Chapter 16

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When the next morning came around I tried to hide under the nice fluffy blanket that I was wrapped in only to hear it gron and tell me to go back to sleep.
“Oh ok talking blanket…”
The blanket chuckled and unwrapped itself from me which made me fall off my bed onto the hard wooden floor… wooden floor? But my room had a soft play floor and didn’t smell of Vanilla, peeking open one of my eyes I saw that I was no in my room. I was on the floor of my living room with Dogday standing over me chuckling, I wrapped my tail around one of his legs and put him down to the floor with me. We were both laughing when there was a knock on the door, we both got off the floor Dogday heading to the kitchen promising not to burn it down as he makes pancakes and I went to answer the door. Bubba Bubbaphant was still passed out on the floor near the fireplace. He’ll wake up soon.

Opening the door I saw Hoppy Hopscotch and KickinChicken were standing there both looking very guilty for something I guessed.
“Heya Catnap, we heard that Dogday was here and we would like to apologise for something that happened a little while ago, Is that ok?”
I nodded and stepped to the side letting the two of them in Hoppy looked a little worse for wear and like she's going to fall over, however Kickin was holding her up. Closing the door I led the two of them to the kitchen where Dogday had successfully not burnt down my kitchen however he did make a huge mess, both in my kitchen and on himself.
“Heya Catnap who wa- oh hey Kickin, hey Hoppy whats up?”
“Oh hey Dogday we’re good though we wanted to talk to you, do you have some time?”
He nodded but turned back to the pancakes he was making as I walked over to the cleaning cupboard and pulled out a brom and mop. Dogday turned back to Hoppy and Kickin,
“Would you guys mind helping Catnap? I would but I’m currently making breakfast… which reminds me, would you guys like some pancakes?”

They both nodded furiously as they rushed over to me. Hoppy grabbed the mop and bucket that I had just filled with water, she smiled at me and ruffled the loose fur on the top of my head. Kickin grabbed the brom, punching me lightly in the arm. They both got to work cleaning my kitchen. They did it in record time and much better than I could have done so.
When they had finished cleaning all three of us sat down in the living room, I was reading Kickin was looking around my living room, Hoppy had woken up Bubba and they both of them were doing one of the hundred piece puzzle that I had laying around, it was a very peaceful half an hour.
“Pancakes are ready!!!”
Dogday yelled and then quicker then you could say ‘huh’ Bubba, Kickin and Hoppy were out of my living room and in the kitchen, sitting at the table.and eating their pancakes. I walked on sometime after them and stat down as well.

“What took ya so long Catnap?”
DogDay asked as he placed a plate of pancakes and a steaming cup of tea down in front of me before taking a seat himself.
“I-i h-h-had to-do fin-finish t-th-the ch-cha-chapter I w-w-w-was o-n”
DogDay nodded and started eating his pancakes. I had started on mine and though I was warned against letting DogDay cook, he was actually pretty good at making pancakes. Surprisingly good at making pancakes. The pancakes themselves looked devine, as if an angel had come down from heaven just to make these pancakes but the best part was the taste. They were as fluffy as clouds and had a perfectly buttery taste. They completely fell apart in my mouth, I almost moaned that they were that good. After we had all finished breakfast, Hoppy and Kickin washed up while Bubba swept and wiped down the beach as well as the table. Then we all went outside to play, seeing as it was only the second day of the weekend and none of us had anything really to do. Bubba had taken me to his house to get a horror book, I had ended up getting a book called Pet Sematary by Stephen King, Bubba really likes to read Stephen King, which I can’t blame him for. After I had read the first page I was absolutely hooked.

After that I spent most of the day laying on my favourite tree branch, watching Hoppy, Kickin, Picky and Dogday play football then everyone joined in for a game of hide and seek. I was still in my tree reading of course, safely out of view so I wouldn’t be disturbed while reading. We were all in our respective outfits which I had grown accustomed to, though sometimes the vail was a bit annoying, but It was sometime after lunch that Dogday found me and tried to climb up the tree and sit with me. Safe to say that didn’t work out too well for him and he just ended up falling on his butt, which was pretty funny.
“Hey don’t laugh at me, and how did you get up there?”
“I-i-i c-lim-climb-climbed”
He seemed to contoplat that for a good long second before running off somewhere, I shrugged and continued reading the book Bubba had lent to me. It wasn’t that scary in my opinion but it was still kinda scary.

{Rose: well gee willikers Catnap, it’s not like you live in a factory that makes living toys out of children and then sells them as if nothings wrong. Who would have thought a book about a sematary in the middle of the woods that can bring dead things back to life wouldn’t be that scary to ya.}
(Vickeeee214: Rose if I’ve said this once I’ve said it a million times Stop. Breaking. The. Damn. 4th. Wall! I’ve already taken Dogdays legs again)
Dogday sitting in the corner crying with Catnpa consoling him while the other critters are trying to find Dogdays legs
{Rose: and I thank you for sparing my legs but someone has to point these things out sweat dripping down my face as Vickeeee214 slowly stalks towards me like a lion hunting a gazelle  come on Vickeeee214 we’re friends aren't we? We can talk this out like normal people do, I just bought a new brand of tea and I have some cookies if you're interested…}
Vickeeee214 pounces like a elegant cat and I start running away, tripping over Dogdays legs in the process.

When Dogday had returned it was with a latter in hand, which he placed up against the tree and processed to climb and sat next to me and asked me to read the book to him.
“A-r-are y-y-you su-sure?”
I asked to which he just nodded. So I flipped back to the first page of the book and started reading, when I had gotten to the part where the cat got run over by the truck Dogday had started laughing to which I punched him in the arm and continue reading.  

(I'm very sorry about how long this one till, DogDay was referring to work because Vickeeee214 took his legs and Catnap forgot to pay his bills... I'm not sure what that has to do with anything but yeah, bye my little cookies)

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