Through Fire And Flames

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Through fire and flames
My soul was tested
In the heat of battle
My courage was bested

But I rose from the ashes
With determination in my heart
For I knew deep inside
I had the strength to restart

Through the coldest ice
I trudged with frozen feet
But my spirit burned bright
As I refused to admit defeat

For within me lies a fire
A flame that never dies
It fuels my every step
And lifts me to the skies

Through every trial and tribulation
I've found the strength to endure
For I am a warrior
And my spirit is pure

No obstacle can break me
No challenge can hold me down
For through fire and flames
I have earned my crown

So when life throws its flames
And the ice seems too cold
Just remember, my friend
You too have a fire to behold

Never give up, never surrender
For you are stronger than you know
Through fire and flames
You will rise and grow

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