Why Am I Still Trying?

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Why am I still trying
When the world feels so cold
And my heart is slowly dying
As I walk down this lonely road

Each step feels heavy
And my soul feels weary
As I search for a glimmer of hope
In this endless sea of misery

I've been knocked down
Time and time again
But I keep getting up
Hoping this pain will come to an end

Yet every time I reach out
For a helping hand
I'm met with disappointment
And I struggle to understand

Why do I keep pushing
When it feels like I'm falling apart
Why do I keep believing
When it seems like I have no heart

Maybe it's the fear
Of giving up and giving in
To the darkness that surrounds me
And the demons that haunt within

Or maybe it's the hope
That someday things will change
And my heart will heal
From this endless range

So I'll keep trying
Even when it's hard to see
For maybe, just maybe
There's still a chance for me

But until then
I'll walk through the night
With tears in my eyes
And pain in my sight

For I may not know the answer
To why I'm still trying
But maybe, just maybe
It's what keeps my heart from dying

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