Everything Good Comes To An End...

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As the sun sets on the horizon
And the stars begin to shine
I can't help but feel a sense of sadness
As I watch everything good come to an end

The flowers wilt and wither
The leaves fall from the trees
The once bright colors fade away
And the world is consumed by a dark breeze

But amidst this melancholy scene
I find a glimmer of hope
For every ending brings a new beginning
And with it, a chance to cope

The cycle of life continues
As everything must eventually die
But in that death, there is rebirth
And a chance for us to fly

So let us not mourn the ending
But embrace it with open arms
For in the darkness, there is light
And in the stillness, there is calm

Though everything good may come to an end
It leaves behind memories and lessons
And in those, we can find inspiration
To keep moving forward, no matter the sessions

So when the sun sets and the darkness falls
Remember that it's just a temporary trend
For with every ending comes a new beginning
And everything good will come again

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