Chapter 6

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Ka-oi had his eyes closed as he sat on his dark throne, he was searching for something in the darkness of his mind but he was quickly interrupted by a slithering sound. He immediately opened his opened his eyes and saw a man walking his way
"Your scales have arrived" Ka-oi said amused
"What do want Ka-oi, using my protector like this could get me in trouble" It was Snake, his Protector was tall and slim, wearing full black with some jewelry around his neck, black hair and red eyes that flowed in the darkness
"You know my hatred for Yong and Ren, add fire to their hatred"
"Asss tempting as that soundsss, I'm busy with my territory and your delightful people keep bother my territorysss"
"Snake, you know that you owe me or I'll kill you at the end with the rest of the Animals"
"Give me sssome time then I will do what you asksss"
"Snake, time is of the essence so finish whatever your doing and do what I ask"
"Yessss sir"

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"Where are you going, we walk home together remember" Blue said catching her breath
"Go ask your new boyfriend" Jason said as he continued walking
"What?"Blue yelled, Jason stopped and turned to her
"Yeah I know"
"You and Kenji"
"Jason, so what, we're not dating yet"
"Oh but you will"
"What's your problem? You should be happy"
"Happy? I am more than happy for both of you,I'm over the moon" Jason knew he was lying but he didn't want to ruin their friendship at least
"Oh, I thought you'd be mad but thanks for being there" Blue hugged Jason
"So are we walking home or?"
"I have something to do, go ahead" Blue walked away from Jason,feeling happy that he was ok with them dating. But Jason's heart was heavy again with the steps she took all he could do was hold on the tears his eyes, was this even for the best? No not at all, he was pretty sad that he would lose Blue.

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"Argggggg!!" Yong said breaking things in his palace, Fang was hiding from the flying objects, he knew when his master was angry it wasn't a good idea to ask questions or come in the room.
"Death rates are rising and I still haven't found a Protector and that Asshole is on Earth all of it isn't right!!!!" He said as he threw a plate
"Calmssss down" Snake said as he caught the plate
"What does your scaly ass want?!" Yong yelled
"Ssems like your busy, I'll come back laterss"
"State your business Snake"
"Alrightss, you didn't hear it from me but Ren is in Japan"
"What?!" Yong yelled, Snake was adding fire to a flame and it was burning just the way he wanted to
"Yes sir"
"I'm going to Earth in my wolf form, to bite some Dragon's ass"

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It was already the week to go to Japan, Blue was packed and ready to go so was Jason but his heart was hurting with everything that was going. Blue and Kenji went on three dates in the last three days and he hated it, last night while they were saying goodbye they kissed and Jason saw it from his window, talk about wrong place at the wrong time. Finally with them in Japan they wouldn't do any lovey dovey stuff, Jason walked down stairs he was going to eat breakfast and get out of the house but something worse waited for him
"Did you pack everything Naya?" Delphia asked
"Yes mom" she yelled
"What's going on?" Jason asked
" Oh, where going to Japan with you" Mark said
"What?" Jason yelled
"Don't worry, your dad has some business so he thought since you were going we all could go even Kenji" Now his trip was ruined, he wanted freedom from the chains only to have them follow him.
"Family trip" Delphia said happily

The University bus was filled with Students from Jason's class and Blue sitting right next to him, he wasn't smiling or even talking but looking out the window where his focus was.
"I can't believe your whole family is coming, this trip just got a whole lot better" Blue said excited
" Yeah it's nice" Jason said still looking out the window
"Since we're taking the same plane Kenji and I will have a movie date"
"Sounds great" Jason said as he faked a smile
"I'm so glad you're happy" Blue said
"Yeah me too" Arriving at the airport They all got their tickets, Jason was sitting away from the happy couple just watching them enjoy their flight while he almost barfed his plane food. Maybe this trip he could move on, maybe he could find something else to do while Blue goes and dates Kenji.
"All bags must go through inspection"the com said as Jason walked out with his class, at least they weren't going to stay at the same hotel
"Let's go to the hotel" Mark said, now it was ruined
"Welcome students from Melody University, I'm Ken Professor in Melody University of Japan, I would like to welcome you from our deepest heart." Ken had long black hair he wore in a ponytail with a beard and with a traditional Japanese coat.
" Follow me please" Jason and Blue walked together to the bus, they weren't in America anymore but Tokyo, a city of technology and a  city of many. Jason looked out the window, it was kind of his home since his Dad was from here and his family usually traveled here for the holidays but it was as happy as it used to be
Naya is a student at the University of NASA
Kenji is on the International team and he is nowhere they're having a perfect life while his is crashing down even Blue thought her life was perfect without him in the picture maybe he shouldn't exist anymore.

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The Snake wasn't lying Ren was in Japan but not for a Protector but a very personal reason, he was already blending in with the people the only thing that caught everyone's attention was his red hair. Yong was able to make it to Earth but through his Kitsune transformation, searching for that damn dragon. Moving swiftly through crowds and dodging cars Yong was mad, mad enough to cause this much trouble and he finally found him
"Ren!!!!!!" He growled, he looked at him as the big fox pushed him to the ground, no one could see Yong cause he was a spirit so Ren falling was kinda peculiar to everyone
"What the hell do you want?" Ren said trying to push him away
"You're in my Territory, I told what would happen if you came here"
"I'm not here to find a—-"
"Japan needs a Japanese Protector so go back to China"
"Yong what the hell is with you?"
"You're just making me angry, I'm going to count to 3 and if you're still here then you should start running"
"Yong try to use your dumb brain before it becomes terrible"
"1" Ren could read his actions, he was angry but Ren had his reasons to be here in Japan and the dumb Fox could've asked why he was here but no he want to fight
"3" Ren transformed into a Dragon, in the spirit and the chase was on

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Getting out of the bus, Jason went to his hotel room where he shared it with a friend but he was going to take a walk
"Where you going?" His roommate asked
"Outside" Jason answered
"But it's raining" Jason wasn't listening as he walked in to the lobby
"Excuse me" Professor Ken said as he saw Jason, he looked at him
"Student aren't allowed to leave without permission"
"I know my way" Jason didn't listen to what what Ken said and left the University
"Poor kid, I see death in his eyes, Owl" Ken whispered

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"This is my territory, wherever you run I know how to stop you" Yong growled, the only reason why Ren was running was to calm Yong down, the Fox was really fumed and he prayed that this would calm him down
"Yong try to reason with me instead of chasing me"
"Shut up dumb dragon, I already hate you" The rain was only pouring because of Ren another part of his plan to calm this crazy Fox

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Jason wanted to die, he wasn't enough for his family or his best friend so if no one wanted him around no one will have him around, he watched the cars passing before crossing the streets then went on the the green

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"Come here dumb dragon!" Ren was just about done with this chase, he looked behind him but wasn't able to see the kid in front of him

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Instead of hearing a truck horn he heard a growl from a wolf but why would there be a wolf in Japan, Jason turned to see a dragon being chased by a wolf coming his way but that wasn't the only thing coming after him so was a truck he never noticed the green light become red

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Ren knew he was going to go through the boy in front of him but he could see him, he could see Yong chasing him, how? Yong took a big jump and Ren closed his eyes

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Jason closed his eyes as the truck was trying to slow down for him but the brake wasn't functional, well I guess this is the end his said in his head, the truck crashed in to Jason skinny and small body then stopped, Ren and Yong were nowhere to be seen. Citizens gathered around the injured boy and called the ambulance quickly but no one noticed the small blue light all around his body

Unexpected HeroOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora