Chapter 16

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'Control your temper Sarah. Control your temper,' I mummer to myself as the meeting finally draws to an end. 

I watch as one by one as each and everyone one them exit the dinning room. I stand by the door and part them with a nice smile and a friendly goodbye. 

Finally the last of them exit, the final ones being Jakes parents. They talk of plans to meet up again while I just nod my head in agreement. I slowly shut the door behind them, leaving me and Jake to ourselves. 

I lock the door and slowly turn around to face Jake. He's standing half way across the room with a look of pity and a hint of fear in his eyes. He knew I was mad. 

"What the fuck was that!," I shout, stomping angrily over to him. 

"Listen Sarah, I know your mad, but at least let me explain first," he pleads. 

"Explain what? How you continue to pull this never ending bull shit on me! First it's the kidnapping, followed by the lie about your parents, then the ball fiasco, now this? How much more shit are you gonna pull on me? I'm so tired of the constant secrecy and lies.  I'm done with it, and I'm even more done with you!"

I take a deep breath as I finish. My blood was boiling and my fists balled tightly. He on the other hand just stood in shock. 

It seemed as if he we're about to speak but I stopped him before he did. 

"And don't you even dare think of apologizing because that's the last thing I want to hear." 

He stood for a moment just staring at the ground before I saw something flicker in his eyes. Something different. 

**Jakes POV**

"....because that's the last thing I want to hear," she yelled in a hurt tone. 

I couldn't bare to look her in the eyes, how could have I fucked things up once again? Right when things were starting to get better too. 

I need to explain to her why I had did this. I'm sure she would understand if I could just explain it to her! I was about to look up to her when something over came my entire body. Just then, everything when black. 

**Sarahs POV**

His entire body twitched as he slowly gazed up at me. 

"Jake, what's wrong?" I ask. 

He slowly inched towards me with an almost devilish smirk on his face. I took a step back, but as I did he quickly grabbed hold of both of my arms and pulled me towards him.  I tried to look away but I couldn't help but notice his now piercing red eyes. 

"Who are you-u?" I stutter. 

"I don't have much time to explain so I'll make this short. My name is  Tony. I know all about you Sarah. I have been watching you for a very long time now. You are special. Very special indeed," he grimaced,"I feel as if Jake is not using you to your,"he paused for a moment," full potential. I am here to make you and offer. Come join me and I promise you that once you have fulfilled all that I need you to do, I will let you return to your normal life. No more lying, secrets, hiding. You can go back to your normal life. Do we have deal?"

"Fuck you," I spit. 

I was about to turn away before a sudden strike to face sent me flying across the room. I flinched as I landed into a glass book shelf that crumbled down around me. My body ached from the impact. I slowly began to stand up before the man clenched my throat in between his hands, restricting me from movement. 

"I will not tolerate misbehavior. That was was only a small example of what I can do. You will never do that again. Do I make myself clear?"

I could feel myself slowly becoming weaker. I did the only thing I could think of which was kick him in the balls. Though he didn't collapse onto the floor like Jake usually did, it was enough for him to loose enough grip to where I was able to kick him right below his chin. 

He was sent flying across the room. I thought for sure that it would be enough to atleast knock him down, but instead he landed straight back on to his feet. 

"You're going to regret doing that my dear," he smiled. 

Before I even say anything a sudden pain rushed through my entire body and in a matter of seconds everything went dark.

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