Chapter 2

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"Now let's start my story, my name is Jason, I can't tell you my last name because it's weird but in order to understand me you will have to know, my last name is Yoso-gai no in Japanese that means 'unexpected' and I was unexpected to my whole family. When I was born I had a small heart so the doctors told my parents that I wouldn't survive a day but unexpectedly I did,  but I wasn't the only unexpected thing in my family so was my little sister, Naya. But this isn't about her, growing up my mom would always made sure I wasn't involved with sports or anything thing else that made my heart beat endlessly so I was always on the sidelines while my older brother Kenji was playing Volleyball. As you know in every family the oldest is loved best and it's true everyone loved my older brother and it wasn't because he was handsome, strong and respected his elders(it was) but because he was an athlete and a very good one no 'good' shouldn't be the word I use he was unstoppable in Volleyball. So Naya was loved because she was very cute and sadly a genius, she had a very high I.Q so she was the perfect little mathematician and had straight A's in every class, she was even moved up from 2nd grade to 5th and still aced it. Then there was me, Jason and since I had a small heart I had to figure a way to survive in a family of overachievers so I became a musician, I used have my elementary to learn the guitar, violin and piano luckily that put me in in a good position in my family but not the topic in my mom's book club and my dad's meetings but I really didn't care cause I wasn't doing it for them but for my best friend Blue. Blue Carnal I met her in elementary  and she is my best friend(lie, she's my crush) but she doesn't know, Blue was a neighbor that I met in school and since she lived so close, she came over all the time and she didn't just play with me also with Naya and Kenji but mostly me. She loved music just as much as me and she had a beautiful voice so together we did music and even wrote songs nobody was going to hear through all those years I kept my secret away from her. After I graduated middle school my parents took me to Japan for a while and when I came back she changed and got a boyfriend, I was a little hurt( that was a lie) I was hurt a lot but she later broke up with him because he cheated on her and I couldn't beat him to death because of my mom. As we both joined high school with my little sister Naya, Blue was popular very fast and why? Well she was very beautiful and social but never made anymore friends and sticked with me. She denied all the parties and games she was invited to so she could be with me, but I hated being a burden to her even though she said I wasn't. So we graduated High School after Naya who was already in University but we both had our dream school, Melody University ,  we did our best to get in and by luck we got in now I'm 19 and she's 18 so this is where we start in my second year in Melody University."

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"Jason!! Get up, you'll be late" his mom yelled as the sun peaked  out of his curtains, his brown hair was messy and his long legs touched the cold floor of his bedroom, he walked his tired body to the bathroom were he looked in the mirror and splashed his face with water. He was really excited about another year but at least he was going with Blue, putting on a Melody University shirt and some jeans he got out of the bathroom, took his bag and went down stairs. His family was talking loudly as they were eating breakfast, Blue was eating with them like always, every morning she ate with them and Jason really didn't know why.       
"Hey Jason" Blue said seeing him.    
"Hey" he said taking a seat at the table. 
"Jason, remember Naya's scientist convention is today and later is Kenji's game when he wins he'll be in the international team and Naya will work for NASA" His mom said putting some eggs on the table
"Don't worry Mrs. Yoso-gai no I'll make sure he'll be there for both of them" Blue said.             
"Thanks Blue I know I can always count on you" she said. 
"Blue are you going to be cheering for me when I win?" Kenji asked. 
"Kenji,  how do you know you're going to win? She asked
"Cause I always win, let's go to dinner for both me and Naya, I'm thinking Keto's" he said, Jason let out a big sigh, he was just average, not strong, fast or handsome as Kenji or smart like Naya just average. 
"Come on let's go" he said to Blue who took a piece of toast as she went out the door.
"So I have a busy day accompanying my siblings as they go and become better than me" Jason said walking with Blue
"Ok you're right, they're kind of overachievers but at least you go to every game and Convention there is" Blue said.
"Yeah, but when I have a show to put on or the competitions we have they're not coming or busy"
"That's not true they made it to last years competition"
"Yeah the last round, Melody University got 2nd place because I could feel their disappointment down my neck" Melody University had competitions with other Universities at the end of the semester and the winning students got to have a music company give them contracts and even have the opportunity to be signed by big labels. Jason and Blue could've won but Jason got nervous because playing in front of his family so they came in second.
"We're going to do better this year, I have a good feeling about this year"
"Whatever" he said walking down the street, Blue had her hair in braids, His favorite style on her beautiful head but he couldn't say how pretty she looked. Melody wasn't far from their house so they walked every morning to school
"Jason, you wouldn't believe what happened last night"
"I was at a party right, and you know how I get drunk sometimes but one of the girls had to call someone to pick me up and they called Kenji"
"Wait what!!!" Jason didn't know about this, no wonder Kenji came home late last night
"Yeah and I got my memory back and I think I kissed him" now Jason was more shocked than before, it made sense why he was acting all weird with her this morning, maybe he liked Blue or maybe he liked the kiss, no, no,no Kenji and Blue can't become a thing, for one that would be gross and two that would be weird.
"Do you like Kenji?"
"No, I have spent a long time with your family knowing I won't marry anyone of you, I'll wait for my hero" her words were really painful but Jason acted cool with it
"Let's go" Jason and Blue walked on the Campus of Melody University, they were dedicated to music and art, Blue and Jason took the same classes except one he took in secret so he kept that one to himself. They sat in the lecture hall for the year schedule and competition days, Jason was on his phone while Blue was talking to her friends
"That guy that picked you up last night was so hot, was he your boyfriend?" One girl asked
"Um, well-" Blue said
"I knew it, you're dating, omg this awesome" one girl said as they giggled excitedly
"So how long have you known each other?" One asked
"Girls-" but before Blue could explain the Professors walked in
"Good morning everyone and welcome back I hope your holiday was very good and full of fun, this is the second year of Melody university and we have prepared many events before the finale one at the end of the year, learning from our other schools from all over the world, to give you ideas and boost your win in the ending year competition. In two weeks we will take a trip to our University in Japan, Tokyo and I hope it encourages you to do better.."his voice muffled over Jason thoughts, who was thinking about how to win this year's competition and to get his family's attention. He was pretty much thinking that they were concerned with Naya and Kenji more than him and he was going to test it out during these two weeks before he went to Japan.

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Mul Yong was holding cards in his hands, he was trying to pick a good candidate for his Protector but he didn't like the ones on the for card for some reason they were boring to him.
"Have you found one yet, Master?" his servant asked as he came in with some water
"Where did you find this list of Candidates?"
"Snake told me to give them to you"
"No wonder, the thick scales of boring and unworthy are deep with these candidates, I can't find one I can connect with. Who knew picking a new Protector would be so hard?"
"Yes your master?"
"Pure hearts aren't as many as they used to be cause now it's like oxygen on Earth in short supply"

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Ka-oi walked in to his new found headquarters, men and women ready for his commands and ready to die at his words, the people that helped escape his 1000 year imprisonment wanted to serve him and now it made his plane look more easier. Sine those 1000 years of imprisonment he was able to conjure up a plan to kill Mul Yong and Ren those animal spirits but he wasn't just going to get rid of them but all animal spirits.
"Do you like it?" A shadowy figure asked Ka-oi
"A kingdom with his new found king, of course I like it" he said taking a seat on a dark throne
"Just remember, I am giving you all this in return you must kill Ren and Mul Yong" it said to him
"I have wanted to kill them for a 1000 years so we're on the same page"
"Very good, what will you do first?"
"To gain more power I must eat, so find me some boring souls to eat cause I have been hungry for 1000 years"

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