Chapter 11

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"Mom, you are crazy?" Blue yelled
"Darling, that's a strong word, you mean insane then yes"Selena said
"Honey we can't just leave, how long will we  be there?"Mark said
"Just for three weeks and Kai says it will be fun"
Mom, you just ruined my life by walking in, I'm not going!!!!" Blue stormed out of the house and towards the Yoso-gai nos
"How did it go?"Delphia asked as Blue came in to the room
"Awful!!! She brought in this guy named Kai, who is a total stranger and wants us to go back to Japan for three weeks and we'll drop everything to go with her. That bitch!!!!"
"Those are words we don't use in this house, maybe it was a joke" Mark said
"Joke? My mom never jokes"
"Blue calm down"Kenji said seeing her situation, he hugged her tight making Delphia, Mark and Naya look at them in surprise

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Jason was eating or trying to eat with the ice that was pressed against his lips
"So what's the next part training?" He asked Ken
"Power, it's time to see if you can use the power  that they're giving you and maybe find yourself a samurai sword"
"Find a sword?"
"It's not just choosing the sharpest one but the sword must choose you"
"Does the sword have a brain or?"
"The swords you must choose from, are filled with Spiritual Power, if one can match the swords power it yours but the sword must choose as well"
"Oh I get it now"
"Owl says he has something to tell you" Ken changed from rough to Kind that meant  it was Owl.
"Follow me" Owl said and Jason got up with his ice still against his face, he followed Owl to an unfamiliar place in the temple
"This room holds the history of many things and what I'm about to show you what you have asked for but promise me one thing Jason"
"What is it?"
"When you have learned the reason for this rushed training, don't give up your training at all"
"Alright, I promise"
"Then take a seat" Jason sat down on the a folded mat and so did Owl, he then raised up his hand and out of nowhere a scroll came into his hand and he then laid it at the shirt table in front of them.
"1000 years ago, Ka-oi was the Protector of Japan, he was a powerful too he had only one problem, all he wanted was power. He would compete with the other Protectors to defeat evil spirits or get missions done but his fate got worse one day. There was a chest that had the most evil spirit inside and my mission was to get it but Ka-oi went along when he got the chest he wanted to open it but it was too late to stop him. The evil spirit went inside of him kicking out the Animal Spirit. Ka-oi didn't fight back or tried to resist it because it was power he was looking for, So to gain more he killed 4 animal spirits Raven for England,Mouse for France, kangaroo for Australia and a very good friend of mine Wolf from Russia, he consumed their spirit and it made him powerful than ever before Luckily Japan had found a new Protector and China was already having Ren so at the time they didn't hate each other but worked together to imprison Ka-oi and now he's escaped and is regaining strength as we speak" Owl rolled up the scroll it then vanished into the air
"Wow, what happened to the Animal Spirits he killed?" Jason asked
"They're still in him but their countries were given new Protectors"
"So because Ren and Yong are inside of me I have to face Ka-oi!??"
"But he's lived for more than 1000 years and I have just begun my training"
"I know it's too much to take in"
"Too much, I could die from fighting him then whose going to stop him?"
"Now listen here, you are a very special Protector, one the Animal Spirits have never seen, you're powerful without Ren and Yong the power within is something you must acquire" Owl said touching his heart
"Now go and wash up, don't forget your promise Protector, the world needs you. If Ka-oi succeeds in killing all the Animal Spirits the whole world will fall into darkness without the Protectors of Light" All Jason could feel was pressure but Owl was right The world needs him but little did he knew Blue also needed him

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"You two are a thing?" Naya asked as they all sat at the table for Lunch
"We were going to tell you" Kenji said feeling awkward
"I'm so glad right now!!!!" Delphia screamed
"If you two get married, then Blue will be really part of the family" she was over the roof
"Yeah and then you be my older sister" Naya added
"Guys these are great thought but let's not forget my mom whose trying to kidnap me and my dad to Japan" Blue said
"Go back over there have dinner with your mom and then come back here then let's get you two married"
"Mom!!"kenji said
"Mrs Yoso-gai no!!"
"Calm down dear, go ahead Blue don't worry we won't marry you"
"Thanks but I will be back for dinner" Blue left the house and now was going back to hers, she was still made but she was going to lay it all straight. She opened the door but instead of hearing people it was dead silent, the house was empty and dark everything had been taken out
"Dad?!" She yelled but the house only echoed her an answer
"Dad, Mom!!" She yelled again
"Ssssss" Oh no was that a snake?! Blue thought to herself, she walked in but the door immediately closed as soon as she had her foot inside
"Dearsssss, pleasesss look at messs" It was a Snake but how was it talking, Blue looked up but it was too dark to see anything
"Look, my dad is the chief of police and I will call for his backup"
"Over herssss, darlingsssss" Blue looked at the stairs and in the dark sat two red eyes, she wanted to run but she couldn't move at all
"Ssssshh, don't worry" Snake was hypnotizing her
"Go to sleepsss" Blue almost fell to the ground but Snake caught her and carried her, he had the power of making portals and he was gone so was the Carnal Family.

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Jason finished washing up from the fight, the day was almost over and this was a very happy day for him, he had over come his hesitation and finished his training but he feared something. Ka-oi  must have been really strong to kill Animal Spirits but if he could do it then what about Ren and Yong?
"Are you worried about us?" Ren said appearing
"No not at all" Jason said lying
"Really? Then I guess I should leave"
"Wait I do have a question"
"What is it?"
"Who were you before you became an Animal Spirit?"
"Well, I was a Prince in the dark age then I became King and a Protector. Jason Spirits also have time before they died and she died after 100,000 years service"
"So how long do you have?"
"Oh just at least more than 100,000 years "
"Sounds like an eternity, will I be your Protector for that long"
"Well it depends, Ken has been a Protector for 50 years and he's still 49, if you have enough power you can reach immortality as well"
"Ahh, here you two are" Yong said appearing
"We're just getting to know each other" Ren said
"Without me?"
"You can join"Jason said
"What do you want to know?" Yong asked
"Who were you before you were a Animal Spirit?"
"Oh, great warrior of Imperial Japan then I became a Protector and now I'm a spirit"
"It explained you anger issues"
"Issues? Those issues led me to victory in battle and you should thank me I helped you"
"Alright alright, thank you Yong"
"We have a visitor" Ren said looking at the entrance so did Jason and Yong
"Howssss it goingssss"

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