Chapter 19

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Jason looked at Blue who was falling to her death, maybe she wasn't real? Maybe they were all right, if Blue was Spider she could save herself but he didn't know where to turn
"She's been lying to you please believe us" Yong said, Jason took a deep breath and zoomed off, he went to where Lion was and handed him the babies then went back to the Giant
"Ka-oi!!!" He yelled as he landed
" You were once a Protector like me, you once saved millions of lives but you had to make a choice, I know it was hard cause I almost made that mistake today but one over a millions is wrong, What good is it to ruin a city so you could build your own? What good is it to kill and kill? What good is it to try and be something you aren't. If you stand down I will not kill you but if you don't then I have no choice"
"Who do you think you are?!!!" Ka-oi yelled
"I'm Jason Yoso-gai no, Protector of both China and Japan and you're in my territory" Jason jumped to the heart of the giant and pierced on of his swords inside, there the real Ka-oi was and the dark Giant fell.
"Ahhh!!" Ka-oi yelled swinging his sword towards Jason and they clashed the fight between good and evil began, one dimmed by anger and the other determination, Ka-oi said anted only a kingdom to give but this boy was in his way
"You will die then Yong and Ren"
"You wanna know something about evil spirits like you?"
"You talk too much" Jason used the wind, spin kick as a diversion and threw one of his swords to the ground
"You missed" Ka-oi said grinning
"Really?" Jason made Ka-oi slip to his sword
"Ugh!!!" The sword pierced through him even where his heart was
"No, no, ho can I be beaten by a boy?!!" He yelled as he was slowly dying
"I'm not a boy, I'm 19 years old, so you were beaten by me"
"All I wanted was to make this awful and cruel world a better place for Oh Young"
"Who is that?"
"My lover but at least now I'm going to her"
"You could've been a great Protector, I'm sad you chose something else" Jason said
"I see—" Ka-oi breathed his last breath and he withered to ashes

Lion was still fighting an evil spirit when it withered away, they all withered and gone the with the wind
"He did it, Jason did it" Ken said
"He did, didn't he?" Lion said smiling, Ken ran into the city looking for him
"Jason!!" Ken yelled
"Jason!!" He said searching
"Over here" Jason said taking a seat
"You did it, you saved everyone"
"What about the wreck? And wouldn't this be on the news?" Jason asked
"Not at all, the Corey fish will be here" Ken said, Jason wondered what the fish would do but when he heard the river of water floating in the sky it really was the Corey fish, the water spread and brought everything damaged and repaired it then when the city was normal they brought all the civilians and made them go to sleep and a few minutes later they woke up the busy city of Tokyo was back on track again.No one remembered anything that just happened everyone went to work, home or school.

Jason sat on top of a building, he almost became Ka-oi but he didn't
"Good job little Protector" Yong said as him and Ren appeared
"I should thank you guys, without your help I would've saved Spider than the babies" Jason said
"Your welcome as your animal spirits" Ren said
"I've noticed that you two fight less" Jason said
"Oh really I guess it's because we've forgiven each other"
"Well that took 1000 years for" Jason made them laugh
"You're right, If we knew sooner then we wouldn't have met you" Ren said
"You're right our fighting did lead us to you" Yong added
"Actually Yong's temper led you to me"
"So it couldn't been done without me" Tong said smiling
"So what, you had to chase me so"
"Ugh I hate it when you're right"
"Don't ruin the moment!!!"

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