Chapter 5

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The Yoso-gai nos made it home so did the Carnals, Jason quickly went up to his room and closed the door, he wasn't just tired but exhausted he could hear his small heart pound with anger. He felt Ike he was betrayed or stabbed in the back by Blue but he couldn't do anything about it and that's what he hated the most, being useless. A small knock came from his door and he immediately sat up
"Come in" he said, Mark entered the room with a small smile
"Hey, I just wanted to check on you, is everything fine?"
"Yeah dad, it's alright"
" You sure, you didn't look happy after coming from the bathroom"
"I had indigestion"
"Ok, your mom was wrong about what she said in the car "
"I should apologize about raising my voice at Naya's Convention"
"That's a good idea and remember we'll be celebrating when you win the Competition this year, my hopes on you"
"Thanks dad, I'm gonna go to sleep"
"Ok goodnight Jason"
"Goodnight dad"
Mark left the room and Jason changed into his pajama pants and went to his covers after turning out the lights, tomorrow he was going to raid that Date no matter what!

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"Lion, I wanted to tell you in advance I'll be going to Earth, I must find a Protector" Ren said
"Alright safe journey but has Yong found one yet?"
"He's having the same problem as me"
"That's a first, you two never have the same things"
"That's why I'm going"
"Good luck" As Ren was about to leave Lion's servant came into the room with Yong behind him
"Well, isn't this awful?"Yong said seeing Ren
"Don't get you hopes that I'm staying" Ren said leaving the room
"How can I help you Yong?" Lion asked
"I'm having trouble finding a Protector"
"Ren is going to Earth for a few days to find one so you both could get off the same page"
"At least he's doing me a favor, besides the world has become darker he's going to be there for a while"
"Yes it has, I'm not supposed to say anything but Ka-oi is gathering his strength, death rates are rising in Japan"
"I should fix that but I can't"
"Hope is a powerful thing, train and hope for your Protector"
"I will thank you Lion"

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Blue woke up to her father's car leaving the house, he always left early for work that's why she ate breakfast with the Yoso-gai nos, she had classes today but not into 9:30am that's why she agreed to see Kenji but her thoughts were on what to say to him, she quickly washed her face, put on some make up and some clothes then locked her house.

Jason looked out his window and saw Blue on her way, he could notice that she was already ready for the date and so was Jason, he had already planned to what to do, thanks to some friends he knew they were going to the Cafe as well and Jason was joining them. He walked out his room and saw Kenji as he passed he could smell his Cologne in the hall, he was wearing some fancy but casual clothes for the date , Jason was already disgusted now he was having indigestion seeing him. Blue opened the door meeting Delphia with a hug
"Have a seat" she said as she went back to the kitchen, every breakfast was normal but this one was a-bit awkward, Kenji and Blue sat next to each other while Jason sat where he could see them.
"Mom, I'm going with my friends, I'll be back later" Naya said as she left
"Well that was quick, what about you Kenji?" Delphia asked
"My team and I are going to celebrate too"
"Good luck, Jason and Blue don't you have classes today?"
"Yep but they don't start for another hour" Blue answered
"Ok, Mark already left for work and so do I you all have a good time"
"Can I give you a ride?" Kenji asked
"Sure" Blue and Kenji left together and Jason walked outside watching Blue hop into Kenji's convertible, he already planned ahead.
"Jason here are the clothes and sunglasses you asked for" one of his classmates said handing the hints he asked
"Thanks I'll get them back to you" Jason ran ahead, to the nearby Cafe and went to the bathroom, he quickly changed into the clothes and threw the other ones away. He quickly took a cab to the Cafe Blue and Kenji were

Blue took a seat and Kenji's did the same, the waiter came over to them as soon as they were ready
"Can I get you guys anything?" She asked
"I'll have some tea, what about you Kenji?"
"I'll have a coffee thanks" The waiter left the table giving them a both a chance to talk
"So I have a confession to say" Kenji spoke first
"Go on" Blue said
"I like you Blue, ever since we were kids, that's why I was always mean to you and pulled pranks on you also I really didn't want to tell you but since you kissed me I decided to come clean"  Blue was a little shock with the confession but she cleared her throat making  Kenji's heart beat with the anticipation
" Wow, I wasn't expecting that, I thought you did all those pranks cause you didn't like me but now I see it was a different reason" she said smiling
"To be honest at a point I did have a crush one you I just didn't know if you had the same feeling" Jason choked on his cup of coffee, Blue liked Kenji this whole time, so it was over now he can't like Blue now he's handsome asshole of a brother had her, his small heart ached so much
"So what do we do with these feelings?" Kenji asked
"We see where they take us"
"So if you want ,are you free tomorrow?"
"Definitely how about 7pm?"
"Sure" Kenji checked his watch and took the last sip of his Coffee
"You'll be late for class, let me drop you off" Kenji and Blue left the Cafe leaving Jason feel terrible, he had to make it to the University before them.

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Blue entered Class just in time, she took a seat next to Jason who was quiet and didn't ask questions about why she was late.
"Ok let me remind you before we continue this Class that the trip to Japan is next week so get ready cause if you leave anything behind we're not coming back" Jason could only think about what he heard at the Cafe, He had a crush on Blue since they were kids too but since she was a prize to be won Kenji won her and he lost. It wasn't fair, Kenji had it all now that he was apart of the International team he had a bright a promising future while He had nothing but his music and his small heart. Jason entered the music room and shut the door there was only one way to get rid of his bad mood for awhile and that was to play his heart out.  The strings against his fingers made him feel better, the echo of the guitar made his ears happy, his voice could be heard through the whole school and when he finished he opened his eyes to see someone else was in the room. He started clapping for him
"That was amazing, truly amazing" he said coming towards him
"What's your name?" The man asked
"Um Jason Yoso-gai no" he said confused
"Jason, how would you like to be famous?"
"Look if this is a scam, I don't want to" Jason said putting his guitar down and leaving the room, he didn't give the man a chance to explain, it was already 3pm in afternoon, Classes had ended and everyone went home expect Jason,He didn't care where he was heading just he needed space and fresh air
"Jason! Jason! Wait up!" Blue yelled, Jason rolled his eyes and continued walking
"Jason!" Blue yelled as she caught up with him
"What? What do you want?"

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