Chapter 10

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The same pair of arms that had pushed me were now around my waist, lifting me up and off the ground. I dust the excess dirt off myself and turn to see who had done all this. Of course it had been the last person I could possible want to see right now.

"What the hell was that for?"I demand.

"Did you seriously not see what just happened," Jake sarcastically laughs.

"Obviously not, I was so to busy trying to get as far away from you as possible,"I spit as I start to walk in the same direction I was before.

A part of me felt bad for being so rude and running off on him but the other part of me knew it was the right thing to do. He was going to pay for lying and tricking me.

I felt his arms wrap around my waist and pull me back. I tried to release myself from his grip but my attempts to do so were futile.

"Let go of me," I scream, wriggling around.

"Sarah, the cops are gonna be here soon and we need to go back to the house," he smiles jokingly, pulling me over his shoulder.

"Why are the cops coming?" I worry.

"It's nothing Sarah. Just forget I even said anything."

"Jake. Tell me now!," I shout punching his back.

"There was an accident it's no biggie," he soothes, trying to calm me.

What does he mean by accident? I wait until he's not paying attention to push off his back and flip my legs over his shoulder. Thank god it worked, I then ran as fast as I could to find any signs of an accident.

I scan over the area only to find a mess of scattered pieces of metal. There were areas that had caught fire but other than that I couldn't tell what had happened. Then the smell hit me. The smell was blood.

I followed the scent until I came across a limp lifeless body. It looked to be a middle aged man. I heard no pulse and I could tell by the pool of blood he was sitting in he was dead.

I brought my hand up to my mouth in horror. Had I killed this person? Was the loud crash a car hitting me? A coldness filled my body as the realization that I had killed someone hit me.

I turned around so I could no longer see the body of the lifeless man. As I did I caught sight of the car. It was completely totaled.

I walked towards what was left of the shattered vehicle and took a glimpse inside. The inside was a complete mess to where I could barley make out much of anything. I was about to turn away until a mess a golden blonde hair caught my eye.

I tore off the car door with ease and pulled out the small fragile body. In my arms was a limp and what looked to be a 6 year old girl. Blood covered the top of her forehead and a crimson shade of red had taken over the majority of her light pink dress.

"No no no no no," I whisper as a tear rolled down the side of my cheek.

I sit down and lay her in my lap. She's to young to die. She's so little how could I be the one to take away what life she could have possible had. She had to be alive. I wipe the blood off her face and brush her beautiful golden hair behind her ear.

I am a monster.

I pull her weak body close to my chest and whisper the only thing I could think of ,"I'm so sorry." I gently set her body on the pavement and scooted away.

I couldn't hold back my pain any longer. I began to sob loudly as tears rushed down my face. I hadn't the slightest idea of what to do.

I felt a pair of arms pick me up and straddle me to their chest. I knew by his touch that it was Jake. I softly cried into his chest as he began to carry us home.

I said noting the entire way home. I only cried until there were no tears left in me which left me silently straddling myself as close to him as possible. Even though I was furious with him, being with him and having him carry me made a majority of the pain disappear.

We finally made it back to the house. He opened the door and carried me upstairs. I heard my bedroom door open and him lead us through it.

He gently set me down on the bed and began to undress me since I was to weak to do so myself. He slipped off my shoes and tore off my dress, not caring that it was now completely ripped in half. I was now left in only my bra and underwear but at this point I could honestly care less.

He walked away and began to undress himself as well. The minute his touch left mine I wanted him back. The pain and horror began flooding back into my body. I brought my knees to my chest and squeezed my eyes shut.

Pictures of the little girl began to instantly fill my mind. She probably had a mother who loved both her and her husband who where now both dead because of me. If I hadn't been so immature and careless of what I was doing none of this would have happened.

I felt Jake crawl into the bed, wrapping his arms around me and pull me into his warm bare chest. Almost immediately a soothing sensation filled my cold and hurting body.

"What's wrong with me," I manage to whisper through my cracked voice.

"Nothing's wrong with you .. I shouldn't have let things go this far. It's all my fault. I'm so sorry Sarah."

I could tell he was really hurt by this but he couldn't take the blame. This was all my fault. I shouldn't have been as careless as I was and now it's I who pays the price. Jake is only trying to make me feel better and do what's best for me and all is have done is take it for granted.

"I'm sorry Jake."

"For what?"

"Putting you through all this. I've been nothing but stubborn and rude and I'm sorry. I'll try to be less of a bitch from now on."

"Don't apologize. You've only been like this because of what I have done. But if you're willing to, would you like to put all of this behind us and start out new?"

I thought about it for a second and realized that's exactly what I needed. A new start without the lies and trickery. Just two people who enjoyed each others presence and cared for one another.

"I'd love that," I say.

He smiles, tightening his grip around me.

"Hi, my names Jake," he grins.

"Hi Jake. My names Sarah. Pleased to meet you," I smile.

It felt great to smile. I finally felt a feeling that I had been yearning for for the past two weeks. For once , everything felt right.

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