looked a little scared encased in the cool steal of the cage but nodded and made me pinky promise that I would be here to pick him up, to which I agreed to but before I left I told him this.

“It's alright Catnap if they try to hurt you or make you do something that will end up hurting you I give you permission to use as much gas as you’d like in these people, if possible try not to kill them but I won’t be mad if you do and we’ll make it our little secret okey?” 

He nodded and a small yet a malicious smile playing on his face. Smiling back I turned to the head scientist and asked how long the check up would take. He didn’t tell me at first saying it was none of my business but I think in the end he found that I could be very persuasive. 

{Rose: for clarity y'all remember that one chapter where Dogday looked like Catnap from the game, yeah that’s what he did. Basically scaring the living daylights out of the scientist *says in a whisper so as not to be heard by Vickeeee214* also do me a favour and don’t tell Vickeeee214 I’m here. Thanks, bye my little cookies}

Walking through the cave system that surrounded the playcare I made my way to one of the old elevators that no one used but were still well maintained in case of an emergency, going up to the game station I went straight to Harley Sawyer’s office and knocked on the door. While I stood there waiting for a persimmon to come in I noticed the guards or lack thereof. It had always amused me that the humans never thought about their safety in a factory full of man-eating toys and other experiments that would kill any of the humans if they had the chance without a second thought and yet the humans still thought they had all the power over us, what idiots.

“Come it”

Opening the door I walked in and sat down on the floor, waiting for Harley to look up and see me. I didn’t have to wait long but Harley didn’t seem too happy to see me and only acknowledged my existence with a nod and a hand gesture telling me to say what I wanted to say and get the hell out of his office.

“Hello Harley I’ve come to have a little chat with you about my new friends check up room”

Harley when rigged and this but nodded, then continued typing on his computer

“Now I sure that your a very busy man and you know as well as I do that the factory isn’t doing to well right now and that's because of how many bigger bodies you’ve had to dispose of and I have as been made aware that it’s only because of me and the other smiling critters that the factory is still up and running… so I was wondering why the terms of our little deal have been broken. When it came to Catnap's check up room, could you answer that?”

He pushed away from his deck and looked me in the eyes. He obviously wasn’t happy that I found out our little deal had been broken but was going to try and sway me to his side. Idiot. 

“Dogday as one of my former best scientists I know as well as anyone to know that I just don’t have a good reason to give such a dangerous toy a comfortable ‘check up’ room us you have taken to calling it. I do apologize but I just didn’t see a good enough reason to”

He shrugged then went back to his typing, giving me a dismissive hand gesture, which in answer to I stood up, walked over to his deck and grabbed him by the fancy tie he wore so nicely around his neck.

“Now you listen to me Harley I am the number one reason this god forsaken factory is still running so if you’d like me to keep it that way I highly. HIGHLY. Suggest that you do as our little agreement says and make the others as happy as possible am I clear"

Lavender And Vanilla A Wonderful Scent Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora