♬ 16 - Spike's got Talent

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In the main hallway of the school.

Chase comes up to Leo, Adam, Bree and Owen on the bench in the middle of the hall holding the yearbook.

"Did you guys see the yearbook? Everybody but me got a "Most likely to..." even Leo!" Chase complains "What? Let me see that." Leo takes the yearbook.

""Most likely never to get a 'most likely.'" I'm on the board!" Leo says excitedly "Well, that proves it. I'm completely invisible at this school." Chase says frustrated.

"Chase, that's not true. If you were invisible, I couldn't do this." Adam punches Chase.

"Chase, just because you weren't nominated doesn't mean you're invisible." Bree says "Oh, really? Yeah? What's this?" Chase shows his picture in the yearbook, his picture is a silhouette with no picture with a question mark and his name spelled wrong below.

""Chip Davenport". I'm a misnamed question mark!" Chase says irritated and closes the yearbook, Bree and Owen look at each other, stifling laughter "And on the other side everyone wrote amazing things in McKayla's "most likely to..." Chase says upset.

After discovering that McKayla has a crush on him, Chase began to see her with other eyes and reevaluate his own feelings. and since then he has given himself more and more to this feeling, without hiding it from his sibilings.

"Don't be like that Chase, have you ever seen those romance movies where the misnamed question mark ends up with the pretty, popular girl?" Leo pats him on the back "How would she want to go out with an invisible guy? Look at her!" Chase points at McKayla.

She's surrounded by people all signing their yearbooks, she laughs at something someone said to her "She's so perfect" Chase says looking at her with a sparkle in his eyes "I can see where you guys don't match" Bree says, Chase looks at her irritated.

Perry walks in "Listen up, snot-buckets! Don't forget to sign up for the annual Mission Creek High talent show. Auditions are after school, and we'll be judged, by moi. Chances are that if I don't like you, you won't get through, and I don't like any of you, so good luck." Perry laughs

Owen gets up "Talent shows are wrong! There are no winners or losers in creative expression." Owen says, Perry scoffs "Stick a paintbrush in it, Emo Sabe!" Perry leaves.

Owen turns to them "I refuse to stand by while that woman crushes the artistic souls of our student body. I'm gonna go sketch my feelings!" Owen says and leaves, Bree sighs with a smile "He is so tortured. Isn't it great?" Bree says with a smile and leaves.

"This talent show is the perfect opportunity for me to build my fan base." Leo says "Leo, you don't have a fan base." Chase says "I know. That's why I have to build one. With magic!" Leo waves his hands in front of Chase's face, who frowns at him.

"Well, that is what it would take." Chase says "No. I got a magic kit and I've been practicing, specifically for the competition." Leo says "A magic kit? Isn't that kind of lame?" Chase says.

"There is nothing lame about buying something off the Internet to make friends." Leo says he goes up to two girls with a pack of carda ,"Hello, ladies. Would you like to see a card trick?" Leo says?

"Okay, this is your card. Mm-hmm..." Leo shows a card "Hey, what's that in your hair? Bam! See? Magic." Leo removes the letter from the girl's hair and then shows it to Chase.

"You know what my problem is? All of my talents are bionic, and I can't reveal them at school and not even to McKayla" Chase says, Leo pretends to look sorry "Aw. Bionic people problems." Leo says

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