Chapter 25

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(ZAINNE'S PAST) when Blair threw a knife on her chest at the cliff of the waterfall.


When her body hit the angry surface of the waterfall, she was pushed down to its depths. Her body circled like a wheel, and unknowingly, a rock collided with her head.

The collision of the hard rock and her head made a cracking sound in the depths. More of her blood mixed with the water as she gradually flowed up to the surface, unconscious. Then the strong flow of the water carried her to no end.

"Marcus…Marcus…" an unknown angelic voice calls for him from his deep slumber. He covered his ears, annoyed by the sound that whispered in his ears.

"Marcus…my child…" she softly spoke.

"What?!" his voice echoed in the dark cave, squinting his tired red eyes. A glowing woman appeared before him; she was glowing like the moon, too bright for his foul mood.

"Control your temper, child…" a woman's voice said. It felt warm and motherly.

"Moon goddess!" He quickly bowed respectfully. "I deeply apologize." His voice held panic. Even if he saw her for the first time, he could tell. She is, after all, their creator. 

"It’s okay, Marcus…follow me," she gestured out of the cave. Her glow was covering most of her beauty, and her feet weren't touching the ground. She was flowing with an ethereal glow.

"Where are we going?" he asked, but the moon goddess didn’t reply. She was like a silent balloon, leading him out of his comfort zone.

He rubbed the back of his neck and yawned. Marcus endured silence for thirty minutes. He felt so uncanny walking beside her, but he also felt protected, like a motherly warmth spread around him. It made him wistful. How he wanted to relive the day with his parents. While he felt the gist of dejection and a pleasurable mixture of peace and bliss. It was indeed uncanny.

Even when the moon goddess floats in the air, the height changes with her. Standing 6’ 5 tall, he was filled with muscle and built for war. His brown eyes looked up at the starry sky, even the stars couldn't compare to her glow.

Questions spiraled into his mind, wondering why their goddess went for him. It was so overwhelming that he couldn't open his mouth to spurt unending questions from his head.

When they were nearing the river, he was confused. The river was many miles away, and he was sure the trek would take days for them to arrive.

His eyes then shifted to hers. He stopped, and he watched her float forward in the middle of the river; below her was a person’s body. Marcus's eyes went wide awake.

"Help her…" Without a thought, a splash of water screamed in the night. He swam towards the unknown person’s form and dragged her out of the water.

He rested her body on the ground, and a knife came into view; it was close to her heart. Without thinking, he carelessly pulled the knife out, making her bleed more because he was panicking. Worried eyes looked around for the moon goddess but found none.


Birds chirped in the morning sky, as sunrays pricked his tan skin and adonis feature. It has always been that way: peaceful. Just the way he liked it.

It has been three agonizing days. Three long days of wondering how the girl ended up close to death. Deep-rooted scars filled her body as he tended to her wounds. He succumbed to the dreadful sight of wrapping her body with bandages while she lay motionless. She was close to rotting, had he not been there soon, she would have been eaten alive by parasites. Thinking about it made him want to vomit.

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