Work Hard And Grind

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Work hard and grind, it's all in your hands
The power to achieve, your dreams and plans
It may seem tough, and the journey long
But with determination, you'll stay strong

Each day is a battle, a chance to prove
That nothing can stop you, no obstacle too huge
The early mornings and late nights
Are all worth it, when you see the heights

The grind is real, but so are your goals
Keep pushing forward, let your passion unfold
For every step you take, you're one step closer
To the success and happiness you've always sought after

It won't be easy, there'll be ups and downs
But remember why you started, and wear your crown
For you are a warrior, with fire in your soul
And nothing can stop you, you're on a roll

So work hard and grind, with all your might
Let your determination shine bright
For in the end, it's not about the destination
But the journey and the lessons, that shape your foundation

So don't give up, when the going gets tough
For hard work and perseverance, are more than enough
You have the power, to make your dreams come true
So keep grinding, and watch them all come to you

work hard and grind
And see the magic, that you'll leave behind
For you are capable, of achieving anything
Just keep moving forward, and let your hard work sing

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