Chapter 2

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The second period bell finally rang, releasing me from the tortures of English. Jake practically starred at me the entire time. I don't know who raised him, but whoever they were sure never taught him that starring was rude. Im sure any other girl would've loved that since they were all looking back and stealing glances at him, giggling and whispering into their friends eat, but I on the other hand couldn't care less. I mean, he wasn't even that cute, was he?

I shook off the thought and moved on from the matter immediately. I closed my books and threw them into my bag before sliding out of my seat and rushing out the door, making zero eye contact with anyone in sight.

Once outside I saw Rachel and Elle waiting outside where they usually were.

"Way to be late. Again," Elle laughs.

"Yeah if it weren't for all your teachers loving you, there would be no way you could graduate," Rachel jokes.

I just laugh along with them and make small talk until Elle picks up a subject I could be least interested in.

"Oh my gosh! Have you guys heard or seen the new kid Jakob. Every girl in this school is talking about him. Apparently he is really hott!"

"Oh god. He in my first period and I could honestly say he looks like a jerk. Definitely not interested," I lied. For some reason I wanted to know more about him. I already missed him being by me. Wait what the heck? God dammit! I was doing it again! I need to stop. Before I could think anymore a warm pair of arms wrapped around my waist.

"Not interested in who," a deep voice that could only belong to Chase said.

"You," I joke before leaning in and gently joining our lips together.

"Oh get a room ," Elle teases as I pull away and grin. My eyes met his and before our lips could join again the warning bell rang which indicated we only had two more minutes to get to class.

"Get a move on!," Mr. Drakes yells from the entrance to his room.

Chase pulled away and gave me one last peck on the lips before leaving.

"See you at lunch. Love you babe," he smiled.

"Love you too," I grin before turing and saying goodbye to Elle and Rachel.

We had third period together so I would see them soon.

I started to take off in the direction of my next class before I heard a obnoxious cough from behind me.

I turned around to see Jake leaning up against the locker. He stood up straight and started waking towards me. I could feel my tensions rise as the stranger neared closer and closer.

"I thought you were in charge of helping me around," he smirks.

"You're a big boy, I think you can handle finding your class on your own," I spit. Good one Sarah.

"The faster you help me find my class the faster you don't have to see me anymore," he almost teases.

He was right though. I just nodded in accomplice as he pulled out his schedule from his pocket. He handed it to me. As he did our hands made contact.

The feeling sent tingles rushing through my body. We made eye contact for a second as I got hopelessly lost in his blue eyes. He grinned and started to lean in before I finally snapped out of it.

I snatched the paper out of his hands and took a slight side step to the side, spacing myself from him.

I skimmed over it and realized we had second period together. In fact, we had every period except fifth, which was my cheer class. This was weird. There is now way we could have the same classes. The chances of that happening are slim to nothing.

"Something wrong," he jokes as if he already knew.

"Um, no," I say,"Ugh just follow me," I say as I roll my eyes and start pacing towards my second period.

I tired to keep a good distance in front of him but everytime I did he would always catch up. It was getting to the point where I made it obvious I didn't want to be near him yet he continued to get closer.

"Do you mind?" I ask, stopping dead in my tracks.

"What?" He laughed, his laugh was so adorable.

Grr I needed to snap out of it

"Nothing," I mutter before opening the door and walking into French, him trailing right behind me. It bothered me that he thought this was funny.

I quickly took my seat in the back, which I where I usually sat and took out the homework which I was almost sure I did wrong. French was not my forte.

To no surprise he sat down next to me. Why couldn't he just leave me alone?

I was determined to get him to leave me alone and I knew just the plan to do it .

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