Chapter 26

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"For some reason, you are still alive; at least hold onto that. As I said, the moon goddess led me to you. She freaki'n woke me up in the middle of the night. And I fucking hate to be disturbed," he said, looking at her back. She was lying on her side, giving him a full view of the remnants of her past.

"No one deserves to be treated like you, kid. Whatever happened, it already happened. Most people also had it worse. So man the heck up and live for the future. The moon goddess won't let you die. Already guaranteed."

Why would she let me live? Does she enjoy watching me suffer? A burning fire rose from her chest as anger toppled her thoughts.

It took her minutes to reply.

"I'm not a kid, and I have a name," she said, in a cold tone.

He raised his thick, bushy eyebrows in surprise.

"Finally! You stopped being a stubborn brat. Then, may I know the name of the person I'm talking to?" He bites into another piece of meat.

"Zainne. That's my name."


She slowly sat up and was facing the entrance of the cave.

"I'm sorry for being a burden. You should have killed me," she said, and he ignored her.

Marcus snuck his hands under her armpits and gently lifted her to let her back lean against the wall. She was now facing the small ball of fire he had created.

"Here, eat. It's still hot." He lifted her arm and gave her a piece of meat on a stick.

Her weak finger held the stick. Slowly but surely, she took a bite, but not before hissing from the first contact with the hot meat on her delicate lips.

She hummed approvingly and continued to fill her acidic, empty stomach. 

"You need to live, kid."



"My name's Zainne," she lazily said while taking another bite of her food.

"Whatever, kid," he rolled his eyes and devoured his food in one bite. There was a long silence as they ate.

For some reason, she cried while chewing. A lone tear slides down her left cheek. Blair made sure to remind her. Now that she's disabled, it will be much more of a challenge than before. Nevertheless, since when was her life not challenging? And giving up without even trying would be meaningless.

Would she rather die of depression or die trying?

The latter part sounds courageous, but the dying part was tempting. She thought.

Her thoughts were snapped out when she felt her arm burn. Instinctively, she quickly jerked her arm away.


"You need to improve your remaining senses."

"How would I do that?"

"In five days, I'll train you."

"It sounds impracticable. Improvements wouldn't even flourish considering my current state. I am weak like humans."

"You're not a human. Don't belittle them too. They may not have super strength and speed, but they are brave and clever little fckers. They use their brain to fight, not their head."

"How far are we from the river?" she asked after the long silence.

"A thousand miles from where I found you."

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