Chapter 5

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While I stood there eating one of the cookies I had made myself, I found myself wondering why Dogday had chosen to come to my house over any of the other critters. I mean it’s not like I have anything against him being here and it's not like I was asleep anyways and I do enjoy his company but surely he would have been more comfortable with one of the other critters. Turning to look at Dogday I saw him practically glowing, he had one of the cookies i had made for him in his mouth and he looked to be… crying?.  Shaking my head I looked out the kitchen window and watched the rain fall down, smiling to myself. 

“Oh h-how I d-do lov-love the r-r-rain”

“Why that Catnap?” 

I jumped at the sound of Dogdays silky warm voice and turn back to look at him I hadn't realised that I had said that aloud not mentioning the fact that I am so used to living or just being alone in my house so I may have forgotten that Dogday was there but I don’t think he minded, seeing as he was sitting at the bench laughing his ferry butt off. Glaring at him I sighed, walked over and gently pushed him off the chair. Which got him to stop laughing and look up at me with puppy eyes only to stick his tongue out at me, and I couldn’t help it. One second I was standing up right looking down at him and the next we were both rolling around on the floor laughing our collective furry butts off.  

After a short while we had both gone back out to the living room and sat down, well I was laying in my cat bed next to the fireplace and Dogday had dragged the orange bean bag over and was now rolling all over it which was very cute.

“Hey Catnap” 

Looking up from my book I saw Dogday staring into the fire, a curious look danced along his face. His tail softy waging behind him and three to four cookies still in his hands, the jar sitting half empty next to him.

“Y-yes D-d-dogday?” 

“ you remember what happened to you before you became a toy? And if you do then umm… do you remember how old you were?” 

He pursed as if in deep thought and well I couldn't help but stare at him, my eyes followed the fire light as it danced along his face. Making every little piece of glitter got stuck in his fer, shine. Then I thought about it for a moment,

“I-i-i-i’m n-not s-su-sure”

And god damn it my stuttering is back. Though his face was lit up but the dancing flames of the fire I saw a dark shadow cross his face, does he know something?. I know that by the four month mark you were meant to remember everything about who you were before becoming a toy… well everything but how you became a toy. No one. ever remembers that… of course no one whose name isn't Dogday remembers that. Dogday was apparently the only one to ever undergo the procedure and remember what happened during said procedure, even though he had the highest drugging that anyone, child or adult. Could have, which is why he became the leader because he remembers everything and when he was first introduced to the others after they were made of course. He was very, very. Protective of them, much like he is around me but I think he's a little overprotective and sometimes he gets a hungry look in his eyes when he’s watching me. Though I don’t think he knows it. 

The rest of the night was filled by Dogdays and my simple conversation which was accompanied by the warm light and comforting crackle of the fire and the soft crewing of Dogday eating all the peanut butter cookies and finishing off half of mine. It was around four in the morning when Dogday had finally fallen asleep. He was laying on me and wrapped in my tail, lightly snoring and hugging my back. He looked oh so adorable while he was sleeping much like a cute puppy dog, which was the very opposite of how he looked when he was awake. I sighed, breathing in his sweet smell of vanilla inviting my nose and making it's home there.  

“I-i won-wonder”

Dogday stirred ever so slightly as I spoke the stutters were still there and though I knew I wasn’t meant to be talking yet I could help it. Though I only spoke a little and only when I needed to or felt like it really did hurt my throat, to be honest I felt like someone was pouring melting metal down my throat then shoving hot chillies down there just for the fun of it. Dogday whimpered in his sleep as if he could imagine the feeling and didn't like it. I turned back to look into the fire once more and closed my eyes. 

Then I was in a white room that was very clean… I suppose it had to be. My whole body was aching and the doctors?, hovering over me weren't helping. Mummy Long Legs was on the other side of the viewing glass and yelling at someone who I couldn't see and though I couldn't hear her I knew she was livid, with tears running down her cheeks and her small white fangs hanging down. There was a doctor shining a light in my eyes and another one standing off to the side and saying something about poppy… gas?. Do they mean the red gas that puts everyone to sleep at night time?. Why would they need the poppy gas… then they put the gas masks on and the room became red.


Slowly my eyes opened and i was met with the sight of a very imperative Dogday that was actively shaking me so hard it felt like my eyes were going to roll to the back of my head,

“I-i-i-i’m u-u-u-upppp”

For once my stuttering was warranted. He stopped and looked down at me with that big goofy smile of his. His tail was going crazy, waging so much it looked like he was about to take off 

“Good morning Catnap! How’d you sleep, I slept great. That was the best night's sleep I’ve EVER had! thank you so much for letting me stay the night"

This guy had way to much energy at 6 in the morning, rolling over I gave him the cold shoulder and tried to go back to sleep, I wasn’t required to get up till nap time for the children which was from 11:00 till 1:00 and even then I could sleep while the children were sleeping so I really didn’t want to get up. With a huff Dogday left my side and went somewhere then the high pitched whistle of the kettle, that had finished boiling, went off. I was up and sitting at the kitchen bench faster than any cat had ever moved and before I could say anything a hot cup of tea was placed in front of me by a glowing Dogday, who had a cookie in his paw.       

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