Chapter 1

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*Beep Beep* *Beep Beep*

The constant beeping of the alarm clock forced me to get up. I groggily sat up and slid myself out of bed.

It took a couple of minutes before finally getting out of my morning haze. I looked to my bed side table and grabbed my phone off the charger.

2 missed calls and 4 new messages.

I open my phone to see Elle and Rachel had both tried to call and get ahold of me. Usually we rode to school together even though we all three had our own cars. It had always been like that. Ever since we were 6 years old and in the first grade we had been un-sepreatable. We knew each others darkest secrets and knew how to keep them. I could trust them with my life.

I had always been jealous of Rachel, her willingness to do and try anything still amazed me. She was defiantly the more outgoing one of the group, with long auburn hair that reached mid back and eyes that could pierce directly through you. Elle on the other was the complete opposite. She had always been the kind of girl that kept quite in big crowds and stayed in the shadows  unless, of course, if she was with us. Though she was shy, her looks did not show it. She had such long, beautifully silky black hair that it made you want to just run your hand right through it. Her bright hazel eyes changed colors as the weather did which always confused yet fascinated me.

Then there was me. I was not very outgoing, but also not shy. If you could get me around the right kind of people I was a bright, funny, and sweet kind of person but then again I could also be a sarcastic jubilant little thing as well. My hair was long like the others, naturally straight, blonde, but not the overwhelming beach blonde like you see in California. More like the subtile deep kind of blonde. My eyes were blue like Rachel's, but not nearly as stunning. So I guess that put me right in the middle of the two. We we're all so different, which is what I think makes us click.

I finally brought myself to opened my texts.

Rachel: Sarah if you don't get your lazy ass up were leaving you!

Elle: Your gonna be late for first period again!

Elle: Ride your car to school! We'll meet up after first period. <3

Chase: Morning Babe. :)Elle and Rach said your gonna be late so I guess I'll see you in first period. Love ya<333

Me and Chase had been dating since freshman year when he asked me to be his girlfriend in front of the entire school during a football game. Even though I had been completely embarrassed I couldn't help but say yes. It wasn't a surprise we started dating actually. He was quarter back of the football team and I was a cheerleader, it was bound to happen sometime. But now we were seniors and since then our relationship has gotten really serious. It was the kind of relationship where one moment we're finishing each other's sentences, and the next we were yelling the most profound things at each other. We could say the worst things to each other, but we both knew we never meant it. In love was an understatement of our relationship. 

I snapped back into reality and focused on trying to get ready. It was game day which meant I had to wear my cheer leading uniform to school.

I ran over to my closet and pulled on my uniform which consisted of a blue and white skirt and stomach revealing tight top with long sleeves.

I then pulled my mess of a hair into a high ponytail and slipped on my not so white anymore cheer shoes.

I applied a slight amount of eye makeup and a crimson shade of red lipstick.

I usually went all natural to school but the cheer leading squad requires to wear some amount of makeup on game day.

I quickly ran down stairs and grabbed and keys before heading out the door. I gave up the thought of eating breakfast since I was running a little to late.

My mom and dad had left hours ago to go to there high end job. It was time consuming which meant I really never get to see them except for weekends. But it made up for it in money.

They got paid alot for what they do which meant growing up for me was easy. I got everything I wanted , but I would never brag. I was grateful for what I had.

I opened the car door to my beautiful Porsche. I always left my school bag inside so I didnt forget it. I finally put the key in the ignition and started off towards school.


There was nearly no traffic so I got to school in a matter of ten minutes. I rushed down the empty halls until I got to my class.

I took a second to make final adjustments to myself before opening the door. I made no attempt to sneak in, after being late almost everyday trying to be sneaky was futile. But thankfully my first period teacher, Mr. Drakes, loved me.

"Late again Ms. Parker," Mr. Drakes spoke, not looking away from what he was scribbling on the board.

"Sorry Mr. Drakes. I over slept," I smile with my puppy dog eyes.

He turned around and gave me that 'really Sarah' look.

"I guess I could let it pass again. Just try not to let it happen again," he joked, knowing it would happen again.

"Thank you Mr. Drakes," I smile as I make my way to my seat.

I sat nearly in the back so I had to pass all of my peers on the way. I passed by Chase who jokingly shook his head in disappointment. I just shook my head and giggled as I finally took my seat.

I got out my English textbook and tried to turn to the correct page before I was interrupted by someone calling my name.

"Sarah, I forgot to mention. We have a new student. His name is Jakob, and since you were late you may have the honor of showing him around," Mr. Drakes spoke.

He pointed to the seat next to mine. I turned my head to see one of the most attractive guys I had ever seen.

He had sea blue eyes and beautifully dark hair that was styled up in a cute mess. He wore a tight black v-neck which exposed his ripped and structured body.

I couldn't help but stare into his eyes. A weird tingle was sent throughout my body which snapped me back into reality. What was I doing? He was probably some cocky jerk who knew how hott he was anyways. 

"You can call me Jake," he spoke softly. His voice was so soothing. It intrigued me, I just wanted him to talk to me every hour of every day.

What am I saying! This was a complete stranger I was talking about! Why would I think things like that about him?

"Hi. I'm Sarah," I almost say coldly.

"Nice to finally meet you,"he grinned.

What did he mean by that? Maybe someone told him about me. I mean I was popular, but it was still weird. All I knew was I wanted to keep my distance from him. He was obviously no good for me.

I turned away from him without saying another word. I could feel his gaze on me. To prevent myself from looking at him I just shoved my face into my book and attempted to read the rest of the period.

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