Chapter 15

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We both stood silent as we approached the giant wooden doors that led to the meeting. A million thoughts were running through my head.

What if they don't like? They'd probably have me killed if I wasn't good enough. Who am I kidding I know they won't like me I-

"Don't over think this okay? I'm positive that they'll love you," Jake said as if he was reading my mind.

"Over think? No, I'm fine," I laugh.

"Well if your fine then I guess it's time to-"

Before he could even finish the doors in front us creaked open.

"Hello Mr. Monet and company, so glad you could join us tonight," an old man greets," you may find your names labeled and your seat."

He gestures us forward, as he did Jake wrapped his arm around my waist and lead me to our seats.

The room looked almost like a dinning room but almost tripled in size. Though there were many seats it looked as if only eight people were actually here.

I was escorted into a giant cushioned seat as Jake sat down next to me. We both waited in an anxious silence as everyone slowly took their seats around us.

Jake looked over at me and whispered in my ear,"Sarah, I can here your heartbeat. Calm down, It's only my parents."

Oh yeah, only his parent. Parents that happened to be ruler of all existing living and non-living things.

I felt his hand lay gently on my thigh as he motioned his hand back and forth in a soothing motion. The tingling sensation gave me a sexual rush that I probably shouldn't be having in front of his family.

I grabbed his hand and held it tightly as the final guest took their seats. I took a look around us, we were completely surrounded by what I assumed to be Jakes kind. I couldnt help but squeeze Jakes hand a little harder. He glanced over to me and gave me an assuring head nod before retiring his attention to the people surrounding us.

"Good Evening, ladies and gentleman," a girl looking almost in her twenties spoke," I take it you all know why we have gathered you here today."

I was close to raising my hand and saying I hadn't had to clue to why I was here but keeping my mouth shut was probably the better option.

"Sarah, would you please stand up," the same girl spoke.

My body froze as all eyes averted to me. Why me! What did I do? I quickly looked over to Jake who motioned for me to stand.

I slowly slid my chair back and shakily stood into an upright position. Taking note of the cold dark faces, I managed a smile and a weak wave.

Just as I thought things were only going to get worse, one by one they each smiled at me, gazing deep into my eyes for what seemed like a lot longer than it probably was , and then turned to the girl at the head of the table and nodded. I hadn't the slightest idea of what had just taken place,but instead of asking questions I slowly just slid back into my chair.

"Good job," Jake whispers.

I turned to him confused, but before I could ask a guy, almost as young looking and attractive as the girl who spoke before, stood up.

"Our apologies Sarah, were being rude. Let us all introduce ourselves," he smiled,"My name is Mr. Monet, but you may call me Thomas. Over there is my wife, Scarlett."

I almost had to hold my mouth shut. These people looked old enough to be in college, not rulers of the dark world and Jakes parents.

Next, each person introduced themselves by name. His aunts, uncles, cousins, every kind of relative. It amazed me how stunning and flawless each of them looked.

When the last person finished, Scarlett stood up and smiled directly at me.

"Now, time to discuss the real reason we are here. Jake and Sarah's wedding. "

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