Smile Through The Pain

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A smile through the pain
A facade to maintain
A mask to hide the tears
And all the hidden fears

A smile through the pain
A shield we all attain
To protect our broken hearts
And keep our worlds apart

We laugh and we joke
But inside we're broke
The pain runs deep
But our smiles we keep

We paint on a grin
Hoping no one sees within
The hurt that never fades
But we continue to masquerade

A smile through the pain
A daily refrain
We push through the ache
For our loved ones' sake

But sometimes, it's too much
And our smiles can't clutch
The pain spills over
As we break down and cower

But we dust ourselves off
And put on our tough
We smile through the pain
Again and again

For we are strong
And we'll never let it be wrong
To show the world our pain
We'll always smile through the rain

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