Chapter 3

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"Kenji kissed Blue, no Blue kissed Kenji, no no no she was drunk and kissed maybe a wall and thought it was Kenji. Ughhhhh" Jason banged his head on the Cafeteria table, he was trying to think of Blue's situation, trying to make her innocent or even better figure out what went wrong that night. Kenji couldn't like Blue, those two may have been friends in a small way but not the loving way because they had been against each other for a while but became friends but Jason couldn't figure out why would they kiss?
"Jason, aren't you excited?" Blue asked him taking a seat
"About?" He said raising his head
"The trip to Japan" she said giggling
"I went there before so no not really"
"Oh well I'm the only one with feelings here, besides I heard that Melody University there is so strict that they never lost in their region"
"That's nice" Jason was clearly not interested in this conversation but Blue didn't care so she went on and on about the year schedule or something about songs.
"Damn, I can't go with you to the Convention" she said getting his attention
"Why? You always go"
"Today, I have to be with my parents"
"You have parents?"
"How do you think of my existence?"
"I don't know, you never talk about your family"
"Maybe I need to talk more about them"
"Naya's Convention is at 2pm and Kenji's game is at 3 I'll maybe make it Kenji's game but bye" Blue left the school leaving Jason with his thoughts

                             .     .     .    .

Ren was in his palace also looking for a Protector, instead of taking Snake's advice he took some list from Owl who was more helpful than Snake. All these people were not really good but he needed to find one real fast.
"I see the list I gave isn't really helpful" Owl said walking in to the room
"Thanks for you help anyway but these people aren't pure" Ren answered
"Well I hope you will find one soon, Ka-oi needs his energy and in order to do that he'll kill innocent people"
"Ka-oi must be stopped and I hope that annoying Fox will  find one too, I already hate the fact we're working together"
"When will you both set your hatred and work together?"
"Dear Owl, Never"

                                  .    .    .     .

Blue entered the Women's State Imprisonment with her Dad behind her, his name was Henry Carnal, he was Chief Police for his station and was usually busy at the station, His tan skin with black hair made him very handsome while he was only 45 but he loved his daughter very much and would do anything to keep her from the one evil thing he regretted in his life. Selena Carnal her mother and Blue hated the fact they were related, when she was a child Selena was arrested for murder, fraud and abuse since then she had been in this prison not caring about anything or her crimes and what's worse she almost ruined Henry's career.
Blue and Henry signed the visitors book and went inside, grey walls with some dirt were in the room, orange jumpsuits with woman in them and Selena was sitting with her hands cuffed waiting for them. The only reason why they visited her was because Henry wanted Blue to have a relationship with her
"They're my two favorite people!" Selena said as she saw them, her black hair looked like it hadn't been combed and her light brown eyes said crazy in them, Blue rolled her eyes as she and her dad took a seat on the opposite side of the table.
"What's with the long faces? Aren't you happy to see me?" She said
"No, I'm wasting time being here" Blue said coldly
"Blue, we're here to tell you that you're going to be let out a few days and we don't want you to bother us"
"Oh Henry I get child custody over Blue, that means I get to see whenever I want"
"I don't want to see you or at my house"
"I'll do what I want, even it means bothering my own family"
"I didn't know we were a family" Henry said
"Dad, I have to go to Naya's Convention"
"Who?" Selena asked
"A few minutes then we are done , ok?" Henry said ignoring her
"Oh, I can't wait to leave this cage, be with my family"
"Great" Blue said in disappointment

                            .      .     .     .
"Ladies and Gentleman please welcome young candidate Naya Yoso-gai no" the announcer said as Jason sat with his family and since he was sitting next to Kenji he was going to investigate.
"Kenji" he whispered
"Did you help Blue last night?"
"I don't know what you're talking about" he said
"She was drunk at a party last night and you carried her home"
"Look whatever did happen is none of your business"
"She's my best friend and I'll make it my business"
"She's not only yours"
"What? You suddenly like her now, I thought you found her annoying"
"A guy can change his mind, can he?"
"Kenji, are you just playing with her?"
"Bro lay off"
"No!" He yelled interrupting Naya's presentation, his parents looked at him with angered faces and Jason just sank not to be seen. How could his own brother do this? How can his brother like Blue? This is not going to happen, Jason now made it his mission to stop Kenji and Blue from ever being a 'thing'

                                 .     .    .     .

Blue and Henry finally came out of the Prison, they spent at least 30 minutes hearing her mom rambling about things she needed and things she didn't have, Blue really hated her mom.
"Sorry, it's my fault that I married her" Henry said
"No dad it ok" Blue said
"I wish I would've know what kind of woman she was, I guess even an officer can lose the suspect sometimes"
"Does she really have to stay with us when she gets out?"
"I'm sorry Blue but the state said in till she gets a decent place to stay and can stay out of trouble she has to stay with us and her parent privileges can't be taken away"
"Now what do I do? She's going to ruin everything, my friends and my life"
"The Yoso-gai nos are good people, I hate to see your mom ruin that"
"Dad, let's go I want to get to  Kenji's game"
"Oh really"
"I'm doing nothing"
"You only do the 'oh really' when you think I'm dating or have a crush"
"Let's go, I have to get to the Station, I'll drop you off"

                                 .     .     .    .

Jason sat in the back of the car with Naya holding her certificate of Excellence and admission to University of NASA so in other words she won the competition. Kenji was already pumping up his hands for the game they were going to, he was already riled up by his brother's annoying questions.
"Kenji just answer the damn question!!!"
"Jason do not talk to your brother like that!" His mother yelled front the front seat
"But mom-"
"You interrupted Naya during her speech and
you're just lucky she won if she failed I would've blamed all on you" Jason didn't want to listen to his parents so he sunk down in his car seat and put his headphones on. 

                                 .     .     .     .          

"Ok bring it in" Kenji's coach said as his Volleyball team came together for the game, he was ready to face the opponents so he could become a international player.
"Today we go for gold" the captain said as they all agreed
"Win big, dream big" the team separated and went to get ready, Kenji went to his locker and someone stood on the side
"What do want Brian?" Kenji said going through his locker
"Where were you last night?"
"Well there was some rumor going around that you have a girlfriend"
"Haha and you believed that?"
"Come on the girls said you kissed Blue Carnal last night" Kenji immediately put his hand around Brian's mouth
"Shhhh, whatever you heard is-"
"That's the girl isn't it?"
"Yes, I kissed her last night but she came to me first"
"How was it?"
"Drunk and late, let's go"

Blue sat in the front row looking at Naya's certificate and admission letter while Jason sat above them studying her actions and trying to break this 'thing' the room was being packed with an audience to a crowd full of people, Blue was amazed at Naya's achievements and as a proud older sister she hugged her
"I'm sorry I didn't see you win" she apologized
"It's ok, you've seen every competition and gathering so this one I'll let off" Naya said smiling as Blue thought it was a threat
"Welcome to the Volleyball finals, today we'll see which team will win and which member will catch the eyes of the International scouters  so it's Pride vs The Lightings so who will win" Kenji came out to hearing the crowds chant his group 'Lightnings' when he saw Blue in the crowd he took a breath and remembered who he was winning for, he was going to serve
"And there is the whistle"

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