Chapter 7

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The ambulance arrived at the hospital, Jason's body was cover in blood and some scars, the nurses and doctors were rushing to the scene
"What's the condition?" The doctor asked
"Patient was in a Car Accident with a truck, 19 year old male" the nurse said
"Any parents or guardians?" The doctor asked
"Not that we know of sir"
"He'll need immediate medical attention, let's get him in to surgery and see if you can call any of his emergency numbers"
"Yes sir" As other nurses went with the doctor one stayed behind and went on Jason's phone to see his emergency contacts, she chose one called 'professor'
"Hello?" It was Ken, the American professor left his phone at the table they were talking at
"The owner of this phone has been in a accident, if you're the Guardian please come" Ken realized that this was the hospital so he decided to go to the student who got in the accident
"Hi, I'm here for the boy who was pulled in?" Ken and Jason's professor said as they were at the Hospital's checkpoint
"Ok, just jot down his information and yours then you'll be able to see him in a few minutes" the nurse said
"How could this happen? Why did Jason leave the Hotel, he's a good kid but now this, I wonder where are his parents or his best friend Blue?" Daniel was his name and he taught Jason for the first year and saw a good future but when he kinda choked during the Finale rounds he knew why but this wasn't like Jason to leave without permission or without telling anyone, something was up.
" Does Jason have parents?" Ken asked
"Yes but they're not here" Daniel said

                         .     .      .      .

Jason woke up gasping for air, he looked around, this wasn't Tokyo or anywhere there was only white nothing else
"Damn Dragon what are you saying?!" He heard in a distance, Jason got up and followed the voice, he came across two people one had red hair and orange eyes while the other one had black hair and brown eyes. The one with black hair looked angry while the red head looked calm
"Um who are you and where am I?" Jason asked getting their attention
"See I told you" Ren said to Yong
"No it's impossible"
"Um hello?"
"Oh sorry , I'm Ren Animal spirit of China, you're now our Protector"
"What?!" Jason and Yong said at the same time
"I've tried explaining to you but your dog of a brain doesn't understand"
"I'll smack you dumb Dragon" Yong said as his temper was raising
"Look, I'll just leave" Jason said not wanting to stand in the line of Fire
"Ahh wait Jason Yoso-gai no" Ren said calling him, Jason looked at the strangers
"How do you know my name?"
"Are you telling me we have the same Protector?" Yong asked
"Way to point out the obvious, Jason come here"
"No" Jason made Yong snicker at his answer to Ren
"If you want us to explain who we are and why you're here I suggest you come here" Jason came closer and Ren took a seat on the white floor
"What are you doing dumb Dragon?" Yong asked
"Taking a seat, we have to explain or does your wolf ass want to stand?"
"I hate it when your right" Jason and Yong sat down with Ren
"Now let me explain who we are, I'm Ren Animal Spirit of China and this Mul Yong Animal Spirit of Japan. Animal spirits are the protectors of the Spirit realm we protect the world from evil dangers but some go in physical form so in order to continue protecting we have to have a Protector a human that has a pure heart and ready to do anything but that Protector must come from the Animal spirits territory"
"We'll hate to burst you animal bubbles but I'm from America"
"Not exactly, your father was from my Territory and your mother from Yong's so half of each of our territories"
"It still doesn't explain what it has to do with me" Jason said
"What he means dumb boy, is that our spirits are some how intertwined with you and now if you leave our territories you will die" Yong said
"What? I'll die if I leave Japan or China"
"Now you're catching up, another thing is to add you have our powers"
"Dragon wake him up so I beat your scaly ass"
"See you in Training"

                                  .    .   .    .

Blue was busy exploring Japan with Yoso- gai nos, Tokyo was a really beautiful city and with Kenji she thought it was more enjoyable.
"So how do you like Tokyo?" Naya asked Blue
"It's beautiful, I'm so glad we were able to come together" Blue said hugging Naya
"I'm so glad you came Blue but have you seen Jason?" Delphia asked
"Yeah, he went to his room once we got to the hotel"
"Oh good, I'm glad he's alright, honey your phone is buzzing"  Delphia told Mark, he got his phone out of his back pocket
"Mr.Yoso-gai here"
"Hey, this is Jason's Professor calling from the Hospital, Jason has been in a terrible accident and he told me you were in the country so I thought it was better if I told you"
"We're on our way" Mark hung up quickly
"We need to get to the hospital quickly"
"What why?" Delphia asked
"Jason has been in a accident, we need to go now!" Delphia couldn't believe his words as they started leaving
"What did you say Dad?" Kenji asked
"Jason has been in a accident,we need to be at the hospital now" Blue face turned horror as she heard that and just followed as they quickly went to the hospital,  Is it because she wasn't around with him as always? Was it because of her relationship with Kenji? Her best friend was hurt but she was the last one to learn about  it. Entering the Hospital Blue held on to  Kenji's hand tight knowing she had failed as a friend

                                    .    .    .    .  

"Ugh" Jason said as he started to open his eyes, he expected one of his family members to be above him but it was someone else
"Waking up, are you now?" Ken said seeing Jason open his eyes, he sat full up and looked around his room
"I had the strangest dream" he said
"It was real, everything they said was true"
"But how do you know?"
"I'm Owl, this is my Protector Ken"
"But I thought they couldn't leave their territory"
"It's during first years we can't leave our territory but once we get the hang of it we can"
"So I really do have powers, I really do have animal Spirits inside of me"
"Yes but dear boy it's very impossible to have two at the same time and even worse two spirits that hate each other"
"What?!" Before Ken could do more explaining Jason's family walked in the room
"Oh my goodness, I'm glad your safe" Delphia and Mark held Jason tight
"Can you breath well? Is your heart tight? Are any of your organs out of place?" Delphia asked
"No, no and no, I'm perfectly fine Mom" Jason assured him
"Are you sure? Your heart doesn't hurt"
"Mom I'm fine" Jason gave a faint smile, Naya sighed in relief and Kenji rubbed his hand through his brother's hair
"Don't scare us like that dude, we all care about you" Blue said
"You do?"
"Jason, who would we be without you?" Kenji said those words made a real smile out of Jason
"Thanks guys"
"We'll have to take you home to our doctor, so I'll go ask the desk nurse" Mark said
"Mom, I can't go back to the States"
"The Jason who hated coming to Japan now doesn't want to leave" Blue said
"I will transfer to the Melody University here in Japan, I will stay here in Tokyo besides I'm 19 I can take care of myself"
"Jason did that truck hit that hard?" Naya asked examining his head
"No this is what I want"

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