Chapter 13

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After every toy had gotten to meet Catnap everyone got everything they needed or wanted as we all headed down stairs, Catnap was holding my hand as we went down the stairs. He doesn't like going down stairs, I don’t know why though and it wasn’t my place to ask so I left it be. Then when we get downstairs and into The Game Station, which I’m not going to lie this place was kinda creepy without any children running around and Playing with the other children or Playing the games that were made to condition the children so that the experiments that they were unable to avoid, it was a sad fate but something that everyone who walks into this god forsaken factory signs up to without knows it. I sighed which confused Catnap who was still holding my hand to look over at me, a worried look in his eyes.

“I’m alright Catnap, don’t worry about me. How are you hmmmmm? I understand that this can all be a little overwhelming with every toy being around, explicitly since what happened with Poppy”
He shrugged and looked around, Mummy Long Legs was opening the gates that were in the floor and letting the other toys in and giving them a quick rundown of what to do and what not to do during the games. I could understand why he was watching Mummy so closely, she was a giant, stretchy spider that had teeth, was bright pink and was most definitely not afraid of punishing any misbehaving children and staff. Only what she did to the staff was worse than what she did to the children and what she did to other toys… well that depends on the crime that toy has committed. So it was safe to say that disobeying Mummy Long Legs was never a good idea.

Catnap says while tugging lightly on my arm and stepping closer to me and away from the yellow mini huggy that was trying to climb up Catnap, they did love to sit on peoples or in this case other toys heads then directing them to there game which was Wack-a-Wuggy a cute little game where the children use a GrabPack and tap them on the head, the game was designed to see how good the children's head-eye coordination and reaction timing. Which is a fun game that is used for terrible things but I’ll worry about that tomorrow.
“It’s okey Catnap he just wants you to play his game”
Catnaps eyes widened and a sparile came to them as he walked over, bent down and picked up the small yellow Huggy, letting it sit on his head and happily started walking to the Wack-a-Wuggy game, dragging me along with him and making me chuckle.

“Oh hello dear's, do you want to Play a Game?”
Mommy asked to which Catnap nodded his tail wiping around showing he was happy, Mummy nodded and understanding that Catnap wasn’t going to say anything she turned to me asking what game we wanted to play, I’ve never liked talking to Mummy she always draws out her words and it creeps me out a fair bit.

{Rose: says the guy that’s friends with a hand that has a voice and trapped his friends in the playhouse where said hand is looking after said friends and the hands voice sounds like and I quote “it’s voice was horrible, it glitched and cracked, all the words were either drawn out or cute short then there was the undertone which sounded like someone trying to breath when their airways was blocked by something.”}
(Vickeeee214: ROSE, what did I tell you about breaking the 4th wall?)
{Rose: Ummmmmmmmmm…. I am too young to lose my legs!}
Rose runs off trying to keep my legs away from Vickeeee214
(Vickeeee214: Get your legs back her Rose you broke the 4th wall again and I warned you not to!!!!)
Vickeeee214 starts chasing Rose trying to take her legs

“Catnap would like to play Wack-a-Wuggy please”
“Oh and what a wonderful game to play and I see one of the mini Huggys has taken a liking to you my Dear Catnap, do you like him?”
Catnap nodes, taking the yellow Huggy off his head and giving it a big hug earning Catnap a delighted squeak sound and the Huggy’s smile growing. Mummy smiled at the sight and giggled to herself a little. Mummy then went on to explain how we were to play the game.
“Alrighty then, you two- three will be going in. There shouldn't be anyone in the viewing room but if there is please come back out and tell me. You three won’t be using the GrabPacks seeing as you don’t need them, there's no time limit and all of the other mini Huggys are off there harnesses but wont hurt you in anyway and If you’d like to keep the mini yellow Huggy you currently have then you’ll need to make him look different or make sure he stays in your head. Don’t break anything in the room and yes you may play in the sand on the floor but you’ll need to brush it out of your fur before leaving the room. Am I clear?”

We both nodded and Mummy gave Catnap a star shaped collar to put on the Mini Huggy which made him look absolutely adorable, then we headed down the stairs and into the game, thanking Mummy for letting us play the game and telling us the room. We didn’t watch the video and just continued on into the game room where all the mini huggies were sitting on the floor playing go fish.
“Hey guys do you mine if we interrupt
All the mini huggies turned to look at us and shake their heads as the blue one walked forward, climbed up my leg and whispered into my ear. Now the mini huggies don't have loud voices but are able to talk which is why so many children want them and why so many adults say that they're just a little creepy but end up buying them for their children anyways because legally you can’t leave the factory without buying a toy. The mini Huggy asked if we were here to play with him and the others to which I said that we were and he jumped off my shoulder excitedly and told the other mini huggies. So one by one all the mini huggies jumped up into their heidi hole and the game began.

Catnap was the best I’d ever seen at the Wack-a-Wuggy game and all the mini huggies absolutely loved Catnap and when we had both finished playing the game we sat down in the sand and started playing go fish and building sandcastles. Just enjoying each other's company before Mummy came down and said that Huggy and Kissy wanted to play with the mini huggies. So both Catnap and I go back up the stairs and back to the Game station. Once on the main floor again I dragged Catnap gently over to the play equipment and Tagging him then running away laughing leaving a momentarily confused Catnap on the soft floor.
“H-h-h-ey, t-t-th-ats no ff-f-f-fa-r-fair”
He winded as he started chasing me, after tagging me I ran up to Bunzo Bunny and tagged him, making him drop his symbols and running after both Catnap and I. soon enough everyone was playing the game of tag with Mummy watching and helping anyone who fell.

(Guys I need help I don't know what to name the yellow mini huggy from this chapter, so if anyone has any suggestions please tell me so I can put it in the next chapter)

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