Nothing Lasts Forever

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Nothing lasts forever
Not the sun nor the stars above
Not the mountains or the rivers
Or the ones we dearly love

For all things come and go
In this ever-changing world
But there's one thing that remains
And it's the beauty unfurled

The beauty of the present
The moments we hold dear
The memories that we make
And the love that we share

So let us cherish every second
Embrace each passing day
For nothing lasts forever
But the memories will stay

Let's live with no regrets
And make the most of every chance
For we never know what tomorrow holds
In this fleeting dance

So let the sun set and rise
Let the seasons come and go
For nothing lasts forever
But the love within our soul

And when the end finally comes
And we must say goodbye
Let us leave a legacy
That will forever shine

For nothing lasts forever
But the impact we leave behind
So let us make every moment count
And live with passion and shine

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