Chapter 8

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“Awww damn, how’d you know it was me”
I let go of him and started walking beside him. We were heading to Critter town, huh I wonder why he was heading back to the town.
“Hey Catnap, why are we or you heading back to Critter town?”
He looked confused then realisation dawned on his face as if he never knew that the name of the town was Critter town then it hit me, he probably didn’t. He shrugged and continued walking, not making eye contact with me and looking a little nervous, he’s hiding something from me isn't’ he. My tail dropped and my ears rose a little bit. I stopped putting a paw on Catnaps shoulder, making him stop a step or two in front of me. He looked at me confused then looked behind me and his pupils turned to slits.

“Hey Catnap watcha looking at”
I asked faster than I normally spoke which caught him off guard and made him answer without realising what he was saying.
“O-oh B-Bobby Be-BearHug, Cra-CarftyC-Corn, H-H-Hoppy Hop-Hopscotch an-and Pick-PickyP-Piggy ar-are f-follo-following u-u-us”
His pupils when back to normal and then his eyes widened obviously realising what he had said then looked behind me again and his eyes winded more, the girls had heard I was sure but why were they following us and why was Catnap so fixated on them, could they have said something to him, had they hurt him in anyway. NO. I know that they didn’t like Catnap very much but that's no reason for them to hurt him is it.
“Why are they following us Catnap”

He shrugged and pulled me along as he started walking to the town again a little faster this time as I could hear four sets of footsteps a little ways behind us and gaining fast.
Once we go back to Critter town and inside of Catnaps house, mind was still being fixed and we did swing by but the staff said that my house wouldn't be fixed till last tomorrow or early the next day and that I’d have to stay with Catnap or one of the other critters till it was finished, which I didn't mind, Catnaps house was always clean and smelled nice from what I’ve seen and smelt so fair. Once Catnap had a small nap and we both had a cup of tea with some cookies, I asked him again.
“Heya Catnap, why were the girls following us?”

He seemed hesitant to answer and just looked out the window as if someone was outside listening in but I couldn’t hear anything but maybe he could, I shrugged and waited till his ears lowered showing he was relaxed or at least more relaxed then what he was before.
“T-they had s-seen tha-that I w-w-was ig-ignoring y-y-you and th-they c-c-conf-confronted m-me ab-about i-it a-a-a-and th-they sa-said w-why did t-they l-l-let a C-critter th-that ca-can’t tt-t-t-talk in-into the pl-pleyc-care”

He started crying, red tears falling down his face as his pupils shrink and his ears pressed against his head, his tail went down and wrapped around his leg. I knew it wasn’t good for him to be crying right now especially so soon after his surgery but, I don’t know. something about seeing him cry broke me in two. I mean I’ve seen the others cry and it’s never broken me like this. Walking over to him I wrapped him in my arms and gently held him there, just letting him cry till he fell asleep in my arms, I do feel sorry for Catnap.

Carrying Him up to his room opening the door I was slightly amazed at how different his room looked to everyone else's. I mean he heard a circular bed like me and there were fairy lights hung up around the room but over Catnaps bed there was a huge mobile hanging there, there were golden stars and a silvery moon hanging down from it but there was also an orange and yellow sun?, which surprised me a little. The floor was made out of the soft playmat in the playhouse with a star, moon and a few sun pillows covering the floor as well as his bed, his bed was surrounded by light blue lace and hung off the mobile. The lace was covered in silver glitter and the same type of lace hung off the roof and intertwined with the fairy lights that were hanging there but the thing that caught my attention the most was the blanket I had given him that was laid out neatly on his bed.

My tail was wagging so fast I thought I was going to fly away but no my paws stayed firmly on the floor as I walked over to his bed and laid him down, covering him the the blanket I had given him then left the room turning off the lights and watching as the stars, moon and sun from the mobile start letting of a light glow, closing his bedroom door I made my way through Catnaps house than outside and then back to the others in the others who were still hanging around the schoolhouse, I called everyone over to the playhouse.
“Heya dude whatcha call us all here for”
Kickin said voicing what everyone else was thinking but I said nothing and just waved for them to follow me which they did, being the leader had it perks everyone and then. We went deeper into the playhouse to a part where no children are allowed to go and only I knew about it, the part where miss behaving toys got chained up and left there for as long as whoever put them in here sees fit.

Yes I may be the leader of the smiling critters and the most optimistic, enthusiastic and fun loving out of all the smiling critters I don’t enjoy it when people or in this case other toys being mean or hurting in any way, my friends and though I swore to myself that I’d never do this to anyone. I know that they were only doing this because Catnap had the poppy gas and singling him out and treating him like a dangerous toy was Not and NEVER will be ok by me.
“U-umm Dogday… W-where are we?”
Crafty stuttered as she and the others started backing away, the only one who stood tall was Bubba who simply fixed his glasses and looked around, he was never one to run from something and I knew he knew what was going to happen if he did run and probably didn’t want another child to go through the pain of becoming a bigger body and I didn’t want to replace him. I nodded to one of the cells along the wall to which he nodded and walked into it. The others looked horrified and started backing up faster but it was no use even if they did run they were easy enough to replace.

Getting down on all fours I looked at the others and growled, it wasn’t my normal playful growl no. it was a deep growl that came somewhere from the pits of hell. I smiled.
The others were all standing there shock written all over their faces as they started shaking and Bobby started crying, I slowly started stalking towards them. Kickin and Hoppy started running away while the others ran into the cells they were standing close to as a skeleton like hand came down and tied them up, then his voice came

“Fetch Boy~” 

Lavender And Vanilla A Wonderful Scent Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon