Chapter 10

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Blue and Henry stood on their porch knowing today was going to be the start of the worst day of their lives, the day when Selena Carnal was coming out of jail. Blue didn't want to be here at all now home the one thing she called peace was gone to her mother.
"Dad I don't want to this! Can't I go to school or hang out with Kenji"
"I hate rain on your parade but this is happening" Henry said, A luxurious car pulled up at their house making them confused on the situation, out came Selena Carnal, she was wearing a black dress with a line, on the other side of the car came out a man with long black hair,a luxurious suit and sun glasses
"Who is that?" Blue asked
"No idea" Henry watched them both come into their lawn
"There is my cute little Blue, I knew you both be waiting for me"
"Mom, whose that?" Blue asked
"Oh this Kai, he's someone I know, Kai dateline say hi"
"Hello" His voice sounded more like a thousand whispers in one and the moment he spoke the wind blew cold  sendings a chill down Blue's back
"Come in?" Henry could hear the nervousness in his voice but he cleared it away and opened the door
"Oh this house is as beautiful as I left it, You even left the curtains I bought" Selena said
"I don't really have much time to change things around" He said
"Ah you're still an officer right?"
"No, chief of police"
"Oh, how forgot how much you wanted that spot but look at you now, Kai did you bring the wine, it looks like we're not only celebrating my release, what about you Blue darling? Any boyfriends or friends?"
"Not that you need to know mom"
"Oh I know you'll tell me on our trip"
"What trip?" Henry asked
"Kai has arranged for us to go to Japan, he says that a foreign country brings people together"
"But Dad's job and my school"
"Don't worry Kai already called your leave Henry and your school also is letting you out, no worries eh?"

                                   .    .    .    .

Pounding on the door was making Jason groan in annoyance, he didn't want to open his eyes cause his body was already aching with pain.
"Five more minutes mom" he grumbled
"Jason it's time to get up!!" That wasn't his mom's voice, it was Ken not Owl but Ken and that meant he was going to get hurt just like yesterday.
"I can flip him here and now, if he keeps wasting time" Yong said sitting on his bed
"Rest is apart of training" Ren said
"Oh dumb dragon, rest is for lazy people and my Protector won't be lazy"
"Your Protector? Mul Yong don't use words you don't understand"
"Will you two please stop!!" Jason said getting up, he looked out side it was nearly dawn and he had feeling this day was going to be long.
He came outside were in the middle of the temple was a pot over a fire
"What are you making Master Ken?" Jason asked yawing
"A very special meal that will help in your training" Ken explained as Jason sat on a log next to the pot, he noticed a pile of clothes next to him
"What is that?"
"Ahh, your clothes, I noticed fighting in your jeans and shirt isn't very comfortable, Ren made these for you" Jason looked at the red haired dragon
"Thank you" he said taking his clothes
"I always care for my Protector, unlike some people" Ren said looking at Yong
"Do those two always fight?"Jason asked Ken while Yong was yelling at Ren
"All the time, they can't be in the same room together so you can see it's hard having you as their Protector"He explained
"Why do they fight?"
"That is something you must ask them" Ken gave a bowl of something to Jason straight from the bowl, he looked inside there were some pieces of meat and other things he couldn't see, he took a sniff and it smelled delicious so he poured some down his throat
"Mmmm this is good, what type of soup is this?"
"That you will learn later, you have a long day ahead of you so drink up" The rising sun was piercing the dark, Jason's eyes met the sun and the brown in his eyes glowed with determination, maybe today he'll stop having hesitation, maybe today he won't get his ass kicked.  

                                  .     .     .     .

The noon sun was high in the sky, beaming down on Jason making him sweat, this was the 20th time he failed today and even worse he had bruises all over his body, his ass was getting kicked literally.
"Time out, time out !!!!" He said trying to catch his breath
"Time out?" Yong said amused
"I need a break, I'm hungry and sweaty" Ken looked at Owl for an answer who told him to back off
"Day 2 and we're nowhere meanwhile Ka-oi is getting stronger" Yong said
"It's bad enough for you to say it, he's doing his best" Ren said
"Best doesn't count, if he was giving his all it would but there is still hesitation in him, he needs to let it go" Yong said getting up and going towards him
"That dumb dog, are we going to stop him?" Ren asked Owl and Ken
"No, let him go"

"Little Protector!!!" Yong yelled coming his way
"Um yes" Jason was a little scared on what would happen next
"I'm going to beat the crap out of you but you're going to dodge and fight back, you got it?"
"Um no"
"Too bad" Yong immediately punched Jason, who was pushed to the side,  a slide kick making him tumble
"Stop hesitating!!" Yong used his power to bring Jason from the ground, a spinning Yong landed right in front of him, he had his black ears pointing out of his head with a smirk on his face. Right, left, up and down Yong was actually beating the crap out of him, Jason wanted to yell stop but his lips were to swollen to have anything come out of them. The sun was being hidden by dark clouds
"Are you doing that?" Owl asked Ren
"Not at all" He said looking up

"Oh come on, you can't be that worthless" Kenji's voice echoed in his head
"If it was me I would've aced it by now" Naya said
"My poor boy capable of nothing" why was hearing those words, was this the hesitation he had
"You'll never be enough for me, I'm going to marry Kenji" No this had to leave his head this was the reason he was kept back, his family but not this time!

Jason opened his eyes and pushed Yong away hard, the rain started to pour as soon as he got to his feet. Ren and Owl smiled knowing something interesting was going to happen so did Yong. He went to land a flying kick but Jason caught his leg and throw him across the temple
"Now that's what I'm talking about!!!" Yong yelled, he could feel the determination from Jason
"Ken, why don't you take him for a little spin" Yong yelled and Ken did, Jason was improving when Ken his him once he made sure it wouldn't happen again, the rain poured more and more as he was improving and so was the fight. Ken went from soft to hard on him and by the time it was him on the ground this time  the rain stopped and the sun shined
"Fair match?" Jason asked giving his hand to Ken
"Very good, you passed the Martial Arts training" Ken said getting up
Ren, Yong and Owl came up to him
"I knew you could do it" Ren said
"Thanks  and Owl looks like your telling me aren't you?"
"Of course, birds never break their Promises"
"This was all you, tell us what was holding you back"
"My family" Jason made everyone look at him
"Why would you Family hold you back?"
"My Family has always told me I wouldn't be greater than them even my best friend abandoned me"
"Greater? little Protector you are a marvel" Yong said
"The rain wasn't mine doing but yours"
"Me? No way"
"Jason, our powers are strong but what's inside is more powerful" Ren said
"Jason, come have some Lunch!!" Ken called him
"Go Little Protector" Jason was yelling and whooping on the way
"That boy is something" Ren said
"Was I too hard on him, his eyes is kind of swollen"
"His eye? So are  his lips I pity whatever he has to eat now thanks to you"
"At least your thanking me, how kind of you"
"Don't push my scales, I'm going back starting to feel a hungry" Ren was gone and a few minutes so was Yong.

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