Chapter 10

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After Dogday told the children the story which was about a young boy who wandered around the playhouse for hours one day and was never seen again, it was a made up story. Something that he thought up on the spot to scare the children into behaving and not going out of bounds but… something about that story sounded so familiar, Like I had done something similar and I was the young boy in the story… which for all I knew I could have been. I was, after all. still remembering who I was before I became a toy. After all the children were asleep and playing off in dream land playing with their friends. Dogday and I sat outside the nursery just in case one of the very young children started crying in the night. I had tried to get him to go back to my house or join the other critters and have a sleepover or something just so he’d go to sleep but he had promptly refused saying that.
“I’d rather stay with you and make sure nothing bad happens in the night then go and sleep”

Now don’t get me wrong Dogday’s a good dog and all together a reasonable one too. but right now he was getting on my nerves and though I had never had a problem with accidentally putting people or toys to sleep, I never said that I haven’t put someone or something to sleep on purpose before. I think you see where I’m going with this but apparently Dogday didn’t.
“Heya Catnap I was thinking”
“T-that's a dan-dangero-dangerous pa-pastime”
He smiled at that, chuckling to himself as I gently hit him on the arm and telling him to ‘shhhhh’ I wasn’t allowed to use the Poppy gas on the very young children. The scientists were scared that if I were to use it on them they would become dependent on the gas to get them to sleep. Which was fair as far as I knew the gas was slightly additive… Just slightly.

“Anyways I was thinking that because tomorrow is the weekend and I promised you a sleep in and that I would re-make those peanut butter cookies-”
I slowly turned to him with a look of pure horror on my face, I had heard from PickyPiggy before the whole incident with them coming after me for ignoring Dogday. Anyways I had heard from her that if I were to EVER let Dogday in the kitchen to cook, which she highly suggested that I NEVER did. That I was to keep all the glassware, silver wear and just anything in my kitchen that I wanted to keep safe out of his paws and that I should wrap my kitchen in bubble wrap.
“N-no yo-you a-a-aren't go-going t-t-to ba-bake an-any c-co-cookies i-in m-my kit-kitchen”
He laughed and shook his head clearly understanding why I told him he was never to cook in my kitchen ever. Once he calmed down he continued what he was saying leaving out cooking me any cookies anytime soon

“Fine I was thinking that because tomorrow is the weekend and we don’t have to looked after the children tomorrow then why don’t you let me take you up to the The Playtime Area (main entry - chapter one) then the Game Station (main entry - chapter two) I know that the other bigger bodies have been wanting to meet you and Miss Delight and Miss Melody are holding a welcoming party of sorts because no one will be on those two levels tomorrow”
That confused me, because yes it was saturday tomorrow but they don't normally close The Playtime Area let alone the Game Station so why were they closed for tomorrow but I didn’t ask, instead opted to agree to go with him tomorrow.
“It's a date then”

That was the last straw and I let the bright red gas flow from my mouth, though it was only a small bit of gas he went out like a lightbulb, the sun has finally gone to sleep and the moon now has to drag the sun to his bed. Man I didn’t think this though did I?, Nope. I sighed standing up, opening the door to the young children's room and peeking in to find all the babies and toddlers fast asleep and cuddling up to their blankets and or unmarketed toys that Playtime has either made or bought from other companies, much to Playtimes dismay most likely. Sighing I closed the door and picked the orange lump of a dog up and walked out of Home Sweet Home then off down the trail we went.

Once I had gotten Dogday into my bed and covered up with the blanket he had made me, ironic isn't it. I was now down in the living room. I had just finished lighting the fire and had picked up my book once again, a cup of tea in front of me and a small plant of my cookies sat next to my cup. It was the ideal set up for a nice relaxing night however there was something in the back of my mind that was bugging me. The story Dogday told the children before they went to bed. I mean rationally I knew that it was just a made up story made to keep the children in line and so they would follow the rules that Playtime has established time and time again but that feeling that he was talking about me was still nagging at the back of my head.

Maybe if I were to go to the PlayHouse and see if anything felt familiar… no, no, no. that's a horrible idea I should just stay here or go back to Home Sweet Home so I could oversee the children again, I sighed got up, skulled my tea eaten a cookie and put my simple moon pendant on then left planing to head back to Home Sweet Home, yeah I said planned but apparently my legs had other plans for my night. Soon enough I was in front of the PlayHouse which would have been so bad if A). I had been here before and B). The dark didn’t make this place look like a horror attraction that had been shut down due to one to many deaths. Yep well I came I saw I’m now going… back to Home Sweet Home, bye bye creepy soft play house?.

As I started walking back towards Home Sweet Home I heard something, well I didn’t really hear it but I made my ear twitch which then made me curious and you know what they say curiosity killed the Catnap but information brought him back. So now I’m wandering around a soft play house following a sound and feeling like someone was watching me. I mean what could possibly go wrong. I stopped in one of the plastic tunnels and looked through the long plastic window that they put in these types of tunnels, there were lots of places to hide in this house and I was told that this place when fair below the dome that is the PlayCare, they made it that way so this house could be used as an emergency exit if the toys ever decided to rebel against the humans. They would take the children through here keeping them safe and unaware, knock them out with poppy gas once they got down to the caves and move all the children to the labs.

Which was fair and a good idea in all honesty because they also designed this house so that if any toy were to come in here and try to chase them as they were leaving said toy would get lost wich also made it easier for the scientists to come thought and either kill us all off or take us back to the labs for reconditioning, something all toys feared. You were never the same after reconditioning. So now I was lost in the maze of a soft play house with no way to get out and nobody to help. How lucky am I. there was a sound and my ears went straight up.

Lavender And Vanilla A Wonderful Scent Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora