♬ 11- Mission Space

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At school, the bell rings and Adam, Bree, Chase and Leo come down the stairs.

"Oh, I love history class! Someone is always leaving me a little piece of gum stuck under my desk." Adam says, Bree and Leo make a disgusted face "Adam, please tell me you didn't." Chase says, Adam blows a bubble with his gum and it pops "He did. He totally did." Bree says in disgust and Chase agrees.

McKayla and Marcus enter the school talking "Oh. Guys, don't look now, but here comes that guy none of us like. Marcus." Leo looks away Marcus and McKayla walks over to them, Marcus opens his arms.

"M-dog!" Adam, Bree and Chase say together and they hug Marcus, McKayla smiles at them and walks up to Leo

"What's up!" Adam tells Marcus, Leo quickly looks indignantly at McKayla who shrugs and he stands in the middle of his sibilings and Marcus "Wait. Hold the phone. Hold the phone, hold the freaky-deaky phone." Leo takes them away from Marcus.

""M-dog"?" Leo asks "Yeah. Bro's call each other by nicknames." Chase says "Just like when we call Mack, M.C and other nicknames" Bree says, McKayla agrees.

"Well, I'm your actual bro and you don't call me by a nickname." Leo says "Actually, we do. We just choose not to do it in your presence. Mr. Tiny McLittlestein" Adam says patting Leo on the head.

"Hey, what are you guys up to this weekend?" Chase asks "Other than a Saturday morning dance audition, nothing" McKayla smiles and looks at Marcus "Ah, my dad's out of town so I'll be stuck home alone with my grandma." Marcus crosses his arms.

"Aha! You said your grandma was dead." Leo points at him, everyone looks at Leo confused "The other grandma. But thanks for reminding me. I wish I could stay with you guys for the weekend." Marcus says upset.

"And I wish you weren't a spastic sociopath with abandonment issues." Leo says "Leo, give it a rest." Chase says "Chase, none of us are safe until the FBI responds to my request for a background check on this "M-dog."" Leo says.

"Leo, take it easy, so you won't get anywhere" McKayla tells Leo, he sighs impatiently "Look, Marcus, I'm sure you can stay with us. I'll just check with Mr. Davenport." Chase says.

"You call your dad "Mr. Davenport"?" Marcus ask "Really, why do you call your father Mr Davenport?" McKayla asks "Uh, No. Pssh. No. But you do, and I wanted to make sure you knew who I was talking about." Chase says nervously.

"Okay. Cool. Thanks, guys." Marcus smiles "So...Mack, you said you were going to help me with my gym class work, right" Marcus says "Sure, let's go!" McKayla smiles gently.

"Oh Uh...see you later Mack! in chemistry class, y-you're going to be my lab partner right?" Chase asks quickly, before she leaves, McKayla smile "Of course, see ya!" McKayla waves and leaves with Marcus.

The bell rings and two football players are throwing a ball near them, Chase takes a deep breath, suddenly "Bree, watch out!" Chase screams, the football almost hits Bree, but as Chase raises his hand, it flies in another direction.

Everyone looks at each other impressed and confused "What just happened?" Bree asks "Did you just...?" Adam says "I think I just moved that ball with my mind." Chase says

"I didn't know you could do that." Leo says "Neither did I." Chase says in disbelief.

"Man, if you can do that with your mind, I wonder what I can do with mine." Adam says, Bree chuckles and puts her hand on his shoulder. "We've been wondering that for years." Bree says.

♬ *ೃ Bionic Rhythm ♬ *ೃ - Chase Davenport x Oc Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang