Chapter 6

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I slowly start to open my eyes. I take a look at an unfamiliar room. It's a huge room with a king size bed and a small chandelier hanging above it. It had been beautifully decorated with an antique yet modern look. I start to get up when a feel a firm grip around my waist.

Jake was shirtless and laying in bed next to me dead asleep. That's when suddenly everything came back to me. I was dead wasn't I?! I threw the covers off me and flew off the bed. I inspected myself up and down. As I suspected all the injuries I sustained had magically healed. They not only healed, my whole body felt... Different? Was this what being dead felt like?

I try to think back to the last thing I remember. It was Jake biting me and my whole body burning. Why had he bit me? Was this his plan this whole time? To kill me.

I look over at his sleeping body. He looked so peaceful and innocent when he was sleeping, much better than the angry and rampaging Jake that attacked me.

My thoughts were abruptly interrupted by an intense burning sensation in my throat. I grasped my neck with my hands in attempt to stop it but it did no help. It was like the worst thirst I've ever had but immensely worse.

I rush to the bathroom that was connected to the bedroom and grab the counter. I heard a loud crack and looked down to see I had broken a big piece of marble off the sink. What the hell was going on. I didn't care at this point, my only objective was to quench this undying thirst.

I gently turn on the sink so it didn't break and threw my head under it, gulping up as much water as I could. It didn't matter how much water I ingested, the burning seemed to have only gotten worse.

"Here, drink this," a familiar voice says from behind me.

I look up and see Jake at the bathroom entrance holding a glass of red liquid. How had he managed to get up and get that so quickly?

"Why should I trust you? You killed me!," I scream, only causing my throat to burn more.

He just gave me a strange look as if I were crazy and started to laugh,"Sarah you're not dead, well not in the way you think," he took a second to look at me and just smiled again,"You seriously thought you were dead?"

Did he seriously think this was funny! I snatched the drink from his hands and engulfed the warm liquid in a matter of seconds. It sent instant relief to the burning and I felt ten times better. I wiped the remains off my mouth with my arm and sighed in relief.

"Better?" He asked with a warming smile, taking hold of my hand

I would've been captivated by the sensation his touch had given me but now I was absolutely appalled. I snatched my hand away and ran into the bedroom and began to tell at him from over my shoulder.

"Who the fuck do you think you are!? First of all you invaded my life and obviously didnt know how to take a damn hint when I told you to leave me alone! You hurt my BOYFRIEND my best friend , and nearly killed me! You then kidnap me and now think you can just act like nothing has happened?"

I fold my arms over my chest and face the wall. I felt tears coming but I wouldn't give him the satisfaction. I felt his gentle touch on my shoulder and turn me towards him.

"Sarah atleast let me explain everything first," he says, taking my hand and leading me to the bed.

This had better be good.

**Jakes POV**

I lead Sarah to the edge of the bed and we both sat down. I could tell she was hurt but hid it with anger.

I couldn't blame her. I ruined her whole life! But we were destined to be together what else could I have done?

I looked up at her and peered into her deep blue eyes. Every time I even got close to her my whole mind went blank and my only thought was her.

With every touch I grew closer and closer to her.

"Well are you going to explain or just stare at me like I'm an idiot," she spit, interrupting my thoughts.

Okay Jake this was it. All I have to do is tell her that I'm a vampire. Not only that, my family is royalty and head over all living things and I'm next in line to rule. Then tell her that she is my mate and we were destined to spend the rest of eternity together. Oh and I had to change her into a vampire to prevent her from dying... Pretty simple right?

"Well uhh I'm sort of a Vampire," I stutter.

Really Jake? Is that the best you could do. I look up and Sarah who immediately started to laugh. Any other time it would've been cute, her laugh being contagious and invigorating, but she need to be serious. She probably thought I was kidding. How do I prove to her I'm not lying?

I suddenly got a great idea! I lashed out my fangs and thought of something to get me mad enough to fully phase. I thought of Sarah and Chase kissing in the hall after first period and almost immediately anger rushed through my entire body and I grabbed Sarah and pinned her against the wall.

I had no intentions to hurt her, I only needed her to believe me. I peered deep into her eyes and let out a small growl but in seconds she let out a scream and sent me flying across the bedroom. My body launched into a bookcase, instantly breaking it into? a million pieces. Shit, I totally forgot how strong new vampires were.

I got up and glanced over at Sarah who had a look of complete terror spread all over her face.

**Sarahs POV**

The loud crash of the bookcase breaking made me jump. I looked over to see Jake in a mess of shattered wood.

Did I just do that? I look down at my hands. They looked normal. How in gods name did I manage to do that. First Jakes telling me he's a vampire and now I'm stronger than him?

"W-What are you k-keeping from me," I stutter, still in shock from what just happened.

He inched towards me and glanced up at me, something told me this wasn't going to me good.

"Sarah you don't understand! You were dying! I had to save you. The only way of doing that was uhh.. changing you," he spoke, looking intently at me, trying to get some kind of reaction.

Change me? Does that mean I'm a vampire too? No that's not possible. Vampires don't exists and I'm certainly not one of them. I must be dreaming. Yeah that sounds right. I would wake up and this whole today wouldn't have happened.

"Sarah? What are you thinking?" He asks, trying to figure out what I thought about all this.

"Hah, that this is defiantly the most realistic dream I've ever had," I laugh.

Jake just gives me a serious look before grasping the side of my cheek and yelling,"Dammit Sarah it's not a dream! This is real, all of it! Why can't you realize that!"

"Because Jake, Vampires don't exists! This whole thing doesn't exist! I'm going to wake up any second now and return to my normal life with my normal friends and normal boyfriend!" I say clenching my eyes shut in attempt to wake up.

I open my eyes and see Jake still standing in front of me. Why couldn't I just wake up already!

"Sarah it's not a fucking dream so you might as well accept the fact that you'll never see your precious boyfriend again! Your staying here with me whether you accept the fact that this is all real or not!"

Was this really all real? It suddenly hit me that it was. I wasn't dreaming and my whole life was falling apart in front of me. I really wouldn't ever see my Chase again, or in this case any of my friends or family. Jake had turned me into some kind of monstrosity.

I single tear rolled down my cheek as I completely fell apart. I fell to the ground and began to sob into my knees. A pair of arms picked me up and set me back in bed. I engulfed myself into the covers and began to sob even more.

"Sarah, I'm so sorry," a Jake soothed next to me.

I could tell he was really hurt by everything as well but at this point I didn't care. All I wanted to do was fall asleep and never wake up.

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