Chapter 14

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Before, she was enjoying Zainne's pain; now the situation has returned to her. She was experiencing unending pain; for weeks, she suffered. Yet she had only one person to blame: Zainne. Blair lost her toes and fingers. Life would be so hard for her if she ever escaped.

Will her sanity leave her if her skin is gone too?

She wanted to die so bad, but he wouldn't allow it yet. It was his command.

She was in the hands of the most monstrous, merciless, and dominant male in the world. Currently, she is unable to imagine how hard he f*cked her in his office and other places.

None of that matters; she was just a dummy for a good fuck session and to pass time, just like the other girls.

To her disappointment, the feeling of good f*ck or nostalgia couldn't save her.

She was a slut who hungered for power and love.

No matter; she, who craved his affection, had one thing in common with Zainne that they could not achieve. Even so, she was wrong and was twisted in so many ways, defying the moon goddess's law.

"Do you know why I didn’t use my alpha voice on you for me to know the truth?" He coldly said. "It’s because… it’s more fun this way," he whispered tauntingly. He felt her shiver. "I want you to spew the beans willingly while I enjoy seeing you scream in pain, it's almost refreshing. Either way, you'll regret touching what's mine!" She could feel his honest intent, which was very intimidating.

WARNING! violence content ahead.

A screeching sound rang through the dungeon when the silver peeler peeled through the skin on her left leg.


Her cries turned to grunts, and some of her teeth came out. Every part of her throbbed in pain like fire torched her skin.

"Every time you scream, I'll peel off more of your skin."

His words were promising.

She tried her best to bite her tongue, and he never stopped. Boy, he was twisted too.

Shortly after, she gargled in pain.


It repeated like a cycle for the thirtieth time.

Time flew by, and her gory complexion was unsettling to behold as the inner layer of her skin was visible.

Devan laughed dryly, partly enjoying what he did.

John and Zed still gazed at her with cold faces and a callous manner.

"Silver," he said. "Did you know that this was made of silver?" Be playfully said. "You have such soft skin…right about here," he said, placing the peeler on her cheek.

Her eyes grew wide again as her lips trembled.

"Ple-ase...No! Just ask me! What do you want to know?" She franticly said.

He stood up and punched her face hard. Crack! Her head swiveled to the right, and she later grunted in agony.

A bloody face was shown when he pulled her hair to set his gaze on his work of art.

"Really? Took you long enough," John exhaled deeply.

She coughed up blood and did something unexpected in a snap.

She smiled.

It was creepy. Very, very creepy.

Showing off some of her missing teeth. There was a pure glint of evilness in her dull eyes, looking creepy under that bloody image of hers.

She chuckled and coughed blood at the same time, looking rather psychotic.

"The rogues will usurp you one day."

"Your words are flattering. Enlighten me."

"You’re now weak, like me," she smirked. "I heard that b*tch was the Luna." She guffawed unrelentingly until hard knuckles punched straight at her face yet again.

The blow resulted in her having a broken nose, which was now bleeding excessively. She coughed and chuckled later on.

"How dare you!"

"Now you c-care for her?" She chuckled again with no hint of humor. "You sh-ould be th-ankful I got rid of her…I did y-you a favor, bullsh*t! Isn’t that what you wanted?"

Was it?

The look of betrayal and hurt toward his mate flashed through his mind once again. He fisted his knuckles, and his face was translucent with grief.

"She…w-won't ever come back," looking him in the eye and giving him a triumphant smirk. "She’s dead. Alp-ha," mocking his title.

Two colossal hands gripped her head with such ferocity. He squeezed her skull, and her smirk changed into a pained one.

"What did you do to her?" He said in between his dark growl and his face was something deadly close to hers. He refused to believe, even though he felt the bond was slowly fading.

She chuckled dryly, even with her pained expression. "Stop de-deluding! Yo-u’re mine!" She taunted. "Y-you’re mine!" She shouted, and some of her blood splattered on his face from her mouth.

He was now as dangerous as ever. He was constantly growling at her face, and one thing was for sure: he was furious!


She screamed while he relentlessly squeezed her skull.

"What did you do to her?" John needed more details, maybe she would spew more.

She chuckled in pain, she would not let them win over her emotions this time. "She-d-dead, st-upid!" She shouted, gazing at their king "I k-k-illed her. I killed her!" She proudly stated.


The alpha roared. In the blink of an eye, he shifted into his beast form. John and Zed backed away a few feet from the cell and expected wrath.

Long, sharp claws presently dug into her stomach, twisting her insides and making her gargle on her blood with her screams. Her left eye slowly popped out of her socket.

Roar after roar, until it ringed their sensitive ears.

A misty breath came out of his elongated mouth, and wickedly long, sharp teeth dug into her right shoulder, ripping them with ease and spitting them with distaste.

Then he went to bite her legs and amputated her mercilessly.

Blair was left with nothing but her head and half of her upper body as her blood continued to spurt free. Her blood showered him.

With one last look at her lifeless eye, he opened his humongous mouth widely. This was her end.

He decapitated her head. The sight was gruesome as the werewolf prisoners growled lowly and whimpered at the same time.

He effortlessly chewed her skull and spat it out.

Her blood never failed to spatter on the walls.


Instead of content, his roar was utterly glum. The pain he felt back then is now a million times worse.

He felt so empty and lonely. He was familiar with it, yet it still struck him like lightning.

In a blink, he was out. Currently standing on the cliff of a mountain.

He howled sorrowfully. A howl asking for forgiveness.

("I’m sorry!") His howl carried that message into the thick forest and throughout his pack. ("I'm so sorry!")


As the years went by, he never gave up hope of finding her. That night, after his sorrowful howl, many stupid rouges dared enter his territory but were immediately killed on sight. His sharp claws were itching for more blood.

They did him a favor.

It didn't take long for most packs to know about the loss of the queen, but never the truth behind it. They offered their sympathy, and most werewolves volunteered to help with the search.

A Lycan losing his mate should have weakened him; nevertheless, the outcome was the opposite. He became more aggressive and impervious. If some ungrateful pack had attacked his kingdom, it would have been suicide.

Every dreadful year, the more standoffish he became; most likely to snap at any moment. No one dares approach him alone except his beta, who is having an arduous time managing his visceral behavior.

He was the one who mostly took over his kingly duties. It was hard, as his shoulders were laden with more responsibilities with his mate.

His pack gradually became gloomy. Thick mist surrounded the grounds, making the atmosphere eerie and ominous as days dreadfully passed by.

Celebrations in the pack gradually disappeared with her. But the majority of the pack members held strong and were fierce as ever.

"Alpha." Zed boomed in the meeting room. "I think we should let our warriors rest for now."

They were all looking as weary as he was.

Dark circles were too, evident in his eyes from the lack of sleep as well as stumbles from his chin, signifying his indolence from shaving, looking raw and intensifying, bringing out more of his raw masculinity.

"No one rests until we find her!" His voice was as scary as ever, as if every word he spat was a sin. "There are no traces of her body, which means she’s not dead!"

"Yes, we understand. You said it a thousand times, but somehow we need to rest for a while." John concluded with a stern look at him. "It’s been four years since..."

He stood up quickly, making his chair fall backward. Gazing fiercely at his warriors, who were bowing submissively.

What could he do? He could no longer feel the mate bond with her, like she had become a figment of his imagination. This happened three-and-a half years ago.

When their bond was depleted, he lost it. It took him fifty elephant tranquilizers to bring him down last time, and they locked him in a secure place for a year. There, he went on a rampage, smashing his fist into the multilayered concrete walls.

He refused to believe, he refused to accept. It was not the end for him.

A frustrated sigh was heard. He pinched the bridge of his nose, controlling his low growl.

"Call all the trackers to pull back and spend two weeks off duty," he snarled, and then walked out of the meeting room.

Two weeks was short, but it was enough kindness from him, so they did not bother.

With haste, he went to her room and took a deep inhale of her scent, which was faintly there. He walked onto her bed and slumped his body on the white mattress, sniffing her pillows in between.


Zainne was his home.

Everything was in the same order. The blankets she once used were never touched by anyone except him. It was what was keeping him calm.

The only memory he tried to reminisce about was her dashing smile and their first euphoric kiss.

It was morning when he took a stroll in the forest alone. The sun was shining, and the breeze was cold. He took large breaths.

"How could you?"

His head snapped at a familiar voice. He was speechless. He held his breath.

Her mesmerizing, stormy gray eyes teared with blood. And her once enchanting face and soft skin were full of a small gash of scars. Her cheeks were sunken, and hatred eyes stared back at him.

She wore a bloody, torn t-shirt and rugged short pants that barely hugged her skinny legs.

He was in complete bewilderment as he tried to ponder how he found her in such a horrible state in a clearing. No, she found him.

His eyes traveled down her small form. Her ribs were protruding, and dirt and mud enveloped her skin. Standing five feet away from him.

His heart rammed loudly into his chest.

"Is this real?" he asked more to himself.

"Answer me!" she shouted, standing idly in front of him. He was taken aback by hearing her assertive and imperative tone.

"You’re back." His voice was trembling, along with his hands. He could only tear up in relief, closing their distance, and cupped the boney structure of her face. "Your f-finally back," wiping off her crimson tears with his thumbs. Her tears made his heart hammer tenfold.

"Don’t touch me!" She swatted his hands away like they burned her skin, eyeing him with such insolence.

"No!" He quickly kneeled and hugged her tightly, afraid that she would disappear again. "No, I won't! I've been waiting, and I've been good. Please! Forgive me..."

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