Chapter 22

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The abrupt shaking of the plane landing had jolted me out of my slumber. I slowly lifted my head up, realizing it was resting on Chases shoulder. I could feel my cheeks burn from embarrassment as I mumbled,"Sorry."

"Don't be," he responded with a warm smile.

I nervously just shook my head and turned the other direction, pretending to be doing something else. I wouldn't even be in this situation if it hadn't been for Jake 'needing' to have a window seat and Chase wanting an aisle seat, which left me crammed between the two of them while Ashton and Elle selfishly took the two other seats, not willing to trade.

The twelve hour flight had seemed to go by quite quickly since I took it upon myself to use the time to catch up on the sleep that I haven't been getting a lot of lately. The same goes for the other four as well, the only interaction being when we happened to wake up and order some food off the flights 'menu', which turned out to be an option between uncooked chicken or a very bland salad.

Thankfully, Jake was still dead asleep at my side. I'm sure the sight of my even touching Chase would get his blood boiling. I forcefully shook his shoulder until he finally showed signs of waking up.

"We're here," I said, happy that we were finally about to get off this horrible plane.

It only took moments before him and the others were all wide awake as well. As soon as the plane had come to a stop and they started letting passengers out, all four of them quickly grabbed our bags out of the compartments above, again leaving me with nothing.

As we exited the plane and somehow managed to find our way out of the foreign airport Jake, once again, made his way to the front of us, leading us to who knows where. I quickly picked up my pace to catch him.

"Where to now?" I ask.

" A cab," responded bluntly.

"Okay, smart mouth. Where is that cab going to take us?"

"I guess you'll just have to wait and find out," he smirked manically.

Before I could object, a thought came to mind as I focused hard on what his thoughts where.

A brisk image of what looked to be an entrance of a winery had appeared. The big wooden carved sign engraved, ' Adelchis's,' was placed directly above the entrance.

I soon returned to reality and faced Jake, grinning in success, "Who's Adelchi?"

He head swiftly turned to me, a look of loathe in his eyes."Please stay out of my head," he said almost angry.

"I wouldn't have to go in your head if you would just start sharing with me as to what the hell is even going on!" I sputtered.

"Sorry that I don't like people intruding in my personal thoughts. I'm am allowed to keep what I want from you. You don't own me babe, so don't act like you do," putting emphasis on the word babe.

"I don't know what's gotten into you lately, with this whole 'jerk' attitude you've got going on.Besides, isn't this MY journey I'm supposed to be taking part in? You're just here to help and being a secretive asshole is not in anyway, shape, or form, helping!"

I was surprised how quickly I had gone from being almost happy, to being beyond furious. How dare he get mad at me for wanting to know what's going on? I know I probably shouldn't have been so quick to go off on him like that, I guess it had just building up.

"Listen, if I wasn't being forced to go here, trust me I wouldn't. Do you think I volunteered to do this? Because I sure as hell didn't. Maybe if you would stop whoring around with Chase for five seconds then maybe you could see I'm only here to help you. So if you could oh so kindly stop bitching at me and appreciate what I'm doing, that'd be great."

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