♬ 10 - Concert In a Can

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In the main school hallway

The new student, Marcus, is playing an electric guitar while Adam and Chase watch in awe.

"Oh, sweet! Look at your fingers go! It's like each one has a little brain of its own." Adam says, Marcus smiles "Thanks. You know, you guys are the only people who have talked to me at this school. I hate being the new kid." Marcus says.

"Yeah, we used to be the new kids that no one talked to. Now we're just the vaguely familiar kids that no one talks to." Chase says frustrated.

Leo and McKayla walks up to them "Hey, peeps. What's the deal-io?" Leo says, McKayla smiles "Hi. I'm Marcus." Marcus extends his hand "I know." Leo greets him "We have gym together." Leo says, Marcus looks at him as if he doesn't remember.

"And study hall." Leo says, Marcus makes a confused face "And also chemistry... We're lab partners." Leo says, McKayla frowns at Marcus "Oh. I... did not know that." Marcus says his gaze turns to McKayla.

"Nice to meet you Marcus, I'm McKayla" McKayla says greeting him "It's a beautiful name" Marcus smirks "It's a beautiful guitar" McKayla says shyly pointing at the guitar.

"Oh you like it, can you play?" Marcus asks "No, but I enjoy the music" McKayla approaches him, Marcus smiles and plays some chords for her, McKayla looks at him impressed "woah! you're really good" McKayla says in awe.

Chase suddenly takes a step closer to them quickly, making McKayla move away a little "Me too...I play...I-I've always wanted to." Chase says nervous, Adam and Leo exchange confused looks.

"Well, I'm a jammer as well. My rocking is only eclipsed by my rolling." Leo says "Evidently," McKayla says sarcastically "Leo, your mom said you played the clarinet for three weeks until you swallowed the reed." Chase says "I passed it." Leo says irritated.

"Here, Chase. You wanna give it a go?" Marcus says handing the guitar to Chase who quickly looks at McKayla and back to the guitar "W...yeah...yeah. Sure. Why not?" Chase says picking up the guitar.

Chase scans the guitar with his bionic eye and starts playing it at an expert level, jumping from the bench to the floor while shredding it. McKayla looks around confused, this was supposed to be the first time he played a guitar.

Chase stops after a bit and gets off the floor, embarrassed, handing the guitar quickly back to Marcus "Uh... What do you know? Beginner's luck." Chase says awkwardly, McKayla smiles "uh...I would call it a natural talent" McKayla says trying to make him feel less embarrassed.

Chase smiles gently at her "I agree with her" Marcus says "Thanks" Chase says.

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In the school cafeteria.

McKayla is sitting between Marcus and Chase at the table "So me and my dad moved around a lot. I was homeschooled for most of my life." Marcus says "No way! So were we! We are so similar! Do you have a third nipple too?" Adam says excitedly.

McKayla stops drinking the juice and looks at him with a strange look, Chase widens his eyes in confusion and also looks at him "Anyway... That's a pretty sweet guitar, Marcus" Chase says.

"Yeah, and you're a natural, bro! Guys! We should start a band!" Marcus suggests "That would be so cool, guys!" McKayla tells them "I'm in!" Chase automatically says, McKayla galres at him quickly.

♬ *ೃ Bionic Rhythm ♬ *ೃ - Chase Davenport x Oc Where stories live. Discover now