Chapter 8

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Ren and Mul Yong were back in the spirit realm after meeting their Protector, Yong didn't get the chance to beat Ren because they were called by Lion and some of of the others.
"Lion, you called us?" Ren said arriving
"Yes, please tell me the truth that you two aren't sharing a Protector?" He said
"I wish it wasn't true" Yong said
"How is that possible? Through all my centuries of living, Spirits don't share a Protector and what's worse you two are sharing him"
"We already know how bad it is Lion, stop making it worse" Yong said
"Anyway, how can we get information on him?" Ren asked
"The Animal Spirit from his birth place would know"
"Whose the Animal Spirit?" Yong asked
"Bald Eagle"Ren said
"Oh that dumb bird"
"Watch your tone Kitsune!" Someone said high in the sky, he knew exactly who that was
"Sometimes Foxes and Eagles eat each other" she said landing
"Only if I was a puppy"
"Shall we just stop and let you argue even though we have a serious problem?" Ren asked making Yong roll his eyes
"How can I help you Ren?" Bald eagle asked
"Can you tell me of a citizen from your country, a 19 year old man named Jason Yoso-gai no?"
"Mhm, ahh, Jason Yoso-gai no he was born with a small but pure heart so his life was a little difficult for him, why do you wan to know?"
"It seems that Yong and I were pulled into his spirit making him our Protector"
"We'll this isn't going to end well, but he's from my territory"
"Not exactly,he's mixed with half of ours" Yong said
"It still doesn't explain how his spirit pulled two people that hate each other in,so good luck to you both, you're going to need it"

. . . .

"Jason, have you thought this through?"Kenji asked them as they still stood around his hospital bed
"Yes I have,I will live on Campus and Professor Ken will help me"
"We can't stay,your job needs you home tomorrow and mine does too, Kenji and Naya are needed as well and Blue has to back with the rest, you'll be alone" Delphia explained
"It's ok, let me do this on my own, I might be back before the competition"
"Are you really ok on your own?" Blue asked
"Yep" Blue looked deep in his eyes for the right answer but there was none, Jason was telling the truth.

Blue got to their hotel, Jason had to spend the night at the hospital and their visiting hours were over
"I can't believe he wants to stay here" she said to Kenji
"He's almost 20,making your own decisions at first is kinda of scary" Kenji said
"But does he really have to stay?"
"It's hard to change a man's mind once he makes it up"
"Yeah, so should I stay with him or go back with you?"
"Blue it's not only me you'll be leaving, your dad and your mom is coming out next week also I don't think your dad would let you"Kenji made a very good point about that
"You're right, I won't forget to say goodbye to him tomorrow"
"Come on"

Jason sat in his room in silence, he didn't feel bad for staying cause his mind was racing with excitement, he had powers, the doctor told him his heart is a normal size and he was going to get training. He felt like he was in a movie like Karate Kid or Kung Fu Panda but something did make him question this situation, what kind of powers did he have? Ken came back into the room knowing that everyone else had left.
"So have you decided what you're going to do?" He asked, Owl was calm but he was rough so it was definitely Ken
"Yes I have decided to stay here, will you help me transfer to the Melody University here?"
" No need, you won't be going to University"
"You're now a Protector, you won't have time, especially with the rising evil, Training comes first"
"But what about my dreams and a job?"
"Don't worry about money, your job is already in progress, you must protect the territory of China and Japan"
" That's huge, but will you help me?"
"Only in Training you"
"So what happened after that?"
"You'll see but for now get some rest, since you cut off your family it's going to be easier to get you outta here"
"When do I leave?"
"First sunlight"
. . . .

Ren went to the Library, a Library in the Spiritual Realm, here it had many books, scrolls and letter, information was vast in here but Ren was here for a specific reason.
"T,T,T" he muttered to himself searching
"Ah two spirits" Ren raced his fingers through the pages of the book and came to what he was looking for
"When two spirit animals go in one Protector it's due to Spiritual Power in the subject, if the Spiritual Power is strong it causes the Physical body to have either a dysfunction or small important internal organ" Ren read aloud to himself, he remembered Owl talking about Jason's small heart so this did make sense but if his Spiritual power is strong, Jason could even have his own powers apart from theirs.

. . . .

Ka-oi was powering quickly now he was able to use his powers
"Ssseems your getting powerfulsss" Snake said entering the dark chambers
"Have done what I asked?"
"Of coursesss but there isss a problem"
"What has your scaly ass done?"
"Nothing sssir just that they have a Protector now"
"What!!! Who are they? I'll send my men to kill them!!"
"Itsss not a they sssir but a he"
"That's impossible, animal spirits having one together" Ka-oi said laughing
"If only it were a jokessss"
"Who is their Protector?"
"Some boy named Yoso-gai no"
"I want you Snake to keep a close eye on him, I would kill him but I want to know what kind of Hero they expect to kill me, It might be an unexpected death than Hero" Ka-oi laughed

. . . .

"So that's why he got you in him" Lion said after Ren explained everything to both him and Yong
"So the kid was powerful and adding us he might be unstoppable" Yong said
"It might be possible but we need to find his power something he won't need us just in case something happens"
"Yeah like you scaly ass leaving"
"Don't push my fangs, dumb dog"
"Did you just call me a dog?"
"If the tail wags"
"Let's not battle here I still have people to see" Lion said breaking them up
"Jason might be someone we've been waiting for so I'm asking you both to take care of him even if you want to kill each other, this boy might defeat Ka-oi for good"

. . . .

It was already morning in Tokyo, Kenji and Blue were instructed to get Jason from the Hospital and bring him home to say goodbye
"I'm going to miss him"Blue said as they entered the hospital
"I know you guys were so close" Kenji said
"Yeah but sometimes saying goodbye helps and at least I can" Blue said
"Let's get him"Kenji and Blue went to the Desk nurse
"Hello, we're here to pick up a patient named Jason Yoso-gai no"
"Um well he left already" the nurse said
"Wait what? How and who?!"
"Someone took him this morning at 6pm and left these" The nurse put a phone and a note on the table
"His phone and a note
Don't look for me, I'll be back when I can, love Jason'" Blue read aloud
"I guess he didn't want to say goodbye"
"Yeah, he just left like that, I could punch him if he was here"
"Come on, let's go tell my parents, Mom is going to be mad but we'll have to anyway" Kenji took Blue's hand and they left the hospital together, She was sad that she didn't say goodbye but it was his choice now not hers.

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