Chapter 9

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Jake escorted me through a maze of intricate twists and turn before stopping me and pulling out a handkerchief from his jacket pocket.

"What's this for," I asks.

He just grimaced and began to wrap the cloth around my eyes, preventing me from seeing anything.

"It's a surprise." Is all I hear before I am picked up and carried for about two minutes throughout the house.

He gently set me down and took off the blindfold. I opened my eyes to a dark room. I could barley make it out but I could see a door and the lights that were peaking out from the bottom of it.

"Jake, where the hell are we," I ask once more, angry he wasn't telling me.

Without saying anything I felt him take my hand and the doors in front of us open.

It took a minute for my eyes to adjust to the bright lights, but once they did I scanned over an unfamiliar area.

It looked as if we were in some sort of ballroom. The finely tiled floor and bright extravagant chandelier placed perfectly in the middle of the room giving the whole place a classical look.

Their were many women in the most elegant of dresses dancing with there finely suited partners while others stood off to the side and made small talk.

"What is this," I ask, still amazed by the beauty of the place.

He turned to me with a warm smile before answering,"Umm...I guess you could call it a party."

"For what?"

He thought hard before answering, "For,uh, just for fun. Yeah just for fun."

A part of me told me he wasn't telling me the complete truth but before I could say anything he interrupted me.

"I have an even bigger surprise for you though," he smiles before grabbing my hand and leading me through the crowd.

As he did a bunch of random people and complete strangers came up to us and introduced themselves and even congratulated us. I was confused at first until Jake escorted me to a particular couple.

"Excuse me, I believe I have a special guest for you," Jake says to the guy in front of us.

He turns around and reveals the last person I excepted to see here.

"Oh my god Elle! What the hell are you doing here?!" I scream as I run to her and give her the biggest hug I could manage.

"Ow ow owwww! Sarah you're alot stronger than you think you are," she laughs as I loosen my grip on her.

"Oh sorry! But seriously what are you doing here," I exclaim, still shocked to see that my best friend is still alive and here.

"Umm it's sort of a long story," she says, giving a glance at the guys behind me.

"How bout I take you outside and I'll explain everything," she smiles taking my hand and dragging me through a door in the back.

We both stepped outside the cool spring air. Beautiful arrangements of all kinds of flowers and plant life surrounded us. The pure beauty of the place took me by surprise, I couldn't help but stare in amazement.

"Sarah," Elle laughs, bringing my thoughts back.

"Oh uh sorry,"I smile still in shock that she was here," So are you going to tell me what all of this is about or what?"

"Well to start from the beginning, when you and I split up I was immediately stopped by Jakes accomplice Ashton. He took me here and explained everything from how he's a vampire and how we were mates and that I'd soon be turned into one as well. At first I didn't believe him but, then he showed me his fangs and I knew. For a bit I was absolutely terrified of him but then decided I'd gave him a chance. I'm glad I did because I can honestly say I'm in love. I don't know how to explain it but when I'm with him things are just different."

I knew exactly what she meant. It's was the same feeling I had when I was around Jake, I have just yet to accept the fact that I liked him.

"So after all that he decided to take you to this random party," I laugh.

She gave me a confused look before responding, "Hah, Sarah I wouldn't consider your engagement party just another random party."

"Engagement party?! What are you talking about," I shout in pure frustration and confusion.

"Sarah I'm not stupid. I know you and Jake are engaged. You're even wearing the ring on your finger!" She yells pointing to my hand.

What was she talking about? I looked at my hand only to see that there was in fact a ring on my finger. When had he even managed to get that on me? Most likely in that three day period I was unconscious. But why? At this point I didn't even care. The bastard lied to me not once but twice.

"Sarah, what's wrong? You look mad," Elle asks worryingly.

I didn't even bother answering, all I cared about was Jake and how extremely livid I was at this point.

I ran inside as fast as I could only to be greeted by Jake and Ashton. Even the sight of him sent me into a furry of anger.

"Babe, what's wrong?" Jake asks, gently taking hold of my hands.

I immediately snatch my hand back and pushed him away from me, "You're what's wrong! You completely ruined my life and just when I thought you changed you pull this lying bullshit on me! I'm done, just stay they fuck away from me! I hate you!" I scream as a tear rolled down the side of my cheek.

Before I could even give him time to respond I turn back around a run out the door, my new speed giving me the ability to be out the door in less than a second.

I didn't stop once outside. I ran past the garden and into the woods. I dodged past every tree that came in my way with ease. I heard the distant sound of footsteps behind me. I increased my pace to full speed until I could barely hear them.

I continued running until silence filled the air and I could no longer hear someone following me. I began walking forward slowly, giving me time to over think everything.

How could my whole life have completely changed in a matter of two weeks? First a complete stranger comes into my life and kidnaps me then tells me I'm a vampire and am supposed to live with him for the rest of my now eternal life. But just when things couldn't get worse he forces me into some bullshit engagement and completely lies to me. How am I supposed to be engaged when I already have a boyfriend that I've been dating for four years?

Thinking about that made me realize how much I missed Chase. The last time I saw him he was attacked and thrown into a cabin while I stood helplessly and watched. I don't know what id do if he wasn't okay.

My thoughts were interrupted by a loud crash and the feeling of someone pushing me.

I was launched atleast 30 feet before colliding with the ground. It hurt but not as much as I thought it would have.

All I hear is someone shouting at me from behind,"God dammit Sarah!"

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